A Seeker's Thoughts

Web Name: A Seeker's Thoughts

WebSite: http://www.aseekersthoughts.com





The ancient lore of our planet consists of myths, legends, fables,proverbs and expressions which seem to be clouded in mystery.And the reason they "seem" to be clouded in mystery is becausethey "are" clouded in mystery.Each one of the above mentioned methods serve as verbalvehicles for preserving and transporting secret and sacred Wisdomfrom generation to generation. Furthermore, as these verbal vehiclesare easy to remember, and are integral components of our variouscultures, their repetitive telling allows Wisdom to be transmittedflawlessly into the future.Every myth, legend, fable, and proverb is an exoteric story thatVeils an esoteric Truth which is hidden within them. Exoteric meansoutward or external. Esoteric means secret, or hidden within.The exoteric story is designed to amuse and entertain the masses;this is why it is so easy to remember and then transmit. Exotericstories are also often used to keep the masses satisfied and undercontrol.The esoteric Truth, however, is the secret, sacred Wisdom hiddenwithin the exoteric story. The esoteric Truth is only available to thosewho "have the eyes to see, and the ears to hear".With all that being said, let us now begin our exploration of theVow of Poverty.Let us begin with the understanding that all ancient spiritual messagesare delivered in two forms: exoteric and esoteric.Again, the exoteric form is the surface story that is meant forthe masses. And though the exoteric form allows the message toeasily be remembered and delivered to future generations, it is theform that is most easily to be mis-understood, mis-interpreted,abused, and corrupted. The esoteric Truth Veiled within the exotericmessage or statement is the Lesson meant for the few.The Vow of Poverty is one such spiritual message which has beencorrupted by the numerous societies and the many self-servingfactions of this planet. It is not the purpose of this article to explore thisparticular issue. However, by referring to my article on Sacrifice, amore in-depth explanation of this kind of corruption can be found.Let us keep in mind that no ancient Master Teacher ever preachedcomplete self-deprivation in order to attain Enlightenment. They mayhave Instructed their Initiates in the value of moderation, bodilypurification, and occasional fasting, but not complete self-deprivationin either its physical or material senseAs the story goes, The Buddha initially practiced self-deprivationas an attempt to attain Enlightenment and Ascension. However,he soon found out that self-deprivation was seriously affecting hishealth, and thereby, his ability to contemplate, reflect, and meditate.Therefore, he soon gave this up and was careful to insure that hisbody was well nourished so that he could continue, un-impeded,on his Quest for Enlightenment.Images of The Buddha depict him as well-fed and content. ( Image via Wikipedia )A similar reference to the word "poverty" can be found in thetitle used for the Knights Templar who were referred to as"Poor Knights of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon".Yet, as history reveals to us, the Knights Templar werecertainly not poor in the common usage of the word.Here we see that the words "poor" and "poverty" - which arequite similar - are not being used in their common, everydaycontext; they are representing something entirely different.In other words, in these instances, they are exoteric expressionswhich are Veiling esoteric principlesKeeping all of the above-mentioned in mind, and continuing toexplore the esoteric message contained in the statement ofVow of Poverty, let us now make a minor change.Let us replace the exoteric "Vow of Poverty" with the esoteric"Vow of Non Self-Attachment".This immediately changes the entireessence of the phrase.Now we can get to the heart of the message:To enjoy material "things" is OK. For whatever reason, we arehere to experience, enjoy, and learn from the many aspects,essences, achievements and materialisms of the physical realm.However, what leads us astray, and into bondage, is allowingourselves to be possessed and obsessed with the manydifferent "things" we encounter during our physical Incarnation.It is OK to make a lot of money. However, it is detrimental tobe obsessed with it.It is OK to live in a fine, comfortable home. However, it isdetrimental to be egotistically obsessed with it.It is OK to achieve status. However, it is detrimental to allow ourego to flaunt it, and live solely for it.These are just a few examples.Obsessive materialism - in all of its negative aspects - isattachment and bondage. Obsessive materialism includes,but is not limited to: greed, gossip, fanaticism, politics, dogma,control of others, and something called "the principle of the thing".These, among others, is what chain us to the material realm andprevent us from achieving the higher State of Enlightenment.Poverty, now translated as Non-Self Attachment, is the releaseof possessiveness, obsessiveness, greed, etc.; it isnon-attachment and non-bondage to the material realm; it iscontrol of self; it is to be "in the material realm, but not of it".Perhaps the most beautiful and noble way to describe theVow of Non Self-Attachment is to revel in the words of LadyGaladriel from J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.Upon his leaving Lorien - the domain of the Elves, Lady Galadriel- the Queen of the Elves - gave to Gimli, the Dwarf, this partinggift:"I say to you, Gimli son of Gloin, that your hands shall flow with gold,and yet over you gold shall have no dominion."Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails frompeople with similar thoughts and feelings. My Email address islocated in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can beposted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forwardit to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to beeither advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinionsand no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competentadvice from a licensed, registered, or certified professionalshould such advice or service be required. copyright Joseph Panek 2020(Spirituality and Mythology):&u=http://www.aseekersthoughts.com/2020/04/vow-of-poverty-spirituality-and.html' target='_blank'>(Spirituality and Mythology):' target='_blank'>(Spirituality and Mythology):' target='_blank'>(Spirituality and Mythology):' target='_blank' title='Google Bookmark'>(Spirituality and Mythology):&u=http://www.aseekersthoughts.com/2020/04/vow-of-poverty-spirituality-and.html' target='_blank'>(Spirituality and Mythology):' target='_blank' title='mister-wong'>(Spirituality and Mythology):' target='_blank' title='blogmarks'>(Spirituality and Mythology):' target='_blank' title='spurl'>(Spirituality and Mythology):' target='_blank'>(Spirituality and Mythology):&u=http://www.aseekersthoughts.com/2020/04/vow-of-poverty-spirituality-and.html' target='_blank'>An Archetype is a physical portrayal of either an Event or anabstract concept. An Archetype is portrayed as male when it isdesigned to depict a masculine aspect, or essence, of nature.An Archetype is portrayed as female when it is designed todepict a feminine aspect, or essence, of nature.Ancient Esoteric writings inform us that masculine aspects ofnature are active, bestowing, rational, logical, conscious, andsolar - The Seed; while feminine aspects of nature are passive,accepting, intuitive, emotional, subconscious, and lunar- The Womb.The events depicted by an Archetype can be either terrestrial( earthly ) or cosmic ( heavenly ). The Epic tales of classicliterature all contain Archetypal heroes, gods, and goddesseswho weave their ways through these ancient sagas and minglein the affairs of mankind. Consider the heroic and divineArchetypes who have mesmerized us in Homer's unforgettableclassic tales of The Iliad and The Odyssey.The abstract concepts depicted by Archetypes are limitless.They include, but are not limited to, dreams, insights, epiphanies,prophecy, esoteric Wisdom, and Shamanic experiences. Theseare the Archetypes portrayed in the many temple paintings andhieroglyphs which come down to us from ancient Egypt.Archetypes allow us to visualize, personify and personalize eventsand abstract concepts. They are unforgettable physicalconstructions which then become an ingrained mental image thatallows us to recall and associate a specific Archetypal characterwith a specific event or abstract concept.An Archetype is a necessary element for the creation of metaphors,allegories, parables, myths, legends, fables, and stories whichbecome the unforgettable Lessons which are then passed downfrom generation to generation.The ancient thought process was Archetypal and metaphorical.The ancients thought, spoke, taught, and wrote through the useof Archetypes and metaphors. Therefore, in order for us tounderstand ancient histories, legends, myths, and sacred writings,we must first attempt to understand the ancient mind whichevaluated events, ideas, and concepts by way of Archetypal thinking.For only by understanding this ancient thought process can wetruly understand the histories and Lessons which they havepassed down to us by way of their myths, legends, sacredwritings, puns, and metaphors.So, how does this process of Archetypal thinking actually work?First: An event must occur, a hero must be glorified, anabstract concept must be brought into consciousness, or aphenomenon of nature must be experienced. These are the originaland fundamental sources from which Archetypes are conceivedand brought into physical reality.Second: An Archetype is created which Symbolizes this event,hero, abstract concept, or phenomenon of Nature. Only then, byway of a physical representation ( a Symbolic Archetype ), cana myth, legend, story, or metaphor then be created. If the eventor abstract concept is masculine in nature, it is portrayed by aman. If the event or abstract concept is feminine in nature, it isportrayed as a woman. The Archetype must exist before themyth, story, or legend can be created.Third: The myth, legend, sacred writing, or metaphor is createdby way of using the Archetype, or Archetypes, which have beencreated from the initial event or abstract concept. This end resultis the stories and Lessons that have been passed down to us fromour ancient ancestors from the most ancient of Times.An Archetype is perpetual while those who later assume the roleof that particular Archetype are temporary. THE HERO is anArchetype for all heroes who follow. AN ECLIPSE is an Archetypefor all eclipses which follow. MOTHERHOOD is anArchetype for all women who later assume the role of mother.Furthermore, THE HERO will always exist; regardless of whetheror not there are currently any heroes to assume that role.This fact is True for ALL Archetypes.KINGSHIP is the Archetype for all future kings who assume thisrole. KINGSHIP ( or RULERSHIP ) will also always existregardless of whether or not there is currently any king to assumethis role. The Archetype of KINGSHIP is clearly defined in thestatement, "The king is dead. Long live the king". What thisproclamation is actually saying is, "The old king is dead. Long livethe new king". This proclamation reminds us that the Archetype ofKINGSHIP is perpetual, even though the characters who wanderin and out of the role of 'king" are continuously replaced.The same goes for "popes", "presidents", "history teachers","comedians", "architects", etc. These are all perpetual Archetypaltitles under which others temporarily assume a role as Time andhistory ceaselessly march onward.Let us look at two Archetypal portrayals (one masculine and theother feminine ) in order to better visualize the concept of Archetypes:Horus - image via wikipediaHORUS: Horus is the ancient Egyptian Archetype, or Neter, whichSymbolizes KINGSHIP or RULERSHIP. Horus is depicted ashaving the body of a man and the head of a hawk.KINGSHIP or RULERSHIP is an invisible abstract concept whichrelates to an "active", or "masculine", aspect of Nature. Therefore,the Archetype the ancient Egyptians called Horus is depicted ashaving the body of a man.Furthermore, Nature also provides us with a visual phenomenon ofRULERSHIP by way of the hawk.The hawk is a powerful bird that RULES the heavens. And just asthe hawk was seen as the ruler of its domain of the heavens, sowas the KING or PHARAOH seen as the earthly counterpart of thehawk who was destined, and responsible, for RULING on earth.This is why Horus, the Archetype of RULERSHIP, was depicted ashaving the body of a man with the head of a hawkAll Egyptian pharaohs were understood to be a temporal aspect ofthe Archetype Horus and were therefore recognized as HORUS.Hathor - image via wikipediaHATHOR: Hathor is the ancient Egyptian Archetype, or Neter, forMOTHERHOOD. MOTHERHOOD is a feminine aspect of Nature.Therefore Hathor is portrayed with either a woman's body with acow's head, or, simply as a woman's facial features with a cow'sears. HATHOR can also be portrayed simply as a cow.The cow is a docile, nurturing animal. It is also the animal whichprovides the milk which is necessary to nourish infants. Here wesee the reason why the ancient Egyptians chose the cow as theSymbol for MOTHERHOOD.All women who chose the role of motherhood in ancient Egypttherefore became a physical manifestation, and representation, ofthe Archetype called HATHOR.Furthermore, when a person's earthly incarnation came to its end,it was HATHOR who welcomed, nourished, and nurtured the Soulof the newly deceased when it once again returned to the spiritualrealm from whence it had departed in order to experience aphysical existence.Conclusion: As we become more and more familiar with Archetypes,we gain a better understanding of the thought processes andperceptions of our most distant ancestors. And it is by thisprocess of understanding the ancient mind that we can slowlyunravel the enigmatic and mystical riddles which baffle and amaze us;enigmas, mysteries, riddles, and abstract concepts conceived andcast into stone at the most remote beginnings of historical Time.See Also: Article about "The Egyptian Neter"Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails frompeople with similar thoughts and feelings. My Email address islocated in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can beposted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forwardit to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to beeither advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinionsand no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competentadvice from a licensed, registered, or certified professionalshould such advice or service be required. copyright Joseph Panek 2019 Image via WikipediaAttempting to explain and understand ancient Spiritual Wisdom byway of modern rational and logical Words is clumsy at best. Words,in addition to being often clumsy, can be not only misunderstoodbut their meanings can be inconsistent from one person to another.In addition, ancient Spiritual Teachings, which are easily graspedby the Eastern mind, become very confusing to the Western mindwhich has been Indoctrinated with dogma and not Instructed inancient Spiritual Thought.Furthermore, when discussing the the matter of Spirit vs. Soul,many modern writers use these terms interchangeably; whichnot only adds to a reader's confusion but also begs the questionof whether these writers fully understand these conceptsthemselves.These are the dilemmas faced by the Spiritual Seeker andIndependent Thinker here in the West. Yet, we Spiritual Seekersand Independent Thinkers still "press on" and try to unravel ancientSpiritual Wisdoms one Thread at a time. And this can only beaccomplished by completely abandoning all dogmatic Indoctrinationsthat have been imposed upon us by organized Western religion;dogma, which the masses are commanded to accept and believewithout question.With these thoughts in mind, let us now attempt to unravel the veryancient, mysterious and enigmatic concept of Spirit vs. Soul.However, before we embark on this Adventure, the definitions of afew Words is necessary.Definitions:THE ALL: The One eternal, all-encompassing and indivisible Sourcefrom which all things, ideas, and concepts - both manifested andun-manifested - spring forth from. Everything, without exception, isboth born from THE ALL and is an integral part of THE ALL.Therefore, THE ALL contains, and IS, everything. And, likewise, aseverything is contained within THE ALL, then all things, concepts,and ideas, contain THE ALL within them. All things, concepts, andideas are specific aspects of THE ALL.Hence the proverb, "I am in the Father, and the Father is in me.";which can be summed up as: "I am a specific aspect of THE ALL.Therefore,THE ALL is contained within me". Furthermore, as eachone of us is a specific aspect of THE ALL, THE ALL is naturallycontained within each one of us. It cannot be any other way.We cannot be separate from THE ALL. If this were so, then THE ALLcould not be THE ALL.We see this Spiritual Lesson further expressed in psalm 82:6,"I have said, you are gods, and children of the Most High".Nothing can be separate from THE ALL; otherwise THE ALL wouldnot be THE ALL.In addition, THE ALL is also indivisible (undividable). For if THE ALLcould be divided then it would not be THE ALL.Ancient Spiritual Teachings, such as these, are all but ignoredby modern organized religion for the sake of dogmaticindoctrination, and control, of the masses.Spirit: That specific aspect of Divinity which is our un-manifestedSoul. Our Spirit is our individual personality or character which iseternally basking within THE ALL but not yet experiencing aphysical incarnation in the realm of matter. Spirit is equivalent toAkh of ancient Egypt.Soul: Our manifested Spirit. Our individual personality orcharacter which is experiencing a physical, bodily incarnationin the realm of matter. Soul is equivalent to Ba of ancient Egyptand the Atman ( Our God Within ) of India.Our Soul, our personality, is that aspect of our Spirit whichcombines with matter ( our current physical body ) and chooseshow we will behave during our current physical Incarnation.Our Soul is equivalent to the Ba of ancient Egypt. Egyptian Ba - image via WikipediaBirds, wings and Feathers are all Symbols of Spirit. Our Soul ( Ba )is the physically incarnated aspect of our Spirit ( Akh ); and ourSpirit, in turn, is an indivisible aspect of The All.In the picture of the Egyptian Ba, pictured above, we see Spirit( bird ) combined with matter ( a head of a specific person ) todepict the physical incarnation of that specific person.Mind: While not a specific aspect of this article, our mind IS aspecific aspect of our physical being and therefore it should beaddressed. The ancients associated the mind as an inseparablepart of our physical self. In other words, our mind and body areone-half of our physically incarnated self and our Spiritual Selfis our other half.It is through the mind that we receive spiritual messages. It isalso through the mind that we receive ideas and premonitions.However the mind, being egotistical and rational, also blocksmany of the spiritual messages that are continually coming to us.The mental "chatter" which is continuously active in our mindis the "roadblock" which prevents Spiritual Messages from gettingthrough to us.That is why it is necessary to silence the mind, through techniquessuch as meditation, in order to allow spiritual messages to come tous from the Great Unconscious Source.Also, this is why answers to "problems" often come to us when weleast expect it; because the mind is then "relaxed" regarding the"problem" that had so consumed our rational mind, and our spiritualchannel through the rational mind is open and unrestricted in regardsto the "problem" which is not currently consuming the entirety of ourthoughts.Also, it is by way of the relaxed mind that "ideas whose time hascome" reach us.Putting It All Together:There is only One Source; One Creative Essence which is eternaland indivisible. Everything that is manifested, and not manifested,is an integral, indivisible Aspect of this Source. Therefore everythingis a part of this Source and, at the same time, this Source is withineverything that it manifests. This One Source is called THE ALL.Our Spirit, which is our un-manifested personality, is an indivisibleaspect of THE ALL. This un-manifested personality - which is ourTrue Eternal Essence - is our Spirit. Our Spirit, our un-manifestedpersonality, is what the ancient Egyptians referred to as AKH.When our Spirit ( AKH ) is "at rest" ( un-manifested within matter ),the Soul ( BA ) aspect of our Spirit is also in a state of suspension.However, when our Spirit chooses to manifest into matter ( ourphysical body ), then a specific aspect of our Spirit becomesactivated; and this activated aspect of our Spirit then expressesItself as our Soul. Our Soul remains in our physical body for theduration of our worldly Incarnation.When our physical Incarnation comes to a close, our Soul( which, again, is an aspect of our Spirit ), dissolves, so to speak,back into our Spirit until once again Spirit chooses to incarnatewithin matter.Picture this as a "family tree". At the top of this "family tree" isTHE ALL. Immediately below THE ALL is our Spirit ( AKH ); whichis an indivisible aspect of THE ALL. Immediately below our Spiritis our Soul ( BA ), which is an indivisible aspect of our Spirit.The main difference between our Spirit and our Soul is this:Our Spirit exists eternally in the Spiritual Realm. Our Soul,which again in an aspect of our Spirit, becomes "activated" andis our spiritual "link" to our Spirit for only the duration of ourphysical incarnation. This "link" is what allows our mind accessto the Spiritual Realm. Our Soul is what the teachings of Indiarefer to as our Atman: Our God Within.Perhaps an allegory can help us view this process in a morephysical, rational manner.Let us create a character and call him John Smith. JohnSmith, in his entirety, we will call Spirit.However, John Smith is a doctor. This is one aspect of JohnSmith. When John Smith is behaving in the role of doctor, heis activating a specific aspect of himself; and this aspect ofJohn Smith becomes his Soul for as long as John Smith isbehaving ( incarnating ) as a doctor. Once John Smith'srole as a doctor is over, this aspect ( Soul ) of John Smithgoes into a state of rest and John Smith becomes, onceagain, simply John Smith (Spirit ).Additionally, John Smith is also a father. This is anotheraspect of John Smith. When John Smith is behaving in therole of a father, he is activating another specific aspect ofhimself; and this aspect of John Smith becomes his Soulfor as long as John Smith is behaving ( incarnating ) as afather. Once John Smith's role as a father is over, thisaspect ( Soul ) of John Smith goes into a state of rest andJohn Smith becomes, once again, simply John Smith (Spirit ).And this goes on and on for each different aspect that JohnSmith chooses to activate of himself. Matryoshka dolls - Image via WikipediaAnother way to picture this process is by way of the RussianMatryoshka dolls. These are a number of increasingly smallerdolls that fit one into the other. The one large doll contains allthe progressively smaller dolls within it. In this state, the onelarge doll can be pictured as Spirit. When the smaller dollsare removed from the larger doll to be played with, they canbe pictured as different aspects ( Souls ) of the one largestdoll. Once these smaller dolls are replaced one-within-the-other and then reinserted within the largest doll, this can beviewed as the smaller aspects ( Souls ), their activities beingcompleted, once again becoming a part of the largest doll( Spirit ).Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails frompeople with similar thoughts and feelings. My Email address islocated in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can beposted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forwardit to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to beeither advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinionsand no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competentadvice from a licensed, registered, or certified professionalshould such advice or service be required. copyright Joseph Panek 2019 The Egyptian Akh and Ba ( Symbolism and Mythology )&u=http://www.aseekersthoughts.com/2019/01/spirit-vs-soul-egyptian-akh-and-ba.html' target='_blank'> The Egyptian Akh and Ba ( Symbolism and Mythology )' target='_blank'> The Egyptian Akh and Ba ( Symbolism and Mythology )' target='_blank'> The Egyptian Akh and Ba ( Symbolism and Mythology )' target='_blank' title='Google Bookmark'> The Egyptian Akh and Ba ( Symbolism and Mythology )&u=http://www.aseekersthoughts.com/2019/01/spirit-vs-soul-egyptian-akh-and-ba.html' target='_blank'> The Egyptian Akh and Ba ( Symbolism and Mythology )' target='_blank' title='mister-wong'> The Egyptian Akh and Ba ( Symbolism and Mythology )' target='_blank' title='blogmarks'> The Egyptian Akh and Ba ( Symbolism and Mythology )' target='_blank' title='spurl'> The Egyptian Akh and Ba ( Symbolism and Mythology )' target='_blank'> The Egyptian Akh and Ba ( Symbolism and Mythology )&u=http://www.aseekersthoughts.com/2019/01/spirit-vs-soul-egyptian-akh-and-ba.html' target='_blank'> (Image via Wikipedia)"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates."- The KybalionOur Incarnation in this realm of matter consists of four things:Spirit, Matter, Our Physical Body, and Vibration.It is also interesting to note that although Spirit can exist withoutmatter (which it does in the Spiritual realm), matter cannot existwithout Spirit. Therefore, from the first moment of our physicalconception within the womb, Spirit becomes bound within matter.And, as all is vibration, and as we are a combination of Spirit,matter and vibration, let us take a close look at how vibrationaffects and interacts with the Spiritual and material aspects ofour being as we Travel through this Incarnation of ours.What is vibration? Vibration is frequency. The faster somethingvibrates, the higher its frequency. The slower something vibrates,the lower its frequency. Keeping in mind that everything vibrates,let us now explore vibration in both spirit and matter; then let uslook at what happens when the vibrations of spirit and matterare combined.Matter: All matter consists of atoms; and atoms vibrate.Measurements of material vibration inform us of the following:The earth which we occupy has a resonant frequency of 7.83cycles per second. This is a very low rate of vibration. It is alsointeresting to note that the Mantric syllable "OM" also resonatesat 7.83 cycles per second.Our Physical Body: Our physical body, depending on whichbody part is being measured, vibrates at a frequency between2 to 100 cycles per second.Therefore, both the earth and our physical body vibrate at avery low frequency; a very low rate of vibration.Light: Imagine this: we cannot see light. We can, however, seethe material things that light casts its rays upon. In other words,although we cannot actually see light we can see the effectswhich light produces. A pitch dark forest becomes a visualwonderland once the sun rises above the horizon and its lightilluminates the variety of plant and animal life contained withinthe forest.Yet, although we cannot actually see light, we are able tomeasure the frequency of a light wave. Light, which we cannotactually see, but does in fact exist and illuminates everythingit touches, vibrates at a frequency in excess of 100 trillioncycles per second!Now, it is NOT the intent of this article to get technical. Thepurpose of describing the frequency of light is to present theidea of how rapidly light vibrates in relation to matter.Spirit: Spirit, the active intelligent aspect of our being, vibratesat an infinitely high frequency: a frequency that is impossibleto measure; a frequency, or vibration, that is infinitely higherand faster than the frequency of light. If we think that thefrequency of light, which vibrates in excess of 100 trillion cyclesper second, is fast, well, the immeasurable frequency of Spiritmakes the frequency of light seem as if it is standing still. WOW!Insights and Observations:Now that we have looked at vibration, matter, our physical body,and Spirit each separately, let us now try to imagine what happenswhen the infinitely high vibration of Spirit unites with the incrediblylow vibration of matter; especially at the moment of our physicalbirth.Let's use a metaphor: Imagine a high-speed drill (Spirit) and ablock of granite (matter). If we bring the bit of the drill into quick,strong contact with with the block of granite, and try to force itthrough to the center of the granite, the drill bit will shatter!This shattering of the drill bit Symbolizes the extreme traumathat Spirit must experience at the moment it enters the matter ofour physical body.Although Spirit does combine with matter (our bodies) it mustprovide one heck of a shock for Spirit. And, some people feel thisso strongly that their Spirit has a very painful experience while itis trapped or confined within their material body. This is why mystics and other spiritually advanced individualsdedicate themselves to having their Spirit leave the densematter of their physical bodies in order to return to the paradisiacalrealm from whence it came. A physical incarnation to theseindividuals must indeed be a painful and traumatic experience.But, as most of us are not mystics (at least not yet), how doesthis union of Spirit and matter within us affect this Incarnationof ours?Quite simply, for those of us who are on a spiritual Path, thisunion of spirit and matter within us torments us with a constanttug-of-war between our higher spiritual faculty and our lowermaterial faculty. Although we wish to experience spiritual bliss(high vibration), we are confronted daily with the material pull(low vibration) of this realm of matter which we occupy by wayof the people we meet and the Events we must contend with.Our Spirit is a being of extremely high vibration and it wishesto bask in the higher vibrational arenas of peace, Harmony,freedom, kindness and Brotherly Love. However, while our Spiritis trapped within a physical body it is constantly being tormentedby the lower vibrational feelings of anger, greed, envy, hatred,and physical desires. And... to top it off, our Spirit must alsocontend with the even lower vibrational level of this planet uponwhich our physical body travels upon.This puts the higher-vibrational aspects of our Spirit in a constanttug-of-war with the lower-vibrational aspects of both our physicalbody and the planet which we occupy.This is why we find it so difficult to keep our Thoughts and Actionsfocused on the blissful attributes preferred by the Spiritual aspect ofour nature. For while Spirit is attempting to focus our mind andbehavior on the more sublime aspects of our Incarnation, matter isworking just as hard on pulling us down into the more grossaspects of our Incarnation.This is the challenge presented to us: Do we focus on allowingour Spirit to vibrate as quickly and highly as possible by focusingour Thoughts on the higher Divine Principles such as peace,freedom, and enlightenment; OR do we allow ourself to succumbto the lower vibrations generated within the realm of matter?Our nature is dual: Spirit and Matter. The realm of matter is alsodual and it is constantly presenting us with a barrage of "either-or"Choices.Thought precedes Action! Are we the Unattached Observer who is"in this world but not of it" or are we the victim of human folly? Dowe open ourselves to the sublime or to the tragic? Do we focus onpeace, freedom and contentment or do we focus on anger, hatredand fear? Are we raising our consciousness to the higher vibrationsor are we surrendering ourselves to the lower vibrations?The Choices we make are ours and ours alone. And it is theChoices we make that determine the experiences and the Destinyof this incarnation of ours.Conclusion:Our physical senses can only be Aware of those experienceswhich occur within the vibrational range of our physical senses.Everything that occurs outside the vibrational range of ourphysical senses in considered to be extra-sensory ormeta-physical. Both of which mean "beyond the realm ofour physical senses".Because something occurs beyond the realm of our physicalsenses does not mean that it is unbelievable or magical. Itsimply means that our physical senses cannot acknowledgethese particular vibrations. We cannot see, hear, touch, taste,or smell things that are beyond the vibrational range of thesephysical senses. This does not mean that these things, theseexperiences, do not exist; for they do exist.The only thing that prevents us from knowing everything...Theonly thing that limits us from experiencing the infinite...is ourphysical senses! Once we transcend our physical senses theinfinite is ours to experience and enjoy.And this may very well be what those individuals who havehad Near Death Experiences have come back to tell us. Forthe Spiritual realm is not burdened by the narrow vibrationalrestrictions of the physical realm and the associated effectsthat burden both our senses and our consciousness. TheSpiritual realm is sublimely and knowingly Infinite!Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails frompeople with similar thoughts and feelings. My Email address islocated in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can beposted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forwardit to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to beeither advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinionsand no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competentadvice from a licensed, registered, or certified professionalshould such advice or service be required. copyright Joseph Panek 2017Our Physical Body, and Vibration:&u=http://www.aseekersthoughts.com/2017/08/the-mystical-union-of-spirit-matter-our.html' target='_blank'>Our Physical Body, and Vibration:' target='_blank'>Our Physical Body, and Vibration:' target='_blank'>Our Physical Body, and Vibration:' target='_blank' title='Google Bookmark'>Our Physical Body, and Vibration:&u=http://www.aseekersthoughts.com/2017/08/the-mystical-union-of-spirit-matter-our.html' target='_blank'>Our Physical Body, and Vibration:' target='_blank' title='mister-wong'>Our Physical Body, and Vibration:' target='_blank' title='blogmarks'>Our Physical Body, and Vibration:' target='_blank' title='spurl'>Our Physical Body, and Vibration:' target='_blank'>Our Physical Body, and Vibration:&u=http://www.aseekersthoughts.com/2017/08/the-mystical-union-of-spirit-matter-our.html' target='_blank'> (Image via Wikipedia)The Oak Tree:At one time enormous forests covered a major part of what wenow call Europe. These forests stretched across, and completelydominated several, of what are today, European countries.And the King of all of the trees of all of these forests was, andstill is, the Oak.The Oak, whose wood is harder and more compact than that ofany other tree, can grow to mammoth heights; and its trunk canexpand to massive widths.An Oak Tree can easily live in excess of 700 years; many havelived for 1,000 years; it can also grow to more than ten storiestall. The extremely deep roots of the Oak Tree compensate forthe immense weight of its heavy branchesThe Oak Tree is struck by Lightning more than any other tree.When struck by Lightning, that particular Oak was consideredto have received Enlightenment and Revelation from Divinity.And it is why sacred rituals, rites, Ceremonies, and divinationswere carried out in Oak Groves. The strength and majesty of theOak is further realized in that after being struck by Lightning,thereby absorbing Divine Illumination, it continues to grow.The wood from Lightning-struck trees was especially preferredfor the making of staffs and wands.Oak wood was used to fuel sacred and perpetual fires. HolyGroves within Oak forests were used as places of worship andInitiation. The Oak was the sacred tree of the Druids. Legendhas it that the Wizard Merlin used the uppermost branch of anOak Tree for his wand. Druids taught secret Lessons andperformed sacred Ceremonies under the outstretched branchcanopies of ancient Oak Trees.It is because of these numerous distinct qualities that the regalOak Tree is a Symbol of Invincibility, Durability, Endurance,Longevity, Enlightenment, Wisdom , Memory, Lore and CalmStrength.Because the wood of the Oak Tree is strong, compact and sturdy,it was used in construction of fortifications, battleships and bridges.Furniture made from Oak wood is extremely durable and canlast for centuries. Oak furniture also adds a feeling of warmthand security to a home.King Arthur's Round Table was reportedly made of Oak. RobinHood lived among the Oak Trees of Sherwood Forest. Jason'sship the Argo is said to have been constructed from Oak Treesgrown in a sacred grove.Oak roots, being embedded deep within the earth, Symbolizesteadfastness, strength and a solid foundation; importantqualifications for one's personal moral standards. Because of theirinherent strength, Oak roots were often used in the manufacturingof handles. Oak roots were also considered to be magically potent.The far-spreading horizontal branches of the Oak Tree provideda protective and peaceful canopy under which important andsolemn Ceremonies were carried out.Councils were convened, treaties were signed, conflicts wereresolved, marriage ceremonies were performed, and proclamationswere announced under the sheltering branches of an ancient Oak Treeto signify that these rituals were protected and blessed by the strength,longevity and durability of the mighty Oak. In short, the ancient Oakwas the central stabilizing location of rule and order.Cutting down the Great Oak of another was considered an act of war,conflict, collapse, treachery and chaos.A multitude of cities, states and countries have adopted the OakTree as their Symbol. Oak leaves are utilized in military insignias.The Oak Tree is the Symbol of choice on many Coats of Arms.Bark:Decoctions, elixirs and teas made from Oak bark are usedto combat diarrhea, dysentery and headaches. Salves made fromOak bark are utilized externally to treat hemorrhoids, inflamedgums, wounds and eczema. A decoction of acorns and Oak barkwas considered to be an excellent antidote for poisoning. Oak barkis used to create dyes and is also used in the tanning of leather.Leaves: Oak leaves are used to make fine wines.Hollows: Some ancient Oaks grew so wide that their Hollowswere able to provide shelter from not only the elements but alsoprotection from enemies. These Hollows also served ascongregating places for secret meetings. Oak Tree Hollows arealso perceived as doorways to other realms. Anyone who hasever stood, or sat, within the Hollow of an Oak Tree has probablyfelt the protective, nurturing and magical feeling it induces. It issuggested to either sit with your back against an Oak Tree, orsit within its Hollow, when we are in need of strength, calmingor enlightenment.Druids: Although the word "Druid" means "Men of HighKnowledge", or "Master Teacher", it is because they used theOak Tree as their sacred Symbol that they were referred to as"Men of the Oak".Acorns: Acorns have always been used as a food staple. Acornscan be roasted and eaten as food; they can also be ground andused for making bread and as a substitute for coffee. BecauseAcorns are a product of the powerfully Symbolic Oak Tree, theywere worn and carried for "good luck". And, for the same reason,eating Acorns was thought to provide strength and Enlightenment.Woodland animals store Acorns for their winter food. Any uneatenAcorns lying on the ground can sprout roots and become thenext saplings. However, only a very small percentage of Acornsbecome Oak Trees.The entire potential of the mighty Oak Tree is contained withina single Acorn.Mistletoe: Mistletoe does not grow on the ground. It is borne bythe birds of the air. And, as birds have always been the Symbolof Spirit, Mistletoe is considered a spiritual gift from heaven.It is very rare to find Mistletoe on an Oak Tree. But, when this"gift from heaven" is found growing on the Oak Tree, which isitself a Symbol of Wisdom and Enlightenment, it is consideredto be a very sacred event; a gift from Divinity. And being a giftfrom Divinity, it was only removed from the Oak Tree by way ofa very solemn and meticulous Ceremony.The Druids removed the Mistletoe from the Oak Tree in thefollowing manner: As Mistletoe was considered a sacred giftfrom Divinity, it was considered sacrilegious to either hack orcut it carelessly from the Oak. During a sacred Ceremony, aDruid dressed in all-white would slice the Mistletoe from theOak with a Golden sickle. The Mistletoe was then caught in awhite sheet and never allowed to touch the ground. Mistletoe,in addition to being a fertility gift from Divinity, was alsoconsidered to be an antidote for all poisons.Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails frompeople with similar thoughts and feelings. My Email address islocated in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can beposted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forwardit to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to beeither advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinionsand no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competentadvice from a licensed, registered, or certified professionalshould such advice or service be required. copyright Joseph Panek 2017(Symbolism and Mythology)&u=http://www.aseekersthoughts.com/2017/04/oak-trees-acorns-mistletoe-and-druids.html' target='_blank'>(Symbolism and Mythology)' target='_blank'>(Symbolism and Mythology)' target='_blank'>(Symbolism and Mythology)' target='_blank' title='Google Bookmark'>(Symbolism and Mythology)&u=http://www.aseekersthoughts.com/2017/04/oak-trees-acorns-mistletoe-and-druids.html' target='_blank'>(Symbolism and Mythology)' target='_blank' title='mister-wong'>(Symbolism and Mythology)' target='_blank' title='blogmarks'>(Symbolism and Mythology)' target='_blank' title='spurl'>(Symbolism and Mythology)' target='_blank'>(Symbolism and Mythology)&u=http://www.aseekersthoughts.com/2017/04/oak-trees-acorns-mistletoe-and-druids.html' target='_blank'>The zigzag drawing, or carving, of the Lightning Bolt is a veryancient Symbol which is found in all cultures. Symbolically, Lightning, or Fire from the Heavens, is that Spiritual Flash which appears to come out of nowhere in order to instantly awaken new Thoughts and ideas within us. Therefore the Symbol of Lightning represents that Flash from Above which suddenly sheds Light upon those new vistas of Awareness, Illumination, Insight and Enlightenment which had been previously concealed from us.Lightning often precedes rain, therefore it is also associated withWater. When viewed in this manner, Lightning is the supernatural force from above which destroys, cleans out, and purges whatever is old so that the Creative Water contained within the rain can moisten that which has been cleansed in order for new life, and new growth, to begin. In this way, Lightning Symbolizes the Divine Principle of Creative Destruction.As a "bolt out of the blue" Lightning appears suddenly and withoutwarning. It is an awesome statement from above. And, against thedark night sky, it is a giant and emphatic spark of Illumination whichseems to come from an unseen Source.Mythologically and Symbolically Lightning is a weapon, or instrument, of the gods. For example, Zeus is portrayed as holding a handful of Lightning bolts which he is prepared to hurl toward whatever person, place or thing that requires the attention-getting Spark of Illumination from unseeable, yet ever-present, Divinity.With these thoughts in mind, it becomes easy for us to recognizeand understand the Spiritual and Esoteric concepts Symbolized bythe bolt of Lightning.As an instantaneous and forceful instrument of Divinity, Lightningrepresents a powerful and unforgettable statement from a highersource; the blinding light of mental and spiritual Illumination fromabove; and a flash of inspiration or enlightenment which seems tocome to us from heaven itself. It is the heavenly fire of instant inspiration, enlightenment and revelation. In other words, Lightning is the Symbol of an Epiphany.It represents the Spiritual Moment when Divinity connects, and shares Enlightenment, with a worthy and well-qualified Seeker or Initiate which thereby elevates the mind, Spirit and Wisdom of this special individual to a higher Eternal and Spiritual plane.Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails frompeople with similar thoughts and feelings. My Email address islocated in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can beposted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forwardit to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to beeither advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinionsand no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competentadvice from a licensed, registered, or certified professionalshould such advice or service be required. copyright Joseph Panek2016(Symbolism and Mythology)&u=http://www.aseekersthoughts.com/2016/08/lightning-as-symbol-symbolism-and.html' target='_blank'>(Symbolism and Mythology)' target='_blank'>(Symbolism and Mythology)' target='_blank'>(Symbolism and Mythology)' target='_blank' title='Google Bookmark'>(Symbolism and Mythology)&u=http://www.aseekersthoughts.com/2016/08/lightning-as-symbol-symbolism-and.html' target='_blank'>(Symbolism and Mythology)' target='_blank' title='mister-wong'>(Symbolism and Mythology)' target='_blank' title='blogmarks'>(Symbolism and Mythology)' target='_blank' title='spurl'>(Symbolism and Mythology)' target='_blank'>(Symbolism and Mythology)&u=http://www.aseekersthoughts.com/2016/08/lightning-as-symbol-symbolism-and.html' target='_blank'>William of Ockham (also Occam, c. 1288 c. 1348) was anEnglish Franciscan friar and scholastic philosopher, who isbelieved to have been born in Ockham, a small village in Surrey.He is considered to be one of the major figures of medieval thoughtand was at the centre of the major intellectual and politicalcontroversies of the fourteenth century. Although he is commonlyknown for Occam's razor, the methodological principle that bears hisname, William of Ockham also produced significant works on logic,physics, and theology. In the Church of England, his day ofcommemoration is 10 April.What is Occam's Razor?The entire metaphor and philosophy of Occam's Razor is basedon the principle that at the heart of every problem, dilemma orbaffling question there lies one, and only one, core issue whichneeds to be resolved. Once we recognize what this one core issueis, we are then able to properly solve our problem, resolve ourdilemma and answer whatever question that has been puzzling us.Almost every problem which confounds not only us, but societyas well, has become confounding due to the many non-essential,un-related and petty arguments which have been attached to theone underlying core issue.Once we strip away all of the petty controversies which find a wayof attaching themselves to any core issue, we are then able toreduce all debates, problems and confusing thoughts to their mostbasic principle. And once any argument or problem is reduced toits most basic principle, the problem automatically solves itself.But, why a razor?A razor is a reference to shaving away, peeling away, or slicingaway all unnecessary and superfluous attachments which coverup the one basic and simple answer, principle or Truth which oneis Seeking.As we keep whittling away all that is superfluous and unnecessarywe eventually uncover the one true and sole issue which hasbecome buried, concealed and lost beneath a mountain ofcontradictory debates, petty arguments, confused thoughts,unfounded theories, false information and biased thinking.The metaphor of Occam's Razor instructs us that the simplestand most unconditional answer, an explanation based upon thefewest and possibly no assumptions, is most often the correctanswer; for it is the one answer that is free from all assumptions,speculations, opinions, hypotheses and all other various typesof clutter.Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails frompeople with similar thoughts and feelings. My Email address islocated in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can beposted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forwardit to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to beeither advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinionsand no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competentadvice from a licensed, registered, or certified professionalshould such advice or service be required. copyright Joseph Panek 2014The bare Truth; The naked Truth; Nothing to hide; What areyou covering up?; Reveal yourself; The Truth has been exposed.Naked! It is the way we come into this world. Pure...innocent...sincere...uninhibited...vulnerable...we have nothing to hide.We enter our Current Incarnation as a spiritually gifted butmaterialistically naive Traveler who is full of excitement, curiosityand joy.At the moment we enter this material realm our only Memories arethose of the peaceful and calm Garden of Eden we just departed.We are devoid of, and unaware of, all of the false trappings, bindings,expectations and obligations that a materialistic society is all tooanxious to drape upon us.Then, slowly and methodically, society distances us from the realmof pure spirit in order to bind and cover us with all of the woes of thematerial realm.This entrance of ours into the world of materialism serves as anexcellent metaphor for nakedness and nudity in Symbolism,artwork, and mythology. For nakedness and nudity are Symbolicof purity, innocence, freedom, Truth, Wisdom and Harmony;which, when we come to think about it, are all really one and thesame virtue.As nakedness and nudity are a Symbolic reflection of "what istrue", or "what is revealed", they are portrayed as a feminineaspect of nature.With these thoughts in mind, let us now explore the Symbolismof nakedness and nudity.When we view artwork or read mythological tales of Paradise, wefind that nakedness is the "fashion of the day" in this nostalgic,innocent and beckoning realm. For Paradise reminds us of theGolden Age when mankind lived in Harmony with all of Natureand the burden of clothing was unnecessary.When we contemplate Paradise, our Thoughts are lifted to thepurity and refinement of higher consciousness. We wistfullyascend to a realm of integrity, openness, simplicity and plenitude.In this realm, where all of our needs are provided for, we areclothed only by pure air...the Aether...the Divine life force...eternal Truth. Paradisaical nakedness is Symbolic of unconfinedand uninhibited Freedom. For, as clothing represents "somethingto hide", "restrictiveness" or the "wear and tear" associated withtemporal Time, we have no need for it in the realm of Paradise.When we encounter an image of a naked figure floating freelyabove the ground, this is a reminder that while Truth and Harmonymake themselves available to all of us here on earth they are notmaterial essences, but Divine Principles, which transcend theworldly and mundane.Truth, Harmony, and all of the other virtues associated withSymbolic nakedness belong to the eternal spiritual realm andare willingly bestowed upon all of us in the material realm whowish to include them in our lives. In this instance, nakednessalso Symbolizes the higher mind, the uncluttered mind, theunbiased mind, the Unattached Observer and the enlightenedmind which sees things as they truly are.This same image of a naked figure floating above the groundis also a Symbol for ascension. To ascend is to achieveenlightenment; to rise above and beyond the earthly plane.Ascension occurs when we finally cast off all of the earthlyclothing - the bondages of materialism and thetrappings of illusion - which has been heaped upon us. It is thesublime moment when our spirit purely, innocently and nakedlyreturns to the Paradisaical Unity from whence it originally came.Partial nudity is a Symbolic way to express the Esoteric. It tellsus that there are still hidden and secret teachings containedwithin that which has already been revealed. It represents thetimeless Lessons which lie behind the Idol, curtain, or Veil.It is the Wisdom behind the parable, metaphor or myth. It isthe hidden Truth contained behind an image or story; a Truthwhich can only be recognized by the worthy and well-qualifiedInitiate.Society, through its many organizations and factions, makes agreat effort to Indoctrinate the masses to clothe themselves inmasks, costumes, garments, attitudes, behaviors and makeupsof all sorts in order to either conform, appease or deceive. Andthe result for so many people is that they have completelyforgotten who they truly are and their life is nothing but one bigMasquerade.For it is not our clothing - our physical wrappings or prettypackaging - that determines who we truly are; it is our truenakedness, our Inner Beauty, which lies beneath our outertrappings that determines our spiritual worth.To be Symbolically naked is to be free from Sin. It is to befree from the Guilt, Threats and Obligations heaped upon usby society. It is to be free from false Indoctrinations. It is thediscarding of the constrictive trappings of fickle man-madedemands so that we can freely bask within, and openlyabsorb, the unrestrictive and uncontaminated purity ofDivine Light and Divine Law.For, while corruption. lies, treachery and deception operatebeneath multiple layers of cover in the dark - fearful of showingthemselves - Truth walks naked in the light, showing itself to allwho are prepared to gaze directly upon it.Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails frompeople with similar thoughts and feelings. My Email address islocated in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can beposted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forwardit to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to beeither advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinionsand no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competentadvice from a licensed, registered, or certified professionalshould such advice or service be required. copyright Joseph Panek 2014From ancient Sumer, a civilization which may arguably pre-dateancient Egypt, we get the Sumerian Sphinx. The SumerianSphinx has four distinct features, or elements: the head of man,wings, the body of a lion, and the feet of a bull.Thousands of years later, we see these same four features beingexpressed in the Alchemical, Hermetic and religious paintings ofthose times. These four features, are expressed in these paintingsin the following manner: a bull in the lower left corner of the painting,a lion in the lower right corner of the painting, an eagle in the upperright corner of the painting, and man in the upper left corner of thepainting.The bull, lion, eagle and man which appear in these paintingsoccur in the same order, and sequence, as they appear on anastrological chart; and in the zodiac. A perfect example of thisorder is expressed in the Tarot card, The World.(Image via Wikipedia)This identical sequence also appears on the Tarot card,Wheel of FortuneIt is interesting to find that these four elements - the bull, the lion,wings ( the eagle ), and man - have survived, and endured,throughout the millennia.Why would the ancient Sumerians create a mythological creature,an archetype, consisting of these four elements?And furthermore, what is it that is so powerful about these fourelements that their importance survived the millennia in order tore-appear once again in Alchemical, Hermetic and religiouspaintings thousands of years later?The Four Pillars of Heaven:Since the most ancient of times, mankind has worshipped fourspecific cardinal points of the year: the two Equinoxes and thetwo Solstices.Temple windows, megaliths and monoliths were aligned so asto greet and worship the Sun at these four important and sacredmoments of the year.Ancient cultures referred to these four sacred times of the yearas the Four Pillars which support the Sky; or the Four Pillarswhich support the Vault of Heaven.Why are these four times of the year referred to as the FourPillars? These four times of the year are equidistant from eachother; they occur approximately 90 days apart and representone-fourth of the year. Also, being equidistant, they are also,astrologically, 90 degrees apart from each other and representone-fourth of a Circle; or one-fourth of the earth's annual Cycle.We still recognize these four times of the year today: theSpring Equinox, the Autumn Equinox, the Winter Solstice,and the Summer Solstice.And though, today, these four sacred times of the year arecelebrated commercially rather than worshipped spiritually, arespect for these four important heavenly Events still survivesPrecession of the Equinoxes (Ages of the Zodiac):The earth wobbles on its axis in a clock-wise direction in relationto the heavens. It takes approximately 25,920 years for it tocomplete one complete wobble. This one complete wobble isreferred to, astrologically, as The Great Year.During each Great Year, the Sun travels ( precesses ) througheach of the twelve constellations of the ecliptic, or zodiac,in a slow and clock-wise direction. The word zodiac means"circle of animals".The time the Sun spends in each constellation is called aPrecessional Age. Each Precessional Age is determined bywhich constellation of the zodiac the sun is rising in at dawn onthe Spring ( Vernal ) Equinox. Each Precessional Age lasts forapproximately 2,160 years.We are currently at the end of the Age of Pisces and preparingto enter ( precess into ) the Age of Aquarius. And, as we shall see,Aquarius is one of the components of both the Sumerian Sphinxand the Alchemical, Hermetic and religious drawings mentionedat the beginning of this article.In each Precessional Age the Sun rises in four complimentaryconstellations, which are 90 degrees apart, at a specific time ofthe year for the duration of that Particular Age. These fourconstellations are the Four Pillars of that Precessional Age.In the current Precessional Age of Pisces, the Sun rises in Piscesat the Spring Equinox, in Virgo at the Autumn Equinox, and inGemini and Sagittarius at the Solstices.When the Age of Pisces is ended the Sun will precess intoAquarius and cause the Four Pillars to churn, which will result inthe following: the Sun will rise in Aquarius at the Spring Equinox,in Leo at the Autumn Equinox, and in Taurus and Scorpio at theSolstices.Because the Four Pillars of any specific Precessional Age are90 degrees apart from one another, each of the Four Pillars issituated in one of the four different astrological elements of eitherfire, earth, air, or water.The act of precession from one Astrological Age into another isalso represented, Symbolically and mythologically, as theChurning of the Mill and is often depicted by mythological Godsor Heroes holding the head and tail of a great Serpent, which iswrapped around a central pillar. These Gods or Heroes thenchurn this pillar by alternately pulling either the head or tail of theSerpent as one would do today in a game of "tug-of-war". TheSerpent represents the constellation Draco, which is entwinedwithin the branches of The World (or Cosmic) Tree.In mythology, we also encounter a "broken pillar" which some Godor Hero ultimately re-sets. The broken pillar symbolizes the end ofone Precessional Age, while the re-setting of the pillar representsthe beginning of the next Precessional Age. The broken pillar isnormally re-set by the particular God, Hero or Archetype who willbe ruling, or governing, the new Precessional Age.The Sumerian Sphinx:(Image via Wikipedia)Let us now consider the Symbolism which is contained withinthe Sumerian Sphinx. Again, the Sumerian Sphinx has the feet ofa bull, the body of a lion, wings, and the head of man. And, again,these are the same four features which later appear in theAlchemical, Hermetic and religious paintings mentioned above.So, what are we to make of this enigmatic, mythological creaturewhich comes down to us from some ancient race?The feet of the bull represent the constellation Taurus. Thebody of a lion represents the constellation Leo. The wings(which are later expressed as an eagle) represent theconstellation Scorpio. And, the head of man represents theconstellation Aquarius.These four constellations are 90 degrees apart from each other.Therefore, because they are 90 degrees apart, it is quite probablethat they represent a Precessional Age. What is also interestingto note is that these are the same four constellations, or pillars,which will be involved in the upcoming Age of Aquarius.So, the question now remains: If this mythological archetype,this Sumerian Sphinx, is Symbolic of a Precessional Age, whichPrecessional Age is it?There is evidence which seems to point to the Age of Leo as thePrecessional Age being described by the four features of theSumerian Sphinx. If so, then we are looking at a Precessional Agewhich occurred approximately 10,500 BC!But why choose the constellation of Leo, represented by thebody of a lion, from among the four constellations which arerepresented by the Sumerian Sphinx?To answer this question, we now turn to the Egyptian Sphinx.The Egyptian Sphinx:Proportions, ratios and exact alignment were critical factors thatplayed an important role in the artwork, and in the constructionof temples, buildings and statues, of the ancient Egyptians.Attention to detail was an ingrained aspect of their culture.And, attention to detail is what kept them in Harmony withthe Law of Maat.The Egyptian Sphinx, as it exists today, consists of two features:the body of a lion and the head of a pharaoh.However, according to ancient Greek historians, the EgyptianSphinx originally had the body of a lion and the head of awoman!The pharaoh's head, which is a current feature of the EgyptianSphinx, is out of proportion when scaled to the size of the lion'sbody. In other words, the current pharaoh's head on the Sphinx istoo small when measured against the size of the lion's body. It isout of ratio; out of scale; out of Harmony. It is therefore not inkeeping with the Law of Maat; something inconceivable to theancient Egyptians.When we consider how detail-, ratio- and alignment-oriented theancient Egyptians were in all of their monuments, temples,statues and artwork, it is nearly impossible to consider that theywould have miscalculated the proper ratio between the Sphinx'shead and the rest of its body. The only alternative is that, at sometime in the distant past, some pharaoh chiseled away the originalhead of the Sphinx in order to have his features carved in its place.Taking all of this into consideration, we are now left with thereports of the ancient Greek historians which tell us that theoriginal Egyptian Sphinx had the body of a lion and the headof a woman.If this is true, and there is evidence to support this, then theoriginal Egyptian Sphinx very probably Symbolized the cusp ofa Precessional Age; with the head of a woman representing theconstellation Virgo and the body of a lion representing theconstellation Leo. And, the cusp of the Age of Virgo and theAge of Leo, as determined by the rising of the Sun on theSpring Equinox, occurred around 10,500 BC.So, the question we are left to ponder is this: What is sosignificant about the ancient Age of Leo that prompted theAncients, the Alchemists and the Hermetists to honor thisparticular Precessional Age? An Age that extends itself, inperpetuity, all the way from the Sumerian Sphinx to ourmodern-day Tarot deck? This is our unanswered enigma.And, perhaps the answer lies in the upcoming Age ofAquarius which is in direct astrological opposition to theAge of Leo which occurred one-half of a Great Year ago.See also: "The Egyptian Sphinx"Note: Evidence supporting the alteration of the face of theEgyptian Sphinx can be found, in greater detail, inSerpent In The Sky by John Anthony West.Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails frompeople with similar thoughts and feelings. My Email address islocated in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can beposted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forwardit to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to beeither advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinionsand no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competentadvice from a licensed, registered, or certified professionalshould such advice or service be required. copyright Joseph Panek 2014The Ages Of The Zodiac, The Four Pillars Of Heaven, and the Egyptian and Sumerian Sphinx (Symbolism, Mythology and Astrology):&u=http://www.aseekersthoughts.com/2014/01/precession-of-equinoxes-ages-of-zodiac.html' target='_blank'>The Ages Of The Zodiac, The Four Pillars Of Heaven, and the Egyptian and Sumerian Sphinx (Symbolism, Mythology and Astrology):' target='_blank'>The Ages Of The Zodiac, The Four Pillars Of Heaven, and the Egyptian and Sumerian Sphinx (Symbolism, Mythology and Astrology):' target='_blank'>The Ages Of The Zodiac, The Four Pillars Of Heaven, and the Egyptian and Sumerian Sphinx (Symbolism, Mythology and Astrology):' target='_blank' title='Google Bookmark'>The Ages Of The Zodiac, The Four Pillars Of Heaven, and the Egyptian and Sumerian Sphinx (Symbolism, Mythology and Astrology):&u=http://www.aseekersthoughts.com/2014/01/precession-of-equinoxes-ages-of-zodiac.html' target='_blank'>The Ages Of The Zodiac, The Four Pillars Of Heaven, and the Egyptian and Sumerian Sphinx (Symbolism, Mythology and Astrology):' target='_blank' title='mister-wong'>The Ages Of The Zodiac, The Four Pillars Of Heaven, and the Egyptian and Sumerian Sphinx (Symbolism, Mythology and Astrology):' target='_blank' title='blogmarks'>The Ages Of The Zodiac, The Four Pillars Of Heaven, and the Egyptian and Sumerian Sphinx (Symbolism, Mythology and Astrology):' target='_blank' title='spurl'>The Ages Of The Zodiac, The Four Pillars Of Heaven, and the Egyptian and Sumerian Sphinx (Symbolism, Mythology and Astrology):' target='_blank'>The Ages Of The Zodiac, The Four Pillars Of Heaven, and the Egyptian and Sumerian Sphinx (Symbolism, Mythology and Astrology):&u=http://www.aseekersthoughts.com/2014/01/precession-of-equinoxes-ages-of-zodiac.html' target='_blank'>

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