Lisa Greenspan Therapy

Web Name: Lisa Greenspan Therapy






Lisa Greenspan Therapy Therapy Counselling North London for children, teenagers adults Navigation Psychotherapy counselling North London Counselling Therapy A safe space for all agesSome people find it helpful to talk to a neutral person who is not involved in their everyday life. I offer a safe space for children, young people and adults to speak about difficulties from the past or help to manage something that’s going on right now. My consulting room is in Muswell Hill North London.One-to-One TherapySometimes we feel unhappy with ourselves, or find it difficult to understand unhelpful aspects of our own or others’ behaviour. It can be helpful to experience our lives through different eyes, and being listened to with understanding and compassion can start us on the path of development of self-acceptance. Charges are £80 per individual session.Mindfulness ApproachesMindfulness is the practice of being aware of your senses in the present rather than worrying thoughts from the past or concerns about the future. I can offer mindfulness-based approaches, which can be particularly useful for learning ways to help oneself when you need relief from stress, when you feel low, or anxious.Calm Mind Caf GroupsMindfulness techniques can also be explored and practiced in small groups. There are groups for parents and carers, teens and adults. Here we learn many fun and relaxing ways to be mindful practical techniques that can be used in your everyday life to help focus on the present, and enjoy the here now. More about mindfulness groupsDr Lisa Greenspan Counselling psychologistI have worked across all services, Health, Social and Voluntary Sector and Education for over twenty-five years, supporting staff and patients. As a Counselling Psychologist, Iam informed in my work by scientific findings and have conducted research into services involving intellectual disability in children and dementia in older people. Iam trained to use mindfulness and yoga techniques with children and young people and adult mindfulness. I have for many years facilitated workshops making use of the inner image and the arts.MSc Occupational Psychology, MSc Counselling Psychology, Professional Doctorate in Counselling Psychology Chartered member of the British Psychological Society division of Counselling Psychology, HCPC Registered, Member BACP.Fully insured.Specialisms ExperienceSpecialising in short and long-term counselling, I practice a range of approaches, both verbal and non verbal. These include: person centered counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy, psychosynthesis, systemic therapy, existential perspectives.I m experienced in working with a wide range of difficulties, some of which include: abuse, ADHD symptoms, addiction, anger, anxiety, Aspergers, autism, bereavement and loss, challenging behaviour, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME), conflict resolution, communication difficulties, compulsive and addictive behaviours, depression, eating disorders, family conflict, gender sexual identity, identity issues, learning disabilities, life crisis, loneliness, low self-esteem, pain illness, panic attacks, parenting work, person centered counselling, phobias, physical disabilities, relationship issues, school refusers, sexual behaviour, sexual difficulties, sibling relationships, stress, teen yoga, trauma, work-related concerns.Get in TouchCounselling North London sessions are in Muswell Hill. If you would like to find out more, or arrange an initial meeting, please get in touch.

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