EOS Hair Removal

Web Name: EOS Hair Removal

WebSite: http://www.eoshairremoval.com





I have started this post many times now, writing and rewriting, not able to find the right words. I am closing my doors. There, it's said. It had been a very rough two and a half months not working, and there are a lot of unknowns right now, which doesn't make for easy decisions and this was the hardest one that I have had to make.This has been a very emotionally difficult and stressful decision to make, and I did not make it lightly. I have tried to shut things down in a way where if I find a new space, COVID is GONE (or at least better under control) I will re-open, but with how things are looking now...it doesn't look good.I wanted to say thank you to all of the wonderful people who came through my door, who showed me support that a small business owner can only hope for. I truly appreciate all of the wonderful people that I have met. I am very lucky that I was able to get to know you, and get to share a small part of your story. I am going to miss you all.All of my best,JessicaAs excited as I am that I can finally open the office, I am waiting to hear what the additional safety and sanitation guidelines will be before I book appointments. I need to know what the PPE protocol will be, and other precautions I need to take before I open the office. I expect this information will be provided locally soon.I will also be rescheduling the clients that I cancelled when the Safer at Home order was put in place in March. Here are some changes that will gointo affect once I open:*come on time and if you are early, please wait in your car until 5 mins before your scheduled time. You can always call to see if I am ready for you. 715-817-6818*only scheduled appointments will be seen-no walk-ins accepted. Please call with any questions! 715-817-6818*only you can come into the office, if you have others with you out and about, they need to wait in the car.*if you are sick, or not feeling well, please DO NOT COME IN. We can always reschedule, no problem! 715-817-6818There may be more as I think about how this realistically works- the safety and well being of my customers is my highest priority. Please be patient as I make things as safe as I can for everyone entering the office.Thank you for your patience and support!JessicaI'm late to posting this because, well, I am trying to navigate this new world, just like everyone else. I have been watching and looking for the ever-changing information that is coming from the Wisconsin Govenors office,as well as from the WisconsinState Health Department, and while I can't find anything specifically for Electrolysis, there are things for the broader cosmetology field in which I find myself in. The below information can be found on the WIS DHS site, under the Large community events and mass gatherings tabHair salons, barber shops, nail salons, day spas, tattoo parlors, body art establishments, and tanning facilities are not exempt from this order. All of these entities must close effective at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 20, 2020.While this does not explicitly state electrologists, I would include myself amongst this field of businesses.So it is with a heavy heart, I close my doors for an unknown period of time. I don't know when this ban will be lifted, any more than the professionals who are leading this fight to keep us all safe. I can just say that I will play my part by closing my doors until the scientists and doctors tell me it is safe for me, my family, you, and your family to venture out and see each other face to face again.What this will mean for existing/new clients:Existing clients- I will call/text you to let you know that I don't know when we will be able to meet again, but I will let you know ASAP when I get the ALL CLEAR to go back to work, and get you back on the schedule.New clients- I will not be scheduling any new clients for a while. When you get the ALL CLEAR to resume normal life, give me a call, and I will get you on the schedule. I'm sorry that I won't be able to do more right now, but this is where we are at.Things you can do while you wait? Use the shaver! Shaving is best, so just stick with that for now. I WILL NOT JUDGE YOU if you pick up that tweezers, but know, you are only making things worse for yourself. So help yourself out, and stick to the shaver!We will all get through this!Please take care of yourself and stay safe!Hairily yours,JessicaI'm adding this link to the CDCs site for the COVID-19, because my 14 year old told me to. You are welcome.There is a EOS Electrolysis of Superior Facebook Page. I don't like being bombarded by constant ads, so I use this to post fun information that I find about hair. These can be useful articles that scientists/researchers publish, animals with what looks like human facial hair, or pictures of famous people with facial hair. Who doesn't like to see a cat with a mustache?!(Almost) Everyone is on Facebook, so I find this a great way to post about office closings. We live in the Northland, so we have weather that we might not want to travel out in, so check Facebook before venturing out.I look forward to seeing you on Facebook, and in the office!Back to school is such a great time of year. So many new things...new pencils, pens, notebooks, and your start to being hair free! You have already packed up the shorts and tank tops, so it's a great time to start your journey to being hair free. All the long sleeve shirts and turtlenecks will hide the hair that you have been working so hard to rid yourself of all summer long. Oh, themaintenance! Now is your time. Start electrolysis today and you could be on your way to being hair free next summer. No moreembarrassingswimsuit episodes. End the school year with confidence that you have made the grade and are hair free. Call 715-817-6818 to setup your FREE Consultation today at the Twin Ports only Licensed Electrolysis office.The Tortoise and the Hare fable is a perfect analogy for electrolysis. Sure, there are hair removal options (waxing, shaving, tweezing, threading, laser) that are quick and instantaneous, but how long do they keep you hair(hare) free. Its only a slight reprieve from the hair, you know it will be back.Electrolysis is the long, steady journey to hair removal. It takes the slow and steady pace- like a tortoise- to keep up with the hair(hare), but the tortoise slowly gains on the hare- see, its the perfect analogy! Electrolysis takes the time to go through the hair growth process; after all, you are NEVER bald!Call 715-817-6818 today to come in for the FREE Consultation. We can discuss the race YOU need to run on your path to being HARE FREE, I mean HAIR FREE!The office will be closed from February 4th thru February 11th. Please leave a message on my voicemail and I will be returning calls on the 11th. Thanks and have a great week!!!!You can text meYou can text me at 715-817-6818! Please just let me know who it is, and voila! We can make, change, or cancel appointments. I will make sure to get back to you, via text, within 24 hours during the business week, and Monday morning if texted on Fridays or during the weekend. Trying to move into the 21st century! Living in the Northland, we are able to see all four seasons (some seasons longer than others). This means that on occasion, I close the office for the safety of my clients, and myself. These closings will happen when the snow and temperature go to the extremes! If the school districts of Superior and Maple are closed, I too will be closed. I will also decide during each 'event' on how long I will be open, or if I will be open. I am a tough Northlander, but I am not crazy. Please call to cancel if you don't feel that the weather is something you want to venture out in; I totally understand and I don't want to have anyone injured trying to get here or home. Safety is truly a major concern for me in the office, and out.I will post to Facebook if I will be open, so if you have doubts, you can check there. A reason to like EOS on Facebook! Thank you and drive safe!

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