Natural Health and Wellness - Texas Holistic Healing

Web Name: Natural Health and Wellness - Texas Holistic Healing






Welcome! My mission is to help everyone live a better quality of life. Having over 25 years in the natural health industry (retired Naturopath), I'm branching out now to include other aspects of one's life. It's super important to have a good quality of health and natural medicines can help you achieve that. But it's equally important to have good relationships, enjoy a lot of fun in your life, work at a job that you absolutely LOVE and achieve financial abundance and freedom. You can have it all! If you're ready to make some changes in your life, I'd love to help guide you and offer phone appointments to help coach and mentor you in your life.Natural Health and WellnessNaturopaths suggest nutritional and lifestyle changes for you to make in your life and offer suggestions for natural and herbal therapies you can take to help you find your healthy balance again.These suggestions can be simple things like a hot bath with Epsom Salts or certain types of teas to drink. They can also be more in-depth nutritional therapies where herbal extracts or essential oils would be recommended to correct an imbalance within the body.My personal passion is to help as many people as possible and open their eyes to "another way" to look at health. The way that doesn't include 10 different prescription drug medications (the average number of prescriptions of a new patient that comes to my clinic).The way that says there are things you can do - simple things - to maintain your health, to get healthy (if you're not right now) and to stay healthy for the rest of your life! My hope for this website is that it will expose you to different ideas and resources of natural things you can do in your life to help your body be healthier!It is my wish and passion to share with you resources, ideas, healthy recipes, and knowledge so you are better able to help yourself and your family and friends. This information will emphasize making lifestyle changes, getting stress relief, and making nutritional recommendations, all of which will help in the prevention of disease!If you are truly ready to put your health first, I invite you to visit my About page to learn about me and how I work. Be sure to review my Healthy Solutions section, as it is filled with lots of great health tips and information about natural healing and naturopathy.I am happy to answer any questions about the natural health services I provide, so feel free to Contact Me. No matter where you live, I can assist you with your health and help you feel better! All my consultations are provided over the phone, so they can be done at your convenience and from the comfort and privacy of your home. The sooner you call, the sooner you will be feeling like your old self again.

TAGS:and Health Natural 

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Melissa Wood is a natural health coach who offers Holistic Healing services for natural health and wellness. Along with free natural health tips, she offers

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