Tree, shrub & rhododendron specialist | Van den Berk Nurseries

Web Name: Tree, shrub & rhododendron specialist | Van den Berk Nurseries






Van den Berk Nurseries specialise in medium to very large sized trees, shrubs and rhododendrons. With around 450 hectares and a range that encompasses more than 1600 species and cultivars, we are one of the largest nurseries in Europe. Each day, more than 100 employees working at three locations use their knowledge and passion to cultivate, sell and deliver top quality trees to customers across 35 countries.The trees end up in assorted locations such as city centres, business premises, parks and private gardens. This process involves our working closely with landscape architects and contractors, project developers, greenery managers, garden designers and gardeners, enabling us jointly to complete the most successful greenery projects, and that is a source of great pride for us! Read more about our company.Get instant insight into the availability of shapes and sizes and the prices that apply to you. View the status of your open quotations online and convert them to an order with one click.How can we work together to benefit more from greenery in a rapidly changing world? Which tree species seem climate-proof? Can we select better cultivars? How can we cultivate them sustainably and efficiently? How can we plant more trees in urban environments? And how can we ensure that those trees have a future? These are the questions that we aim to answer and that we explore on a daily basis at Van den Berk Nurseries, working in partnership with our customers. We share the findings and outcomes of this ongoing process under the name TREEVOLUTION, which is split into four categories: Growth, Sustainability, Innovation and Education.Read more...Our team of professionals will be happy to assist you. Plan a nursery visit and discover our wide range in Trees, Shrubs and Rhododendrons.A suitable tree can be found for any location, however small or narrow, wet or dry, windy or shaded it may be. In difficult places, the site will need some preparation but there are lots of options available and we are happy to advise you find the right one. If you would like to examine these options for yourself, our search filters will let you choose from more than 1600 trees, shrubs and rhododendrons, all of which are available in Europe. We have listed some of the options available for a number of specific situations.View all solutionsWell-chosen trees and shrubs make a valuable contribution to the quality of the outdoor space, whether we are talking public areas or private gardens. For this reason, we work closely with our customers to ensure the successful completion of projects that everyone can be proud of.View all projects

TAGS:rhododendron specialist Tree 

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Europe’s largest range of trees, shrubs and rhododendrons. The specialist in medium to large-sized trees ✓ Over 1750 species ✓ 500+ ha of nursery

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