
Web Name: gritlab






GRIT Lab to host tour for Green Energy Doors Open in Toronto, September 9, 2016.GRIT Lab receives funding from the Canadian Federal Government to construct a new research facility at the Daniels Faculty's new building at 1 Spadina Crescent, July 28, 2016.PhD candidate Ali Jahanfar presented a paper entitled “Shading Effects of Photovolatic Panels on the Evapotranspiration Process in Extensive Green Roofs” at the Novatech Conference in Lyon, June 28, 2016. More News ++ The Green Roof Innovation Testing Laboratory, or GRIT Lab, is located at the University of Toronto, John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design.A platform for multidisciplinary collaboration, GRIT Lab s goal is to investigate the environmental performance associated with ‘green’ ‘clean’ technologies such as green roofs, green walls and photovoltaic arrays.


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The Green Roof Innovation Testing Laboratory, or gritlab, is located at the University of Toronto, John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design.

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