Keleena Malnar Ascension Light Language DNA Activation Healing

Web Name: Keleena Malnar Ascension Light Language DNA Activation Healing






“Dissolving Your Inner Veil” to Become Your Multidimensional I AM presence on Halloween. What is the veil within you? Join Keleena as she assists you in dissolving yours on Halloween while it is claimed the veil is thinnest. In this webinar, Keleena will share her vision of the “thinning of the veil” within you. She will discuss the dissolving of the illusionary ego. It is what you must transform to become the greatest version of your multidimensional self, your I AM presence. When this is done one is in alignment for abundance. Keleena, as her higher self, will be utilizing many different aspects of her multidimensional being, as well as working with light masters, angels, and elementals. As a conduit for source, Keleena will utilize her many talents as a magical multi-dimensional quantum energy healer and will also bring through Read more Join Keleena in her home beginning on Friday the 13th, the day devoted to the Goddess, to break through the programming that causes the imbalance of your divine feminine and masculine energy.  Keleena will teach you to connect with your Shekinah energy and will activate open hearts for your inner healing. This will allow you to receive that which flows inwards to allow your creative process to manifest into reality. She will teach you, the Goddess, how to balance the divine feminine and masculine in a step by step process for harmony to create your manifestation in this extended weekend retreat event. There will be meditation, healing, light language DNA key code activations, physical movement teachings, goddess connecting, and much more.  Keleena teaches from experience. She has followed her divine plan, listened to her guide team, is living her dream Read more Join us in Sedona, Arizona, as we gather together for an impressive, powerful, and transformational two-day Sisters Brothers of the Rose Event on 12~12~2020! We are excited to announce Keleena has received downloads from source guiding her to unite the Sister and Brotherhood, light tribes, and more. These beautiful souls have worked to teach humanity ascension from their inner knowing of selfless love. They understand the inner power, wisdom, divine love of the trifold flame. They hold within them the secret teachings, healing modalities, and inner magic they have embodied in every life. It is now time for activation with light codes to bring forth and utilize your abilities that will assist you in the changes that you and humanity are going through in positive, compassionate love light. We also have a surprise guest! With Keleena’s unique Read more In this now moment, I have been guided to release my Mary Magdalene messages one piece at a time and have been told by Mother Mary that I am The Voice of Mary Magdalene. By Mother Mary s guidance, I am to speak as the voice from this past life that I have experienced.  For years it has been hard for me to admit to myself that I am/was her, the wife of Yeshua. Even though I did experience this life and have had synchronicities and signs, hypnosis, proof in my astrology charts, etc., I had to fight my inner ego to accept this yet remain humble as I am not Mary Magdalene now. However, in this life, I am embodying all that I have ever been in the most benevolent pure source divine love light to become my greatest being Read more Channeled co-creation from Keleena Malnar and Paul Dobree Carey. Freedom comes, not from the beginning of something new, but from the end of what was held captive, the end of Democracy, and the end of all political terms as have been. There will be a new beginning and this comes from the Light as the Light will now shine through the darkness, creating the freedom of those that have been under attack within your systems. Those captive within and beneath the establishments of governance and royalty, all will be freed at all levels of Being – levels in tunnels and caves that are not only connected to humans but also to entity forces that have evolved from a dark consciousness reality called forth as a monster to induce victimhood against the innocent. Yet, the innocent have played a Read more After receiving the same question from many clients, I have decided to allow the message to flow into an article. I hope that this will help many of you just awakening or already awakened. Keleena you always say meditate in your videos, why is it so important? When we allow ourselves to meditate to a state that is in complete silence, we then have no thought. You are no longer connected to your daily worries, thoughts of past relationships, places, people, work, etc. You create space or void, which allows you the freedom of flow from spirit to come to you as an attraction of the pure vibration you are. This is where your creativity begins to flow to manifest your dreams into reality. Meditation centers you. It removes you from the outer layers of the human self that you Read more You are invited to join Keleena with host Lauren Galey, Thursday, February 6, 2020, at 5:00 pm EST in a Quantum Conversation to discuss the emerging Light Language many are being activated to speak and its benefits for your everyday life. Keleena will discuss her purpose as a Light Language DNA Keycode Activator. She will explain how she transmits light code frequencies into the quantum field through her sacred heart, activating all souls to start their purification process. She will also discuss how it assists at many levels of healing for your ascension, activate you to speak it, and other benefits it brings. This series of Quantum Conversations by host Lauren Galey is designed to EMPOWER ENLIGHTEN you in your remembrance of your true mastery and your Divine Purpose for being here on this planet. Each Quantum Conversation assists Read more I walk this earth as a temple of light; therefore, I flow freely I walk this earth as a temple of love; therefore, I flow freely. I walk this earth as the goddess/god that I AM; therefore, I flow freely I activate freedom within me. I AM FREE (Repeat above 3x and feel the energy within your heart) We walk this earth in the love of God and the love of the Goddess. Therefore, I AM a being of androgynous light hidden behind a facade of matter, incorporated into a vehicle which determines our gender for all to see how they wish, yet in our knowing, I AM all that exists is within, yet in reality obscure to most humankind. See beyond the physical form, the gender bodies, the masks weaved into a web of lies, creating a nontruth of Read more Recorded Live, Keleena William join Sandra Alan on Twin Flame Divine Fire to share a small part of their journeys since childhood and answer some questions. Click the link to listen. We hope you enjoy it. Divine Love Grace, Keleena Ascension Wayshower Light Language KeyCode Activator Multidimensional Quantum Energy Healer YouTube: Keleena Malnar Facebook: Keleena Malnar Instagram: keleenaloves Learn to live from the heart; learn to live in love. ~Keleena  ©2019 Keleena Malnar, All Rights Reserved Read more There is a flash of rays or codes incoming in two weeks of earth time that will shift the structures of many things. This shift is the beginning of the co-creation of change for the earth year 2020. Our efforts, combined with the efforts of those upon the planet currently assisting, will identify the changes through the existence within their sacred hearts. Lightworkers keep up the excellent work as your efforts are known. The molecular changes occurring are essential for those that choose to ascend, yet also for the human race to free themselves from their own combative thinking. The heart is the center of our inner universe. It is the core structure of the human fields, dynamic electric and magnetic occurrence that connects with the flow of all that is and ever has been. However, the mind creates boundaries Read more Search for: Search Donations Welcome Recent Posts Dissolving Inner Veil~Full Moon Activating Webinar

TAGS:Ascension Light Keleena 

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