Anti-spam CAPTCHA web form protection, pre-designed forms, private virtual servers with a complete a

Web Name: Anti-spam CAPTCHA web form protection, pre-designed forms, private virtual servers with a complete a






BasicCaptcha is free and works well as a basic protection from spam. It works with any kind of HTML form and you can use it multiple times on your web pages. It has a link pointing to our website, accrediting us in return for your free Captcha. You must keep this link live or your site will be automatically banned. BasicCaptcha sends emails to one email address only and has no data encryption. BasicCaptcha details ProCaptcha is for you if it's absolutely critical for your website or business to reliably receive messages or orders from website forms. This includes order forms, estimation forms, contact forms, payment forms, etc. When using ProCaptcha you NEVER lose your orders even when your email is not working. ProCaptcha is secure and your orders and other information will never be intercepted or stolen. ProCaptcha details Web space for web sites is a semi dedicated hosting. There are a limited number of websites hosted on semi dedicated server so, unlike conventional shared hosting, websites do not compete for server's resources. Both Windows and Linux are available. From $25 per month. Private Virtual Server is dedicated to the individual customer's needs, has the privacy of a separate physical computer, and can be configured to run different OS and server software. From $195 per month. View details Our directory is among a very few that were not banned by Google Penguin update. Combine this with a high Google page rank (5!), reasonable cost and fast inclusion and you have a winner. Unlike other directories where sites are sorted alphabetically, our sites are re-sorted randomly every day; therefore, each site has a chance to be at the top - on the first page of the corresponding category. At present we review and include only paid submissions. View details

TAGS:protection form designed captcha anti-spam webform onlineforms form-to-emailscri

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Anti-spam Captcha protection for web forms, Pre-designed online forms, Form-to-email script, Private virtual servers, Human edited Web Directory

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