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Kingdom Springing ForthKingdom of God Spring on Earth as it is In Heaven Garden of Eden Restored from Heaven On Earth As It Is In Heaven In The Home and The Worship Gathering Worshiping in His Presence Changes Us Kingdom GloryA New Morning of His Glory is Dawning CfaN Christ for all Nations https://cfan.org/ Ministry of Reinhard Bonnke and Daniel Kolenda .Kingdom Transformation From Religion To RelationshipIn God’s presence we are changed by His love. To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. (Colossians  1:27).But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. (Matthew 6:33).For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. (Romans 14:17). OpenHeaven.comDigestA weekly email free publication of News Views of what God is doing worldwide and Kingdom Prophetic Articles written and selected to give you the heart of what God is doing and saying.Subscribe to OpenHeaven.com DigestClick Here Abp. Viganò warns Trump about ‘Great Reset’ plot to ‘subdue humanity,’ destroy freedom OPEN LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A global plan called the Great Reset is underway. Its architect is a global élite that wants to subdue all of humanity, imposing coercive measures with which to drastically limit individual freedoms and those of entire populations. In several nations this plan has already been approved and financed; in others it is still in an early stage. Behind the world leaders who are the accomplices and executors of this infernal project, there are unscrupulous characters who finance the World Economic Forum and Event 201, promoting their agenda.read more HE WHO SITS IN THE HEAVENS LAUGHS! “JUSTICE IS MINE” SAYS THE LORD Lana Vawser I then heard the Lord say “JUSTICE IS MINE” says the Lord. There is going to be a divine demonstration of the justice of God that is going to be seen in the United States of America. The demonstration of the Lord’s power and His justice to “OVERTURN” is upon the United States of America. “With My mighty hand, I shall overturn the plans of the wicked” I then heard the words thundering… “My people, you are about to see a major demonstration of the POWER OF MY PROPHETIC VOICE in the earth”read more AMERICA HAVE A SEAT by Lisa Great America, America don’t doubt the words of My prophets who told you the truth about this day. Both modern and ancient prophets spoke of this day, they spoke for Me not for themselves. Trust My words that came through their mouths and do not fear. Open your eyes to learn about My ways, for the prophet, priest and king David told you in Psalm 23:5 “I prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies; I have anointed your head with oil; Your cup overflows.” What you are seeing is the enemies of this nation being exposed for all to see, but you, America, are sitting at the table with Me.read more Jesus Is Your Amazing Door of Hope Kathie Walters What a year we have had, full of great opportunities to strengthen our faith. Someone told me the other day that they felt like they had been in a submarine that was just resurfacing. During this time, we have all had a lot of rearranging to do. People have been moving physically, and so many have been moving forward spiritually. There has been a shaking; but you know, when Paul and Silas were in the inner jail, they shouted and praised God. The inner prison which they were held in was .read more God s Big Story VIDEO Joseph Mattera https://youtu.be/MaEtjSqrSRI This is one of the most precise and accurately scriptural overview presentations of the real kingdom of God that I have every viewed. If you desire some clarification of the biblical reality of the kingdom of God in your life and the world...read more Kingdom of God Books – By Ron McGatlin – Free Download pdf *Kingdom Growth Guides - *Overcoming Life On A Small Planet - *The Seventh Millennium - *The Basileia Letters Volumes 1 2 - *I Saw The Smithton Outpouring - *End of This Age - *A Modern-Day Parable - *Kingdom Business Transformation - *Kingdom Basics, God's...read more Jesus began His ministry with these words: “…The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent you, and believe the Gospel.” Mark 1:15 His next words were to two fishermen, while they were working at their trade. “And Jesus said to them, Come you after...read more Can there be a truly spiritual organic church with Christ Jesus as Head in the framework of Apostolic Networks? To answer this we will need a cohesive understanding of the definition of the terms. Words mean different things to different people, and in this time of...read more In the 90's, I spent over a year alone in my log cabin in the piney woods area of East Texas. The Lord was with me in a very personal way and was my only constant companion. About sunrise most mornings I walked the short distance from my cabin to what I called my...read more The goal of the ministry of the church. The primary goal is not a bigger group, more activities or better services, it is not even benevolent acts, nor greater prosperity, and not even more and better evangelism, neither is it healing or emotional healing and...read more The greatest and most glorious expression of church is the soon coming Bride of Christ, New Jerusalem, kingdom age church. The major shift from the "church or man emphasis age church" to the "kingdom or God emphasis age church" is perhaps the most exciting event since...read more "Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Mtt 6:10 The Scriptures promise a golden era of human history. An era when the kingdom comes to earth - when all men will live in peace and justice. Despite the marring of sin, man (male and female),...read more We have entered the time of transition to the kingdom of God. God is sending forth His sons empowered from heaven to establish His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Many are having supernatural encounters with God today! - Encounters for empowerment to establish...read more Abp. Viganò warns Trump about ‘Great Reset’ plot to ‘subdue humanity,’ destroy freedom OPEN LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A global plan called the Great Reset is underway. Its architect is a global élite that wants to subdue all of humanity, imposing coercive measures with which to drastically limit individual freedoms and those of entire populations. In several nations this plan has already been approved and financed; in others it is still in an early stage. Behind the world leaders who are the accomplices and executors of this infernal project, there are unscrupulous characters who finance the World Economic Forum and Event 201, promoting their agenda.read more DO NOT FEAR. HOLD ON. GOD IS HAS A SURPRISE FOR ALL OF US. On election day morning, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, “Something you are not expecting is going to happen tonight. But do not fear, because God has a surprise for all of you.” Then I watched as Fox News prematurely announced that Biden had won Arizona. It...read more Arrests becoming an occupational hazard for pastors in India Being arrested is becoming a regular occurrence for pastors in India on the back of growing religious nationalism, warns  Christian charity  Open Doors. Mahesh, a pastor in his early 50s, is troubled with constant false accusations of forcing people to convert to Christianity. The charity says that more and more pastors in the country face arrest and detention on charges of breaking anti-conversion laws. For many of them it is now ‘part of the job’.read more World Mission taking water, audio Bibles into Kenyan “No Man’s Zone” Kenya (MNN) — The vast majority of Gospel ministry in Kenya takes place in Nairobi and other western parts of the country. Venture north towards the Kenya-Somalia border and things can get dicey for followers of Christ. However, that is exactly what World Mission and their partners are doing.read more Tens of Thousands Worship Jesus on the National Mall in DC God s Moving in America : Over 35,000 Lift up Jesus in Let Us Worship Rally on National Mall in DC We ve been in a season of pain, discord, violence, and fear, but Jesus is reminding us that He died on the cross so we can live fully even in the middle of a pandemic. We re going to leave this field as the happiest group of Christians because of His glory. Wake up Church, come alive and arise. The glory of the Lord arises on you. -Sean Feuchtread more What God Spoke About Trump, QAnon, High Level Exposures and More! Johnny Enlow with Steve Shultz Steve Shultz interviewed Johnny Enlow LIVE on October 22, 2020. Johnny discussed what God spoke to him before Trump was president and how it would change the world, high level corruption and exposures happening, and so much more! You won t want to miss out on this extremely revealing interview with Johnny Enlow and Steve Shultz! Watch the replay now.read more FBI Asks Hunter Biden’s Ex-Business Partner Tony Bobulinski for Interview: Senate Committee The FBI on Friday requested an interview with Hunter Biden’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee said in a statement. Bobulinski’s lawyers told the committee that besides asking for a sit-down interview, they requested copies of his phones.read more Comments Box SVG iconsUsed for the like, share, comment, and reaction iconsRon McGatlin 5 hours ago Trump Wins North Carolina: Projection ... See MoreSee LessTrump Wins North Carolina: Projectionwww.theepochtimes.comPresident Donald Trump won the state of North Carolina in the 2020 election, according to a new projection. ... View CommentsLikes: 0Shares: 0Comments: 0Comment on FacebookRon McGatlin 14 hours ago Election 2020: This Is What We Know So Far ... See MoreSee LessPlayView CommentsLikes: 0Shares: 0Comments: 0Comment on FacebookRon McGatlin 1 day ago National Black Pro-Life President Tells Christians Who Support President Trump: This May Very Well be Our Jericho! - OpenHeaven.com ... See MoreSee LessNational Black Pro-Life President Tells Christians Who Support President Trump: This May Very Well be Our Jericho! - OpenHeaven.comwww.openheaven.com"Where would we be if the disciples had not gone out to spread the Gospel? Where would we be if they had just stayed in the upper room praying? They -- Bernie, Hunter Biden, Jerico, Joe Biden, main st... View CommentsLikes: 0Shares: 0Comments: 0Comment on FacebookRon McGatlin 2 days ago President-Elect Biden? The Courts Will Have the Final Word: 'The Media Don't Get to Select Our President' ... See MoreSee LessPresident-Elect Biden? The Courts Will Have the Final Word: The Media Don t Get to Select Our President www1.cbn.comThe mainstream media may have already coronated Joe Biden "president-elect,' but the legal challenges over alleged voting irregularities begin today. View CommentsLikes: 0Shares: 0Comments: 0Comment on FacebookRon McGatlin 3 days ago Heidi Baker - Trusting Jesus above all else ... See MoreSee LessView CommentsLikes: 0Shares: 1Comments: 0Comment on FacebookRon McGatlin 3 days ago Iris Global | Missionary NGO to Mozambique, Africa the World, Sponsor a Child, School for Ministry ... See MoreSee LessIris Global | Missionary NGO to Mozambique, Africa the World, Sponsor a Child, School for Ministryirisglobal.us14.list-manage.comThe primary mission of Iris Global as a family is to seek the face of God with all our hearts, that we might glorify Him and enjoy Him forever. We proclaim Jesus. He is our salvation, our prize, our r... View CommentsLikes: 1Shares: 0Comments: 0Comment on FacebookRon McGatlin 3 days ago youtu.be/Mc6qsI5bYts ... See MoreSee LessView CommentsLikes: 0Shares: 0Comments: 0Comment on FacebookRon McGatlin 4 days ago EXPOSE EXPOSE EXPOSE - Lou Engle - OpenHeaven.com ... See MoreSee LessEXPOSE EXPOSE EXPOSE - Lou Engle - OpenHeaven.comwww.openheaven.comExpose, Expose, Lou Engle, Video, election fraud, prayer, fasting, -- election, expose, fasting, intervention, prayer, video View CommentsLikes: 0Shares: 0Comments: 0Comment on FacebookRon McGatlin 5 days ago A Mess in Michigan: Computer Glitch in Program Used in 32 Counties, Plus 138,000 Sudden Votes for Biden ... See MoreSee LessA Mess in Michigan: Computer Glitch in Program Used in 32 Counties, Plus 138,000 Sudden Votes for Bidenwww1.cbn.comOfficials in Michigan are taking a closer look at skewed election results in Republican-heavy Antrim County located in the northern part of the state that could add roughly 5,000 votes to the totals f... View CommentsLikes: 0Shares: 0Comments: 0Comment on FacebookRon McGatlin 5 days ago Connie Johnson was live. Detroit ballot counting - OpenHeaven.com ... See MoreSee LessConnie Johnson was live. Detroit ballot counting - OpenHeaven.comwww.openheaven.comConnie Johnson was live. Detroit ballot counting -- ballot counting, Detroit, ellection, fraud View CommentsLikes: 0Shares: 0Comments: 0Comment on FacebookRon McGatlin 5 days ago Abp. Viganò warns Trump about ‘Great Reset’ plot to ‘subdue humanity,’ destroy freedom - OpenHeaven.com ... See MoreSee LessAbp. Vigan warns Trump about Great Reset plot to subdue humanity, destroy freedom - OpenHeaven.comwww.openheaven.comOPEN LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - A global plan called the Great Reset is underway. Its architect is a global élite that wants to subdue all of humanity, imposing coerciv... View CommentsLikes: 0Shares: 0Comments: 0Comment on FacebookRon McGatlin 6 days ago DO NOT FEAR. HOLD ON. GOD IS HAS A SURPRISE FOR ALL OF US. - OpenHeaven.com ... See MoreSee LessDO NOT FEAR. HOLD ON. GOD IS HAS A SURPRISE FOR ALL OF US. - OpenHeaven.comwww.openheaven.comOn election day morning, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, “Something you are not expecting is going to happen tonight. But do not fear, because God -- 'Censorship of Christian Events, Abortion,... View CommentsLikes: 2Shares: 0Comments: 0Comment on FacebookRon McGatlin 6 days ago The Wave Called 'Change' Is Crashing In! Donna Rigney - OpenHeaven.com ... See MoreSee Less The Wave Called Change Is Crashing In! Donna Rigney - OpenHeaven.comwww.openheaven.comOn 10/19/2020, the Lord brought me in the spirit and showed me what is coming to the world—especially to our nation. For those who have been serving Him and following Him, these changes that are com... View CommentsLikes: 0Shares: 0Comments: 0Comment on FacebookRon McGatlin 6 days ago AMERICA HAVE A SEAT by Lisa Great - OpenHeaven.com ... See MoreSee LessAMERICA HAVE A SEAT by Lisa Great - OpenHeaven.comwww.openheaven.comAmerica, America don’t doubt the words of My prophets who told you the truth about this day. Both modern and ancient prophets spoke of this day, they spoke for Me not for themselves. Trust My words ... View CommentsLikes: 0Shares: 3Comments: 0Comment on FacebookRon McGatlin 6 days ago Jesus Is Your Amazing Door of Hope - Kathie Walters - OpenHeaven.com ... See MoreSee Less Jesus Is Your Amazing Door of Hope - Kathie Walters - OpenHeaven.comwww.openheaven.comWhat a year we have had, full of great opportunities to strengthen our faith. Someone told me the other day that they felt like they had been in a submarine that was just resurfacing. During this time... View CommentsLikes: 0Shares: 0Comments: 0Comment on FacebookLoad more

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Kingdom Transformation – From Religion To Relationship In God’s presence we are changed by His love. Perhaps the greatest shift since the first century is the current transformation of the church from a focus on religious form and rituals to an intimate love relationship with God in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit.

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