Computing | Home

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Search for Search About Computing We strive to deliver timely, innovative computing solutions and services that enable Fermilab to achieve its scientific mission, efficiently execute the business of the laboratory and provide a modern user experience. We leverage our experience with electrical engineering, software development and physics to develop integrated DAQ solutions. Fermilab’s world-class scientific data management capabilities provide an extra layer of protection for important and irreplaceable scientific data. We are pursuing a new paradigm through HEPCloud that will allow more scientists, experiments, and projects to use more computing resources to extract more science, without the need for expert knowledge. Scientific Linux provides a stable, scalable and extensible operating system for scientific computing. High-throughput computing for international particle physics collaborations requires the ability to transport large amounts of data quickly around the world. Fermilab now boasts 100-gigabit connectivity to local, national and international wide-area networks. Scientific data centers use 3 megawatts of IT capacity, or about the power used by 3,000 homes. Search for Search

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