The Rhythm Junks

Web Name: The Rhythm Junks






Solo album Steven De bruyn Steven has been working on his first solo album "The Eternal Perhaps" that will be released on Januari 10th 2020 by Dox Records / Musicmania, with a release concert in Ancienne Belgique Brussels, Handelsbeurs Gent and Rataplan Antwerp. This album has been recorded by Géraldine Capart @ Détours Studio Brussels and Gam Studio Waimes. Concert info on Here's a little teaser. Jasper Hautekiet will join in on double bass. Hope to see you all there! Paradise Blues In the fall of 2019 theatermaker Jessa Wildemeersch and Steven are teaming up to create a fascinating play about different visions on afterlife, looking into the past and dealing with the now. Première on November 14 @OPEK Leuven. Script and play Jessa Wildemeersch, Music Steven De bruyn, Dramaturgy Els Theunis & Fien Leysen, Stage Design Saskia Louwaard, Film Julie De Clercq, Costume Joëlle Meerbergen, Sound Stefan De Reese & Tom Buys, Technique Kishan Singh, Production Ellen Haesevoets. All info on China call We've been invited again to play some concerts in China. This will be our third tour there and we're curious because this will be our first time as a trio. Last passage was in 2009 and we're very excited to go back! Suite for the last mine 25 Years ago the coalmine of Zolder had to close down. This brought also the rich coalmining era in the Benelux to an end. Together with MUZE JAZZ ORCHESTRA and the EXSULTATE CHOIR and video compilation by Remo Perotti & Levi Calcagnile, Steven will play the Suite For The Last Mine in his hometown Heusden-Zolder. Performances on September 30, October 1, 7 and 8. Don't miss out. Tickets on New video - The Game is Up This wicked video has been shot by director Daniel Lambo (Duts, Los Flamencos, Traumland, Dry Branches of Iran,…). Last weekend his newest movie "De Figurant" went in première at the Filmfestival of Ostend, but in between the preparations for that film he made time for The Game is Up. Known for his guerrilla-style Lambo took care of the camerawork himself. The video hints at the "Beware of Mr. Baker"-docu about the life of drummer and enfant terrible Ginger Baker. The uncooperative bouncer is played by Luc Dufourmont, the singer of IDiOTS! Homage to Toots With the passing of one of our greatest inspirers' Toots Thielemans, who had played with Tony in the past, StuBru asked us to play a little tribute to this fantastic musician and one of the greatest harmonicaplayers ever. Later on we also played Goodbye (Ode to Toots) @Radio 1. Thank you Toots for your kindness, humour, passion and eternal inspiration! Kanazawa & Osaka Off to Japan again! This time we'll be playing May 25th till 29 in Kanazawa, a city that is connected to our hometown Ghent in The Fourth High School Memorial Park, Ishikawa. Kanazawa here we come! The second part we'll be playing Osaka from the 1st till the 5th of June in the Shin Umeda City (Wonder Square). Sayonara! Wanderland "Not all those who wander are lost". Gertjan Van Hellemont (aka Douglas Firs) invited Steven for a wanderwalk in Radio 1's Wanderland, also available as Podcast. Germany We'll be doing a nice clubtour in Germany from Bremen to Berlin, from Kiel to Karlsruhe and from Chemnitz to Stuttgart. Looking forward to see you there! SRF VIRUS (CH): "Zum Glück haben die Jungs trotz aller Unterschiede aber ins selbe Einmachglas gefunden und sondern frisch und süss und leicht.” SLEAZEMAG (DE): “The Rhythm Junks schaffen es trotz fehlender Gitarre einen Sound zu erschaffen. Genau dieser originelle Sound sorgt für einen Überraschungsmoment, wenn man die Platte einlegt.” AMUSIO (DE): “It Takes A While hat Charme, Witz und Wärme. Nur ein tumber Tor wird sich dem verwehren wollen.” TERRORVERLAG (DE): “Irgendwie cool, irgendwie schräg, irgendwie anders.” FOCUS KNACK: “Als Triggerfinger vet is en Balthazar droog, dan bivakkeren de Junks op de malse groene vlakte daartussenin. Met blijkbaar net zoveel exportwaarde als die twee andere bands. In muzikaal opzicht zijn The Rhythm Junks een wereldband, die lak heeft aan conventies, en een onmiskenbaar eigen karakter heeft.” DE STANDAARD: “Rariteitenkabinet met groove.” ROOTSTIME: “Een aanrader voor wie muziek beluistert zonder oogkleppen.” DE MORGEN: “Tussen beuzelend en briljant.” PARIS-MOVE (FR): "Un tout aussi improbale melting pot de new-wave ethnico-musette, où les ombres de New Order, de Kusturica et de Toots Thielemans s’invitent.” FESTIVALINFO (NL): “Het blijft bijzonder dat een trio in staat is om zo`n spannende sound te creëren. Het trio levert een sterke plaat die getuigt van spelplezier, inventiviteit en een uniek geluid.” Thanks to Popup-Records and the Flemish government for their support! Headphone City Headphone City is our second single and the opening track of our new album It Takes a While. The "Headphone" doesn't need to be taken too literally! For this clip we cooperated with our friend Daniel Lambo of Lambofilms (Duts, Dry Branches of Iran, Traumland and Los Flamencos). We have worked together in the past composing the soundtrack of Los Flamencos. Check it with your friends! Why Would I Worry Our first single of the new album "It Takes a While" is "Why Would I Worry". We were thrilled to work together with director Benny Vandendriessche (Drift, Manngold, Daan, Bobbejaan Schoepen) for the one take video of this song. It's a real time concept with an absurd element. Share if you care! We've got a NEW Album 'It Takes a While' coming! Our new album will be released on the 5th of February 2016. We'll start off the tour with a release show in the AB-club Brussels. Here's an acoustic take on the title track we've just done in our latest AB Session. Steven wins the triennial Eikenloof award Steven wins the triennial cultural Eikenloof award in his hometown "Heusden-Zolder". Jef Ulburghs, Marleen Daniëls and Fred Brouwers have been the previous laureates. Steven's #mijnverhaal in his hometown Heusden-Zolder In a series of 8 mine stories in the region of Limburg, director Stijn Coninx has filmed Steven in his hometown Heusden-Zolder about his childhood impressions. You can see the Short Story here. For more info on this project go to Hiroshima, Kyoto & Sendai (Japan) We've had many unforgettable moments in Hiroshima, Kyoto and Sendai trying out some of the new songs. One of the highlights was the meeting with Koto and Taiko drum player Tsubasa Hori in Kyoto. Our friend Pieter-Jan De Smet made this Impression. Thank you BBW for the invitation! Recording a New album We are currently working on our new album and are excited about the new songs. More news on the release soon! Action "Kom op tegen Kanker" Steven has been contributing to the new national campaign song of "Kom op tegen kanker!" (Stand Up Against Cancer!). More info and the video on Iedereen is van de wereld. 10 Years Anniversary Concert & FREE NEW SINGLE Happy Birthday to us. We'd like to treat you on some earcandy. Download our new single Shining in the rain for free! Hope to see you all on our tin Anniversary concert on thursday 19th of March in the Handelsbeurs Gent, with some of our musical friends. Marie Daulne (Zap Mama), Filip Casteels (El Fish), Eugene Chadbourne (USA), Mariana Tootsie (BE/GRE) and The Rhythm Junks Horns will all join the bus! Available in the USA Our music will be available in the USA from now on through DWM Music Company. Nairobi Harmonica Express The Nairobi Harmonica Express has just taken off! We've decided to set up this project after visiting the Ghetto Classics project in Korogocho in February. We've collected harmonica's for the school and will teach the kids how to play them with the help of some Ghetto Classics graduates. Now the harmonica's have arrived, we are thrilled to find out where the "Nairobi Harmonica Express" eventually will lead to and we hope it's going to be a beautiful, funny and inspiring trip for everyone involved! Hohner Rocket! HOHNER Music honours Steven's harmonica playing by choosing him as the face for their new ROCKET harmonica, the latest addition to the "Progressive Line". To announce the new release, they made this portrait of Steven. The Hohner Rocket is a great enhancement of the classic Special 20. Thank you Hohner! Supports for Balthazar and Triggerfinger We'll do some supports for these two great Belgian bands in Switzerland (Balthazar) and Germany (Triggerfinger) in April. Check our concert agenda for more info! Safaricom International Jazz Festival was great! We had a great time in Nairobi performing on the first "Safaricom International Jazz Festival". We got such a warm welcome and teamed up with great local and international musicians. A very special moment for us was the visit of a beautiful music project in the Korogocho slum called "Ghetto Classics". We've decided to support this project in the future! For impressions and reviews, check out our Fb-page. Here's a video-compilation made by Fredrick Kiarie. Supports Triggerfinger and Balthazar The Rhythm Junks have been invited by Triggerfinger and Balthazar to play some of their supports in Germany in Switzerland. Kenya The Rhythm Junks have been invited to play in Nairobi on the "Safaricom International Jazz Festival, a journey of a thousand miles". This will be our first concert as a band in Africa. We are very happy to take part in this festival! Happy 2014 Bye Bye 2013. Thank you for all your support and friendship. We wish you may may, may dream and may beat your borders in 2014!!! Some People We've teamed up with Wouter Bouvijn and Thomas Nolf again to shoot our video for Some People. It shows Steven as a mysterious taxidermist and Jasper and Tony as hunters. No animals have been hurt during the shooting of this music video! Germany, Switzerland, Austria We are getting great reactions on our release in the GSA. Practise your German here: TERRORVERLAG: "Das ist einfach rhythmische Musik mit hohem Wiedererkennungswert und einem unvergleichlichen Spaßfaktor. Irgendwie cool, irgendwie schräg, irgendwie anders"; JOINMUSIC: "Beim Durchhören und Genießen wird man gemütlich in eine andere Welt verschwinden, sich am Ende etwas reifer fühlen"; MUSIKBLOG: "Eine seltsame, erstaunliche, schwer zu beschreibende Platte, die sowohl den Nebenbei- als auch Intensiv-Test mühelos besteht"; BELIEVE DIGITAL: "Der Song an sich wird in den Vordergrund geholt und verknüpft das neue Album zu einem starken Ganzen"; SRF VIRUS: "Zum Glück haben die Jungs trotz aller Unterschiede aber ins selbe Einmachglas gefunden und liefern mit Some People einen Song ab, der gar nicht sauer schmeckt – sondern im Gegenteil - frisch und süss und leicht". We like all animals! Sabam made a nice video of our performance at the Zoo of Antwerp. Some People Some People is Song der Woche on SRF Virus in Switzerland. Los Flamencos We've had a lot of fun working on the soundtrack of Los Flamencos. Watch the trailer here! Release Germany On October 18 our record "Beaten Borders" will be released in Germany, Switserland and Austria through Popup Records. BBW Fukuoka Japan We've had such a good time at the Belgian Beer Weekend in Fukuoka. Wanna say thank you, merci, arigato at everyone who made this festival possible! For some impressions, like Polar Bear Tony San, see our Fb-page. Soundtrack Los Flamencos We are in a mariachi mood! Steven, Jasper & Tony are working on the soundtrack of Daniel Lambo's new movie "Los Flamencos". New single Drowning Sailors with NEW CLIP Wouter Bouvijn did it again. After getting into the selection of the final 9 for a student Oscar with his debut "Tweesprong", Wouter shot our new clip in Andalusia (Spain). Look-a-here! Beaten Borders WORLDWIDE! Good news for our international friends and fans. Beaten Borders is available worldwide @ Itunes NOW! BOBBY EWING REMIX Our friend Dj Bobby Ewing made an 80's Dance Remix of Checking In. Listen here!. Beaten Borders PRESS For a summary of what the press has to say about the new Beaten Borders album, look-a-here! Pre-listen the new album on De Standaard! If you are wondering how the new album may sound, listen here on The Rhythm Junks play "Some People" The Rhythm Junks have been playing an acoustic AB-session. Check it out here! Pre-Order your BEATEN BORDERS now! For those who wish to pre-order and receive our new album 'Beaten Borders' on the 1st of March, visit Mister T : Checking In CLIP Our first clip from the forthcoming album 'Beaten Borders' is ready, look-a-here! Checking In Our first single from the forthcoming album 'Beaten Borders' is out now on Itunes, check iTunes. Beaten Borders Our new album 'Beaten Borders' will be out on the 1st of March 2013! It will be out at Gentle Recordings and distributed by Universal. We'll play 3 release concerts in Brussels (28/2), Antwerp (1/3) and Ghent (3/3), we hope to see you all there. Better get your tickets now! Radio 1 Sessions Steven De bruyn & Roland Van Campenhout are the curators of the Radio 1 session of October. They have invited Admiral Freebee, The Hong Kong Dong, Mauro, Pieter-Jan De Smet, Bob Brozman and the Rhythm Junks! We are looking forward to this exciting night! Mixing Time ! The Rhythm Junks are currently mixing their third full album in the ICP Studio Brussels. Glasgow The Rhythm Junks have been invited to play the Glasgow Unesco City of Music Event on the 3rd of August 2012. We'll play the Experience Stage at 4PM and at 6:20PM! For info see Studio Time ! The Rhythm Junks are ready to record their third full album. We'll go into the studio now arelease in the beginning of 2013! The new album will be produced by Geoffrey Burton (Pop Off, Hong Kong Dong, Daan). We are ready to record the new songs. Japan The Rhythm Junks have been invited to play on the Belgian Beer Weekend in Hisaya Odori Nagoya from april 26 'till the 30st. Roland Van Campenhout and Pieter-Jan De Smet are coming along for some fine Belgian music. Beats of Love We had a lot of fun in the studio of De Laatste Show, the Belpop classic we choose to cover Nacht und Nebel's "Beats of Love". De Laatste Show On Februari 6, 7, 8 and 9 The Rhythm Junks will be the band of De Laatste Show. That week, some places are left for our fans, mail Be quick, limited places!!! De Laatste Show. Wintervuur 2012 The Rhythm Junks will be playing @ Wintervuur 2012 in Hoboken on Jan 7. Steven and Jasper will play in the theaterplay "Rosie & Moussa" on this festival. MIA'S 2011 Steven has been nominated for a Music Industry Award for best musician. MILES AWAY Miles Away wins the award for Short Film Best Music @ DocUtah Film Festival. The music was cand performed by Steven. One Night Stand @ StuBru The Rhythm Junks visited Otto-Jan Ham's One Night Stand @ StuBru and played 3 songs livestudio. Watch here! GENT (BE) Steven De bruyn Invites Osama Abdulrasol @ ENTR GENT (BE) Steven De bruyn Invites Niels Verheest @ ENTR GENT (BE) ENTR w/ Fulco Ottervanger & Nicolas Kummert HEULE (BE) Toots Thielemans tribute in OC De Voncke AARSCHOT (BE) Symfonieorkest Zuiderkempen invites Steven De bruyn HEUSDEN-ZOLDER (BE) Muze Jazz Orchestra Invites Steven De bruyn AACHEN (GER) Muze Jazz Orchestra Invites Steven De bruyn BOLOGNA (IT) Armonica Soirée - Giardino Davide Penazzi HIROSHIMA (JP) BBW Former Hiroshima Municipal Stadium NOYELLES-SOUS-BELLONNE (FR) Chez Oim Festival w/ Marie Daulne (Zap Mama), Filip Casteels (EL Fish), Eugene Chadbourne (USA), Mariana Tootsie & Rhythm Junks Horns ANTWERPEN (BE) Sunshine Concert @ De Coninckplein 31-05-2014 GENT (BE) Vooruit (Exclusive Clubshow with special guests Fulco Ottervanger and Dj Vindictiv.) DRESDEN (DE) GrooveStation (w/ Triggerfinger) 23-02-2014 NAIROBI (KEN) Safaricom International Jazz Festival Nairobi @ Ngong Racecourse

TAGS:The Rhythm Junks 

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The Rhythm Junks...Think about pickles when you try to understand The Rhythm Junks. Pickles are the tasty combination of three vegetables, one would not easily combine : gherkin, cauliflower and silver onion. The Rhythm Junks are much alike. They have jazz, pop, rock, blues, folk, roots and soul in their genes.

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