8 Insanely Powerful Lucid Dreaming Tactics For 2018

Web Name: 8 Insanely Powerful Lucid Dreaming Tactics For 2018

WebSite: http://www.world-of-lucid-dreaming.com





So you came here wondering about lucid dreaming?It’s OK – we’ve got your back :-)Since 2008, we’ve shown over 25m visitors from around theworld all about the art of dream control.So you’re in the right place.Grab a cup of tea whilst you’re here and take your time.We’ll go through 8 proven tactics you can start using tonight.But first, let’s cover some basics about lucid dreaming. A lucid dream is any dream in which you become aware that you're dreaming!This simple realization triggers your waking consciousness during the dream, enabling you to do any number of cool things, such as: Explore your dreamworld with total clarity. Everything you see, hear, touch, taste and smell will be as authentic as reality. It can be truly mind-blowing to discover this virtual world. Fulfill any fantasy. Fly over mountains, have dream sex, go base jumping, shapeshifting, time traveling, dinosaur spotting, ninja fighting, meet your hero or visit alien planets. Overcome personal psychological issues. In the safety of the lucid dream environment you can face your fears, phobias, anxieties, nightmares and past traumas. Tap into your inner creativity. In surreal and unexpected ways, you can compose music, seek original artistic imagery and solve technical problems, just like these famous folk. Experts agree that everyone has the potential to lucid dream.But only a small fraction of people learn how to do it on a regular basis.This site is for people who are serious about learning the art of lucid dreaming and exploring its real world applications. Is lucid dreaming scientifically proven? Yes. There are many examples of scientific research that prove the existence of lucid dreaming. In fact, lucid dreams provide credible explanations for night-time phenomena which until recently had no scientific explanation - such as alien abductions, astral projection and out of body experiences. The first scientific proof of lucid dreaming emerged in 1975 from the British parapsychologist Dr Keith Hearne.He recorded a set of pre-determined eye movements from his lucid volunteer, Alan Worsley, via an electro-oculogram (EOG). For the first time there was communication between someone that was asleep (and dreaming) and the outside world! More recently, this 2009 study by the Neurological Laboratory in Frankfurt revealed significantly increased brain activity during lucid dreams. An EEG reading showed a significant increase in brainwave frequencies at the 40 Hz (or Gamma) range while lucid. Indeed, the researchers concluded that this justifies the classification of lucid dreams as a new and separate state of consciousness. Intriguingly, the research also showed heightened activity in the frontal and frontolateral areas of the dreaming brain.Which also happens to be the seat of linguistic thought and other higher mental functions linked to self awareness! In 2014, this remarkable study out of Frankfurt University revealed that lucid dreams can be induced with "zaps" of harmless electrical stimulation of the brain. When non-lucid dreamers were given 30-second jolts of electrical current to the frontal cortex while asleep, they reported spontaneously vivid dreams in which they fully recognized they were dreaming. So fear not – there is an abundance of science on the topic of lucid dreams and every year more studies are being published. When probed, it can generate seemingly impossible levels of self awareness - such as 360-degree vision, multiple simultaneous dreams, and even visual representations of the fifth dimension. Because all of this takes place in your mind, the dream world is infinite.No laws. No boundaries. No limitations. Anything you can conceive of comes true. You can literally take control of your dream and warp The Matrix like Neo. Fly and soar over cities like Iron Man. Slow down time like the dream levels of Inception. Have sex with celebrities. Fight like a ninja. Re-live childhood memories. Base jump. Survive death. But a lucid dream is not merely a fantasy playground. Dream theories suggest it's a chance to interact with other parts of your psyche (by talking to different dream characters) and even your co-conscious inner self (by talking to the very fabric of the dream). Several respected journals have published studies on how lucid dreams have helped veterans suffering from PTSD, athletes seeking to gain an edge over their competition and even children suffering from unusual phobias. Once you know how to become lucid in dreams, you will discover a strange new world (an entire universe, actually) of which you are fully aware and can manipulate with the power of thought.Alright, so now you know a little about what lucid dreaming isand what it can do for you - now we’lltalkthroughsome ways you can actually induce them.But let us (as ever) first begin with the basics.The most important thing you can do to spearhead your waytoward lucid dreams, is start keeping a dream journal.This will supercharge your dream recall.Chances are, you probably don’t even remember too many dreamsat the moment. Right? But writing them down each day will gradually help to formmore concrete memories. After all, what good is a lucid dream if youcan’t remember it?And the second most important thing is to practice our reality checks.With these, we ask ourselves throughout the day “Am Idreaming?”.Over time, these repeated checks seep into yourdreams as dream signs, triggering the realisation that you’re dreaming (and therefore making the dream lucid).And lastly, lucid dreaming calls for a decent boost in self awareness. These three tenets together form the foundation of a solidlucid dreamer.So, with that being said – let’s look at 8 different tacticsyou can use to start experiencing lucid dreams for yourself.1 – Use HypnagogiaIf you haven’t heard of hypnagogia before, it might sound alittle funky!But rest assured, it’s nothing to be scared of. We are talkinghere about the colourful swirling patterns that appear on the back ofyour eyelids while you’re dozing off.This is a signal that you are in the half asleep, half awakeborderland state where lucid dreams are born.By using visualisation methods we can use this visualhypnagogia to transition into a lucid dream. Check the full technique here.2– Manipulate REM SleepYou need to know that lucid dreams occur (mostly) during REMSleep.First, understand that you sleep in 90 minute cycles and thateach night you have 4-6 of these cycles. REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep happens at the end of eachcycle – and mostly in the later cycles of the night.So, by manipulating our sleep patterns, we can target REMsleep phases.The easiest and most popular way to do this is with the Wake Back To Bed (WBTB) technique.It revolves around tricking your body clock by briefly waking ataround 3am.3 – Go WILDIf you thought that sounded cool, wait until you try a Wake Induced Lucid Dream (WILD).This is the big daddy of lucid dreaming techniques and is alsothe hardest to master. With this method, we snap straight from wakinginto a lucid dream - bang!It can be done in the middle of the night, or just as you fall asleep (whenyou get into bed at your normal bed time).Think of a WILD as simply a form of meditation – where youmaintain awareness whilst your body falls asleep. After all, that is the underpinning principal of luciddreaming: mind awake, body asleep.See the full instructions here.4 – Use Sleep Paralysis as a Spring BoardTalking about your body falling asleep…Ever had that awful feeling where you’re awake, but your bodyis frozen and it feels as if you’re pinned to the bed, unable to move?Maybe, maybe not.But if you have, you’re not alone.It’s more common than you may think, with upto 40% of adultssuffering at one time or another.Sleep paralysis occurs when your body falls asleep and entersREM Atonia. This is the special state that keeps your body still atnight – and from physically acting out your dreams!Just sometimes, it misfires a little – and we wake early(hence, sleep paralysis).Well, the wonderful thing about lucid dreaming is with asimple change in mindset you can easily convert sleep paralysis into aninstant lucid dream!At which point you can take control and turn it from somethingscary into something wonderful!So if you do get the odd bout of sleep paralysis, countyourself lucky as you have on your hands a simple guaranteed gateway to lucid dreams.5- Explore SupplementsIn fact, the official name is ‘oneirogen’.Meaning a substance that creates a dream like state ofconsciousness.There are many options to choose from and lots that aresurprisingly effective. Various societies, from the Aztecs to themodern day Xhosa of East Africa have sacred oneirogens that play apivotal role in their culture - so it’s a fascinating area to explore.There’s no need to go artificial, as simple natural herbs canassist in inducing some of the most vivid and colourful dreams you canimagine.So think less “supplements” and more “ancient oneirogens”. For a full list check out our lucid dreaming supplements vault.6 – Listen to Brainwave Audio If supplements don’t take your fancy, you might be interestedin checking out what’s known as ‘brainwave entrainment’.These are special audio tracks that you listen to whilstyou’re dozing off.Some folks find these really help to enter the deepmeditative state that is perfect for lucid dreaming.And while it’s right to be sceptical, you should know that a2008 meta analysis suggested that this audio technology is actually alegitimate therapeutic tool!There are various forms available, such as binaural beats andisochronic tones.You can check out more details here.7 – Try a DeviceBelieve it or not, there are also headbands, masks andbracelets that aim to assist you in reaching lucid dreams!They use various technologies such as EEG and Heart RateMonitoring to detect REM Sleep.During which, they aim to introduce an external stimuli – tohelp you recognise that you are dreaming and become lucid.But it’s most definitely a case of ‘caveat empor’ (buyerbeware in latin, just in case you wondered) with these. To date, lucid dreaming devices have not proven especiallyeffective. Although this could be set to change next year with some recentinnovations…For now you can check out our devices vault!8 – Check out the Rausis MethodOK, we’ll end this list with a little-known mind hack!It’s well worth trying as it’s proven one of the mosteffective new techniques to come of the lucid dreaming scene in thelast few years.Invented by Swiss dream researcher Jean Rausis, it’s a quick andeasy way to inject a dream sign into your REM Sleep.All you need is an alarm clock and a mobile phone (or an appwith two alarms).Check out the full method here. Phew, so we just covered off a few of the most popular ways we can induce lucid dreams, but you’ve probably still got a bunch of questions…So, we’re not finished just yet.Let’s talk dream control – and what you should do onceyou’ve managed to establish lucidity. Dream control kicks in the moment you become lucid (when you recognize that you're dreaming). The more conscious you become of the dream environment, the easier it is to manipulate. There are a few different ways to shape your dreams as they occur, for instance: Actively will what you want to happen, like waking life (e.g., you walk up to a wall and will your arm to push through it). This is the most intuitive method but not always the most effective if your lucidity is waning. Say your desire out loud and let the dream present it (e.g., say "I have super powers and am the sole survivor of a zombie apocalypse"). You'll be empowered by your own words and the dream will oblige. So, controlling your dreams takes a little getting used to. That's because a lucid dream is a completely new and unique environment to you - in which your conscious and unconscious collide. When fully lucid, you'll find that you can exert considerable control over your lucid dreams. Or you can passively enjoy this state of heightened awareness, watching the dream unfold in its originally intended state. The golden rule for lucid dream manipulation is this:If you truly, sincerely expect something to happen... it will happen (just like Neo). Beginners often find their lucid dreams end prematurely. Usually it's the sheer excitement and adrenaline rush that causes you to wake up. Other times, you can simply forget you're dreaming (remember, the brain functions differently during sleep and it's easy to forget things). To make your lucid dreams last longer, cultivate a calm and focused mind set in the dreamworld.Regularly remind yourself that you are dreaming, to stay mentally grounded. A simple way to enhance your lucidity (and thereby prolong your lucid dream) is to rub your hands together while saying "I'm dreaming".This kinetic sensation stimulates the conscious brain, while drawing awareness to your dream body and away from your physical body that is laying asleep in bed. Such techniques have enabled me to experience lucid dreams as long as an hour in real time. If you’re anything like me, you’re fascinated by the idea of ‘dream characters’. In your lucid dreams, you can seek out or summon any person, dead or alive, fictional or real. A good way to do this is to first heighten your lucidity, then visualize and expect the person you want to meet just out of sight.Ask the dream out loud to manifest that person too. Don't be afraid to ask for unexpected consequences:"show me myself in 10 years", "show me my ideal partner", and "show me how my great-great-great grandchildren will live" are all valid requests of the creative lucid dream state. Making the dream scene morph in front of your eyes can sometimes be difficult.Your conscious self simply doesn't expect it to happen, because that is its experience of waking life. This mental block is typical of a beginner because it requires more confidence and a lucid state of mind. Not to worry! Established lucid dreamers have been working the dream world long enough to have come up with some excellent solutions.In the case of changing the scenery: Locate a "dream door": one that stands randomly in the middle of any landscape, and step through to another world. Pass through a mirror portal: a liquid-like mirror that leads to another dimension, and emerge in any scene you choose. Change the channel on a TV - then jump into the screen and allow the image to become 3-dimensional around you. Turn away from the scene - and imagine a new location emerging behind you. When you turn back, everything will look different. In fact, there are lots of creative solutions to issues of dream control.The important thing to remember is that your conscious expectation plays a major role. Stay confident in your ability to summon giant goldfish, teleport to the Bahamas or fly like an eagle.You'll soon find that absolutely anything is possible inside a lucid dream.What Next?If you're keen to learn how to lucid dream as quickly as possible - or you simply want to expand your existing skills - check out the World of Lucid Dreaming Academy.This is our premium online education platform - consisting of 30 proven modules, guided meditations and brainwave audios...Plus you get access to our private forums, real-time chat, monthly Q As and exclusive guidance from lucid dreaming authors, researchers and expert teachers.Your learning will progress to the next level with the help of a supportive community to answer questions and share experiences! About the author Chris Hammond - Editor and "Chief Lucidity Officer"of World of Lucid Dreaming. That means he writes about lucid dreaming, awareness - and other gooey stuff like the nature of consciousness and cosmic existence. Latest The Anatomy of a Dreaming Supplement A lot has happened in the last 5 months. But how did we go from business as usual to changing the face of the entire lucid dreaming supplements industry? It’s a story that I think will interest you – and you might even learn a thing or two in the process. When I was first taken on-board as Chief Lucidity Officer in 2016, one of the first things I was tasked with was taking a good look at our operations and giving things a bit of an overhaul. Latest Mind Awake: Lucid Dreaming and Mindfulness App Want to become a skilled and knowledgeable Lucid Dreamer by taking a Mindful approach? Awaken the potentials of your mind and integrate with your dreams through the guided meditations in this truly awesome app. Lucid Dreaming and Mindfulness actually share the same origin. Feature How to remember your dreams To lucid dream, I recommend being able to remember at least one vivid dream per night. That will boost your self awareness in dreams (making lucidity more likely) and also means you can actually remember your lucid dreams. Which is nice. Here are four detailed tips on how to remember your dreams more frequently. And if you don't think you dream at all - trust me, you almost certainly do. It takes an extraordinarily rare sleep disorder to deprive someone of dream sleep. Feature What Do Lucid Dreams Feel Like? Years ago, before I had my first lucid dream, I had a very specific idea about what a lucid dream would feel like. I thought it would be intense and magical and a little bit spooky. This turned out to be a pretty accurate representation. Becoming aware in the dreamstate is like entering another world. One where physical laws can be manipulated (there is no spoon, Neo) and your fantasies can come true in an instant. There's definitely something magical about that - and it's as if the lucid dream world is a living, breathing organism that can react to your very thoughts. Feature How to have amazing lucid dreams Experts agree that everyone is capable of having lucid dreams. Dreaming itself is a normal function of the mind. We all dream every night, even if we don't remember. And we all achieve conscious awareness while awake every single day. So what does it mean to combine these states? Why, the amazing ability to have conscious - or lucid - dreams. Sounds simple, doesn't it? So why do I keep hearing from people who say they can't achieve their first lucid dream? Feature Mugwort: Dream Sage of the Chumash Indians It is estimated that these wise and wily Indians have been using mugwort in their healing and ritual practices for 13,000 years, where it is known as the ‘dream sage’. They use the herb to promote good dreams, which they consider an essential aspect of normal human functioning! But that’s not all...

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