Brad Templeton's Home Page

Web Name: Brad Templeton's Home Page






Me at the now-vanished "Templeton: Next 3 Exits" signon U.S. 101 (1993)Welcome to my web home page -- a collection of my various essays ontechnology topics, comedy, my software, my popular amateur photography sub-site,and of course,an exercise in net.narcissism. Also found here are sites for some ofmy famous family members, with two books and a comic series.I also have a Blog called Brad Ideas.SpeakingToday, I am frequently on the road speaking to conferences and companies, both on myown and through my affiliation with Singularity University, a school devoted tounderstanding and exploiting technology that changes in a rapid and accelerating way.ClariNetYou may know me because I was the founder and software architect of ClariNet Communications Corp.,the world'sfirst ever ".com" company (by which I mean a business based on the internetrather than one like which sold connectivity itself) and which wasalso the net's firstand for a long time largest electronic newspaper.I founded ClariNet in 1989 in Waterloo, Ontario with thecrazy idea of trying to make money publishing professional informationover the net and to the net audience. It came to take up almost all mytime. It became by far the largestpaid subscription base on the net, and then In June of 1997, I soldClariNet to Individual, Inc. whichalso publishes online news.I also have short bios for press and conferences.I left ClariNet in 1998 after Individual merged with Desktop Datato form Newsedge Corporation. Newsedge'sstrong focus on business news delivery is the right strategy, but I decidedto take a new direction. Since then I've done various part-time projects, including a foundingrole in Topica and investment and advising for a variety of startups.In addition to thenonprofit boards listed here, I'm also on the technical advisory board ofBitTorrent Inc., commercializing the most popular large file publishingsoftware on the net.My current commercial project is writing and consulting about robotic cars including advising the team building these at Google.I'm also a frequent conference speaker.InterviewsThere have been lots of interviews with me in various magazines andweb sites over the years, but the on-web copies tend to vanish withtime, so just do a web search for "brad templeton interview" to findones still around. You can also read how I was one of the plaintiffsin a suit against Janet Reno to stop theCommunications Decency Act.I used to have a page of other press mentions of me,but as noted only a few of the links inside it are alive. Robocars In the naughties, I became fascinated with self-driving cars; first because theyare a super-cool technology, but later because my research revealed the trulyimmense numbers around cars that will be changed. I decided they would be one ofthe largest computer-driven disruptions of the near future.I have made a large series of essays about them aswell as a robocar blog. I'vebeen giving talks around the world and consulting for Google's team. Electronic Frontier Foundation I'm Chaiman Emeritus of the EFF,the leading foundation protecting liberties and privacy in cyberspace.(I was chairman from 2000 to 2010 and on the board for around 20 years.)You've probably heard of the EFF, and perhaps think that because of howit was founded that it's funded by rich benefactors. Today it stands onits own and needs the support of members and donors large and small.(Begin beg break) If you support what the EFF is doing to protectfreedom of expression, privacy and civil rights online, then do somethingabout it. Visit the EFF Web site, and atthe very least join. If you can, donate -- funds are urgently needed right now. The past couple of years have been terrible for charity fundraising due to the market andit's hurting us. If, like some high-tech folk,you still have stock with unrealized capital gains, ask about thestock-donationprogram that can get you up to a double deduction on your taxes.Please read my letter about supporting the EFF.(End beg break)Foresight Nanotech InstituteI am also on the board of the non-profit Foresight Nanotech Institute, the leading advocacyand watchdog group for molecular nanotechnology, founded in 1986 by the field'spioneers. We also focus on futurism and AI. Singularity University In 2009, a new school designed to offer a multi-disciplinary graduate program aboutthe coming 5-15 years of exponentially changing technology was created. Foundersincluded Google, Autodesk, Cisco, Genentech, Nokia, Kauffman, Peter Diamandis of theX-Prize and inventor Ray Kurzweil, as well as NASA Ames, where it's hosted.I chair the program on computing and networking. The summer program is a real trip,with 80 fantastic students from 35 countries, and we also do shorter programs throughthe year both locally and around the world. It's at rec.humor.funnyYou may also know me because I started the net's most widely readnewsgroup, rec.humor.funny. RHF isa moderated newsgroup devoted to comedy. Each day, what people estimateare a half million readers send in the lastest (and not-so-latest) jokesthey have heard. The moderator picks just the very best and sends themback out the newsgroup. I edited it until 1992, and then passed thattask on to Maddi Hausmann, who was followed in 1995 by Jim Griffith who ran ituntil the late 2010s. I maintain it now, though it's in disrepair.rec.humor.funnyhome page describes some of my adventures as one of the firstpeople to be banned on the net. RHF articles continue to be themost widely read thing on the internet and USENETtoday.For a few years I also did the same thing on the GEnie online service,known as the TeleJoke Round Table. That stopped in1993.In its way, rec.humor.funny was also what led tothe creation of ClariNet. Due to RHF and other matters, wesued the Justice Dept. to get the CommunicationsDecency act declared unconstitutional, and we won in the supreme court.I've also published several jokebooks with material from rec.humor.funny.These can still be ordered, and you can find out about themhere.I've also released a newcompilation of thevery best from those books, plus some more in The Internet Jokebookfrom Peer-to-Peer publishing.Science Fiction PublishingI'm also a science fiction publisher. In 1993, in a venture intoelectronic books, I published what was (and as far as I know still is) thelargest anthology of current fiction ever published.The Hugo and Nebula Anthology 1993 containsthe complete contents of all of the nominees for theHugo award that year, plus all the short fiction nebula nominees. Theseare SF's top awards. The anthology, which is available on CD-ROM(and was available on the net for a time) contains all the novels, all theart, all the other fiction and fan material, plus author photos andvideos and a hypertext annotated edition of one of the Hugo winners,A Fire Upon the Deep by Vernor Vinge.(At Lake Yellowstone, '98)My History, Software & ArticlesI'm also still very active on the net, and am one of the few brave soulsfrom the early days to still take an active role, though sometimes I wonderwhy. I joined my first Arpanet mailing list in 1979, and started readingUSENET in the spring of 1981. Later that year, Henry Spencer and I, intwo independent efforts, made USENET's first international links, bringingthe net into Canada. (I was born near Toronto in 1960 and grew up there,moved to Waterloo, Ontario for 13 years then moved to Silicon Valley inCalifornia in the 90s.)Please note most new essays show up in Brad Ideas,my blog.I've been working with the net for a long time and have tried to help itgrow. I've written a variety of software tools related to the net, including:Software For DownloadThe Newsclip Programming Language,The Dynafeed Dynamic netnews feeding system,A tool to measure USENET readership, andABE -- a fancy system to encode binaries in printable ASCIIThrough ClariNet, I've provided financial support for the development ofC news and the TRN newsreader.Below you will find more about the software I've written and designed.Law & Online Issues10 Big Myths on Copyright explainedBrief Intro to Copyright, a companion to the aboveSolutions to the Copyright Crisis - anexamination of the proposed answers from all camps to the crisis in Copyright.Essays on Junk E-mail (spam), how to fight it, how not to fight it, and how the fight relates to important issues of net governance.Privacy issues in Google's GMailHow to fix the Domain Name System by not havinggeneric TLDs.How to solve the problem of paying for contentin an online world by using Microrefunds and the "Don't Pay" button.A Watched Populace Never Boils, a defence of privacy.A History of the word "spam" on USENETand reflections on the 25th anniversary ofthe first spam.Free Dmitry Sklyarov, from the viewpoint ofone of the earliest ebook publishers.The story of the banning of rec.humor.funny, the first big net censorship fightUsenet and InternetThe first short history of the net wherethe phrase "imminent death of the net predicted" was coinedThe rise and fall of the first dot-com, the early history of ClariNet.comEmily Postnews Answers Your Questions onNetiquette, a satirical look at net foibles; IncludingEmily's description of how to spamI remember USENET, an article on net history and remembrance written inDecember of 2001 for the O'Reilly NetworkSome ancient essaysTop 11 Myths about the Internet and USENETThe Internet: What is it really for? -- address to the Internet World conference, June 1994An analysis of business on the Internet for the Internet Business Journal in July, 1993A description of the Trial newsgroupcreation system -- an alternative to newsgroup votingThe story of the Free Burning Man Phone Booth we created with802.11, satellite and SIPThe Bill Gates Wealth Index, a hyperboliclook at the meaning of 40 billion dollars.The Rules for Guys, asatire, repeat: a satire, on the bestselling dating guidefor women called The RulesTIPS-TIPS -- a form to report the citizen spies in Operation TIPS. Larry Ellison's new National ID Card.No Award a lightly humourous sciencefiction and time travel story set in something analagous to an SF convention.Darth-Darth Binks, Sith Lord. Hey, accidentsare always happening around him. He's strong with the Dark Side of theForce. Canadians for Global Warming emblem. We're doingour best to help the greenhouse gas "problem."with my designs. Governor Schwartzenegger confers with Governor VenturaSermon on the Mount, George Bush EditionRobocars: a series of essays on how computer-driven cars will change the worldIf we're lucky, our pets will keep us as pets,an essay on how the first super-beings may descend from apes instead of humans.A bold proposal to build a shipof Tech-Nomads that wanders the world but is always on the internet.The future of TV commercials and hard diskvideo recorders like the Tivo.MythTV projects and other essays on TV and Media in anew section of their own.How to make all our E-mail private again with opportunistic encryption.How to solve sysadmin and upgrade problemsin modern operating systems.A conceptual draft for Out-of-BandSGML/HTML/XMLs which are a way to provide rich text HTML documents that looklike plain text to plain text viewers.USENET Format Working Group notes and drafts.Ideal Audio-Video System design and why the BroadcastFlag makes it illegal.K News -- an obselete proposal from 1983 onnews indexed by keywords instead of newsgroups. People propose things likethis today, but now I know that they were wrong, as was I.OtherGuide to Irving Street/Sunset Restaurantsin the outerSunset district of San Francisco.Note that I have a full secondary website for my panoramic and generalphotography, which is my biggest hobby.Photography pagesPanoramic Photo PagesAround the World in14 days, an account of how I circled the globe in July 1995 to visit Hong Kong, China and South Africa, includingpolitical commentaryon my impressions of South Africa. With 7 (mostly safari) photos.The giant (21633 x 1024 pixels)panoramic photo of Burning Man 1998 along with70 other photos in a BM photo-essay.Fun with Photoshop in a highly unusual family portraitCompare Digital and 35mm photography in my discussion of the tradeoffs between these two methods.How many pixels in 35mm film? -- answer to a digital camera FAQSome 35mm shots today's digital cameras can't doNot my photos, but I built a page linking all 788 UnescoWorld Heritage Sites to Google Satellite Images to browseand enjoy.Did I originate "dot?"If I really did it, probably the thing I did that became the most famous wasbeing the first to suggest that internet addresses be in the formsite "dot" toplevel-domain, a convention that has now becomerecognized all around the world.Software DevelopmentI also proposed and developed the trial newsgroup system for creatingnewsgroups -- an alternate to "voting" that was approved in 1991, but alasthat's when ClariNet took over my life and the work was never followedthrough on.In my early days in the microcomputer industry, I started out as thefirst employee of Personal Software Inc., which you may know by its latername of VisiCorp.PSI/VisiCorp was the first big applications software company of themicrocomputer industry -- bigger than Microsoft for a while. Throughthem, and through other software publishers, I also wrote the followingsoftware products:Time Trek -- one of the first "Star Trek" like games for Commodore Pets,Checker King for the PET, Apple ][ and Atari 400/800,Microchess's graphics engine for the Atari 800,The bulk of VisiPlot for the IBM-PC from Mitch Kapor's design,PAL -- a popular (to some people the reference) assembler for theCommdore Pet and Commodore 64, andPower and Power 64 -- a popular utility package for the Pet and 64The earliest arpa address to UUCP path mail alias forwarder,

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