Sharing Hope for Today | Joel Osteen

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This months offer as a thank you for a gift of any amount, is our portable Inspiration cube. This audio device doubles as a Bluetooth speaker with high-quality sound and optional headphone port. With OVER 400 of Joel s most requested inspiring uplifting messages and 31 affirmations plus more, all with just a touch of a button. Who Do You Say You Are? Joel Osteen - October 04, 2020 Life is full of voices that will try to define you. But you are not who people say you are; you are who God says you are. If you’re going to reach your destiny, you have to go back to what God says about you. Who Do You Say You Are? Joel Osteen - October 04, 2020 Life is full of voices that will try to define you. But you are not who people say you are; you are who God says you are. If you’re going to reach your destiny, you have to go back to what God says about you. Today s Word: Oct 08, 2020 When you let your feelings control you--anger, impatience, lust, a negative attitude--your walls of defense are down. The enemy can come in and run your life. God has given us self-control. Quit saying, "I can't stop it. It's too hard." You have the ability, but self-control is like a muscle. If you never discipline yourself to walk away when you feel like taking the easy way out, then your self-control muscle is very weak. You have to start exercising it by saying no to your flesh. You have a destiny to fulfill. But as long as you are controlled by these ordinary impulses, God can't release the amazing things He has in store for your future. Spiritual maturity has nothing to do with how many years you've been in church or how long you've known the Lord. It has everything to do with what kind of fruit you are displaying. Are you ruling over your emotions? Have you signed up yet? Get your inspirational message in your inbox every day.EMPTY OUT THE NEGATIVEAre you living worried, discouraged, fearful? That s taking up space for the good things that belong to you. In this new book, Joel shows you how to empty out the negative so you can have better relationships, greater joy, more creativity and live your best life. Over a period of time I had been talking and praying with a woman whose desire for reconciliation in her marriage had become the total focus and thrust of her life, as though there could be nothing new in her life until her husband came back. I told her, "Listen, you can' stay stuck this way. You can't stop living. Keep believing, but don't wait for this prayer to be answered and then you'll make plans for your life. You're too valuable. You have gifts and talents. Be the best you can be and take on the new challenges that God has for you now."I could say that to her because several years ago I had gone through a long period of feeling overwhelmed by a challenge that was so discouraging and wasn't changing. There were times when all I wanted to do was hide away at home, and I went through days when I had all I could do to push through feelings of defeat. Have you ever felt that way? Finally, one day God spoke to me and said, "You cannot live like this. You were made to shine. You need to look out beyond this problem because I have new opportunities. I am still working in the middle of your difficulty."Are you too focused on a problem that is trying to diminish your joy? The Bible says, "The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day" (Proverbs 4:18). It doesn't say some days are meant to be bright and others dim. It says that even in a dark season we are to have a joy and passion for life. Jesus prayed that we may have "the full measure" of His joy within us (John 17:13). He wants us to "shine in this world like stars in the sky" (Philippians 2:15) and live with enthusiasm and with expectancy of what He can do in our lives.I believe that God has a word for someone who is reading this today. Don't focus so much on an area of your life that needs to change or on something you want to happen. Don't make your plans around an unanswered prayer. God has new things springing up even now (Isaiah 43:18--19). He is saying, "I will make a way through what feels like a wilderness. There are new opportunities, new ways of doing things, and new growth for you. Tap into the light and the joy that I have given you. Keep your eyes on Me and let the light of My face shine on you. No darkness can ever overcome it!" READ BLOG ENTRY On Facebook The enemy will work overtime to try to steal your sense of value, your sense of worth. He knows if he can distort your identity, who you are, and convince you that you’re just average, nothing special about you, then he can keep you from your greatness. I wonder what you could accomplish. I wonder how far God will take you if you will just live like you are no ordinary child. Joel Osteen Tuesday, October 6, 2020 3:38 PM VIEW POST Instagram Follow Joel Osteen Ministries on Instagram. Inspiring people to reach their dreams and live their best life. One of the greatest gifts one can give is sharing our faith with others while expressing gratitude to God. We would love to hear what incredible things God has done for you and the many ways He has changed your life! Your story will be a blessing for many who need inspiration and encouragement. Joel Osteen Ministries is a qualified IRS Section 501(c)(3) OrganizationJoel Osteen Ministries Canada is a Canadian Registered Charity: No. 82605 6368 RR0001

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