Technology, Viewpoint from Bristol, Virginia

Web Name: Technology, Viewpoint from Bristol, Virginia






To keep this short I've decided in 2020 to no longer cover jobs or political issues. Southwest Virginia, etc. has been written off and marginalized for the same reasons as Baltimore - ruling class doesn't care.I have documented extensively how government economic development programs never work. Their programs do not work with poor blacks in Baltimore. Their programs do not work with poor whites here. Enough said.Perhaps you, like me, were raised essentially to think of the slave experience primarily in terms of our black ancestors here in the United States. In other words, slavery was primarily about us, right ... Well, think again.The most comprehensive analysis of shipping records over the course of the slave trade is the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, edited by professors David Eltis and David Richardson. (While the editors are careful to say that all of their figures are estimates, I believe that they are the best estimates that we have, the proverbial "gold standard" in the field of the study of the slave trade.) Between 1525 and 1866, in the entire history of the slave trade to the New World, according to the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, 12.5 million Africans were shipped to the New World. 10.7 million survived the dreaded Middle Passage, disembarking in North America, the Caribbean and South America.And how many of these 10.7 million Africans were shipped directly to North America? Only about 388,000. That's right: a tiny percentage.Chicago has a black Democratic Party Mayor Lori Lightfoot. She is incompetent and has ruled Chicago since 2019. Hundreds have been shot and killed under her rule. 1,781 people have been shot killed-wounded in 2020 as of July 1.The Democratic Party has ruled Chicago for decades.She fired the previous black police chief for being drunk passed out in a car. That was chief Eddie T. Johnson who served from 2016-19. Interim police chief Charlie Beck (white) served from December 2019 to March 15, 2020. David Brown (black) has served since March 15, 2020. He is "Superintendent of Police". He like Lightfoot is incompetent. Meet Lewis Funches a nice young black man. The 22-year-old dreamed of being a Chicago police officer and was a dancer. He is dead. He was shot June 27, 2020. He was killed by a fellow black trying to kill other black(s).This mass shooting claimed 4 black victims - 2 dead, 2 wounded. June 2020 Chicago saw 88 shot and killed and another 468 wounded. That is nearly a 100% increase over June 2019. Those mostly black lives don't matter when blacks pull the trigger. People go bat-shit crazy when a rich black race car driver files a false noose report. That is national front page news, Lewis Funches is not.As of 6/22/2020 Chicago has suffered 53 mass shootings of three or more victims, another 171 involving 2 victims. Those black lives don't matter either.On July 4, 2020 a little black got shot in the head. To quote the Chicago Tribune:A 7-year-old girl was fatally shot in the head Saturday evening...Police said she suffered a gunshot wound to the forehead...The girl was out of town and visiting her grandmother...She was outside with others during a family gathering. Three (black) men got out of a white vehicle about 50 feet away from where the girl and her family was and fired at least 20 rounds at them...A second victim a 32-year-old man was shot in the ankle.Another black life that doesn't matter. To further quote on black children being shot by feral blacks:The shooting Saturday follows the wounding Tuesday night of a 3-year-old girl in the West Englewood neighborhood minutes after a 15-year-old boy was shot blocks away, after a 20-month-old boy and 10-year-old girl were killed in separate attacks last weekend. A week earlier, five children were fatally shot, including a 3-year-old boy.Where the hell are the police? Where the hell is Black Lives Matter? BLM is a fraud - they care nothing about dead black kids. They are a Marxist hate group, nothing more.Yes - white lives matter too!Victims of black violence.Once again we must employ data and reason, not racial lies and hysteria by Progressive racialists.The Civil War South produced very little of value. The industrial North produced many times the wealth of the agrarian South without slaves.To quote:By 1860, while northeastern states such as Massachusetts and Pennsylvania had nearly $100 million each invested in manufacturing enterprises, even Virginia, the most industrialized of the Southern states, had invested less than $20 million, and the figure dropped below $5 million elsewhere in the South.A comparison of the value of goods manufactured in each region is similarly lopsided: more than $150 million each for Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, less than $30 million for Virginia, and less than $5 million for Alabama.75% of whites in the South never owned slaves and in fact were impoverished by it. Like the swarms of illegal aliens and third-world peasants swamping the nation today both institutions undermine the living standards of poor workers. Meat packing in Virginia pays half of that it did in 1970 - good jobs once held by blacks.I think most whites were stupid for ever supporting the Confederacy.Massachusetts and Pennsylvania alone produced 10 times the goods of Virginia the largest southern industrial state.While it is true "Southern plantations and farms supplied three-fourths of the world cotton crop" cotton exports made up a fraction of the American economy.Ref. encyclopedia.comFREE BLACKS lived in all parts of the United States, but the majority lived amid slavery in the American South. According to the 1860 U.S. Census, there were 250,787 free blacks living in the South in contrast to 225,961 free blacks living everywhere else in the country including the Midwest and the Far West; however, not everyone, particularly free blacks, were captured by census takers.That's almost 488,000 free blacks and likely an undercount. Total black population was 4.4 million, 3.9 million slaves. Also 27 million free whites, blacks, etc.. Fact: free blacks and American Indians such as the Cherokee also owned black slaves.Ref. were 5.58 million free whites, blacks, Indians in the South in 1860. Of that 1.4 million free men of all races if we believe the 25% claim owned slaves in the South.I'll add another 100,000 to cover Kentucky and Maryland. Total 1.5 million freemen owned slaves. West Virginia didn't exist at this time and had few if any slaves to begin with.1.5 million divided by 27 million X 100 = 5.6% of all freemen white, black, etc. owned slaves.Ref. let's add in the tens of millions of white immigrants that came after 1865 could have no possible role in slavery. The number of whites whose ancestors owned slave is under likely 2%.Yes blacks owned black slaves and even white indentured servants! To quote:R. Halliburton shows that free black people have owned slaves "in each of the thirteen original states and later in every state that countenanced slavery," at least since Anthony Johnson and his wife Mary went to court in Virginia in 1654 to obtain the services of their indentured servant, a black man, John Castor, for life.And for a time, free black people could even "own" the services of white indentured servants in Virginia as well. Free blacks owned slaves in Boston by 1724 and in Connecticut by 1783; by 1790, 48 black people in Maryland owned 143 slaves. One particularly notorious black Maryland farmer named Nat Butler "regularly purchased and sold Negroes for the Southern trade," Halliburton wrote.How Many Slaves Did Blacks Own? So what do the actual numbers of black slave owners and their slaves tell us? In 1830, the year most carefully studied by Carter G. Woodson, about 13.7 percent (319,599) of the black population was free. Of these, 3,776 free Negroes owned 12,907 slaves, out of a total of 2,009,043 slaves owned in the entire United States, so the numbers of slaves owned by black people over all was quite small by comparison with the number owned by white people....the percentage of free black slave owners as the total number of free black heads of families was quite high in several states, namely 43 percent in South Carolina, 40 percent in Louisiana, 26 percent in Mississippi, 25 percent in Alabama and 20 percent in Georgia.American Indians owned slaves and did so before Europeans arrived. Whites took Indians as slaves at one time. So did Hispanics in America.ALBUQUERQUE — Lenny Trujillo made a startling discovery when he began researching his descent from one of New Mexico’s pioneering Hispanic families: One of his ancestors was a slave."I didn’t know about New Mexico's slave trade, so I was just stunned," said Mr. Trujillo, 66, a retired postal worker who lives in Los Angeles. "Then I discovered how slavery was a defining feature of my family’s history."Mr. Trujillo is one of many Latinos who are finding ancestral connections to a flourishing slave trade on the blood-soaked frontier now known as the American Southwest. Their captive forebears were Native Americans - slaves frequently known as Genízaros (pronounced heh-NEE-sah-ros) who were sold to Hispanic families when the region was under Spanish control from the 16th to 19th centuries. Many Indian slaves remained in bondage when Mexico and later the United States governed New Mexico...The trade then evolved to include not just Hispanic traffickers but horse-mounted Comanche and Ute warriors, who raided the settlements of Apache, Kiowa, Jumano, Pawnee and other peoples. They took captives, many of them children plucked from their homes, and sold them at auctions in village plazas.The Spanish crown tried to prohibit slavery in its colonies, but traffickers often circumvented the ban by labeling their captives in parish records as criados, or servants.Seeking to strengthen the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery in 1865, Congress passed the Peonage Act of 1867 after learning of propertied New Mexicans (Hispanics) owning hundreds and perhaps thousands of Indian slaves, mainly Navajo women and children.Ref. you think of the Trail of Tears, you likely imagine a long procession of suffering Cherokee Indians forced westward by a villainous Andrew Jackson...What you probably don't picture are Cherokee slaveholders, foremost among them Cherokee chief John Ross. What you probably don't picture are the numerous African-American slaves, Cherokee-owned, who made the brutal march themselves, or else were shipped en masse to what is now Oklahoma aboard cramped boats by their wealthy Indian masters...Whites owe blacks nothing because few whites even owned slaves. A higher percentage of free blacks owned slaves than free whites. Whites ended slavery while African and Muslim nations maintained slavery in some cases to the 1960s. Hispanics and American Indians also practiced slavery.Liberals will try to inflate white involvement in even though few supported it. So few a civil war ensued killing over 600,000 whites.Now let's send blacks a bill for the massive levels of crime, violence, over use of welfare, etc. since 1957. That's a thousand times the value of cotton ever grown in the South.According to the Tuskegee Institute from 1882 to 1968 1,297 whites and 3,445 blacks have been lynched. In most cases it was in response to violent crime. Lynching is a violent crime and there is no excuse for it.There have been no lynchings since 1964 when 2 whites and 1 black were lynched.Lynchings have been very rare since 1936 and never exceeded single digits since then.Since I was born in 1957 there have been 7 total lynchings, 3 whites and 4 blacks. Why all of the unfounded hysteria on lynching today?More blacks die in a typical Chicago weekend than all lynchings black and white since 1957.Ref. to the Chicago Tribune there have been almost 40,000 murders in Chicago since 1957. It is mostly blacks and Hispanics killing each other.In a typical year 7000-8000 blacks kill each other. In 2019 10 unarmed blacks were shot by police, 2 officers were charged. Whites are far more likely to be shot-killed than blacks even though blacks commit 10 times the violent crime. Ref. Washington Post.One in four blacks, one in four Native Americans and one in five Hispanics are classified as poor. By contrast, only 1 in 10 whites and 1 in 10 Asians are poor. The authors note that whites make up most of the nation's poor, but that is because there are more whites in the total population.Source: 328 million (Est.) 2019 US Census:White 76.5% includes Arabs/Muslins, etc. that are not white. ~251 million white X 10% = 25.1 million whites in poverty.Then:Black 13.4%. ~42 million X 25% = 10.5 million in poverty. Asian 5.9%. ~19.4 million X 10% = 1.94 million in poverty.Hispanic 18.3% ~60 million X 20% = 12 million in poverty.Total 24.44 million non-whites in poverty.There are more non-Hispanic whites in poverty than Blacks, all Hispanics, and Asians combined! Yet The New York Times admits most high-scoring students in poverty are White or Asian (90% plus). They in fact outscore middle and upper class Blacks and most Hispanics. Yet they are ignored in efforts to boost performance of lower-achieving non-whites. Poor whites are locked out of many elite colleges in favor of lower scoring non-whites and non-citizens (with big money) to promote diversity racism.The New York Times derides going by mere income with merit in college admissions is racist because it favors poor Whites over rich, lower scoring, non-whites benefiting under affirmative action racism.SOURCE: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), 2018.PISA test scores are allotted in roughly the same fashion as for the SAT.Immigration should be restricted along the OECD average.As of 2010, 50.5 million or 16.3% of Americans identified as Hispanic or Latino. Of those, 26.7 million, or 53%, also self-identified as white.Source: out of 60 million "Hispanics" at least 20 million are as white as I am. A rich "White" Hispanic receives special treatment over poor non-Spanish whites in Appalachia. On average Hispanic nations even if mostly white far under perform on test scores - even in Spanish.U.S. Hispanics outscore all Latin America nations but not European Spain. U.S. Whites far outscore OECD average edging out even Finland, Japan, and Korea! U.S. Hispanics score far below OECD average. American Blacks fall into the bottom third but score better than all Latino nations except Chile.U.S. whites score 33 points above OECD average, Hispanics 18 points below. But even "white" Hispanic nations fall below U.S. Hispanics.Also note allowing Muslims/Arabs from the Middle East and North Africa to identify as White plunges the white average. This is illustrated by failing Muslim schools in Dearborn Michigan. Dearborn identifies as 89% white but is little better than the failing third-world school system of nearby Detroit.The Detroit metropolitan area is home to the largest concentration of Arab Americans (403,445).Source: Public education crisis felt in Dearborn schools 01/05/2017 www.arabamericannews.comDearborn is no stranger to such issues in public education. Like neighboring Detroit, a city plagued by the failure of its public school system, Dearborn faces risks as a school district a sliver away from priority status, referring to the lowest achieving 5 percent of all public schools in the state.But their schools do adhere to Islamic culture and that is the problem. The press proudly proclaims of failing school systems: "Dearborn Schools leading the way in accommodating immigrants" Ref. 9/19/2016.PISA illustrates once again just how poorly even rich Islamic nations/cultures are on education. Even Muslim nations in Europe do very poorly.Shocking is how poorly Israel scores, but no surprise to me. Most of their population is Middle Eastern or North African in origin regardless of religion.U.S. whites score 33 points above the OECD average, the highest scoring Muslim nation (Turkey) 25 points below. Wealthy Saudi Arabia 102 points below.Update December 2019: One of the worst child abuse cases in Sullivan County is in the news again. See Baptist Preacher-Wife Sentenced to 179 YearsAlso see 2007 Christian-Newsom Race Murders Rock Knoxville.Update July 2017: I warned about Nulife Glass and predicted it was a scam. In June they fired the few people they hired and left Bristol with between 20-30 million pounds of CRT glass - glass loaded with lead. Press reports claim Bristol is trying to sue the company but likely will get stuck with disposal. They sold a $1.3 million building for less than $200,000 and half of that was payed for by grants.Below is more proof and the last I'll write on this subject. Morgan Griffith is my congressman VA 9th. Phil Roe represents East Tennessee 1st and is retiring. They are worthless.The video above is from my alternate YouTube channel. It is more oriented at general science. See Science and More.The following links are how I built my own Geiger counter plus more earth science. My home state of Virginia has some of the largest uranium reserves in the United States.I have for years dealt in electronics and technology starting far back with vacuum tubes.I design and build circuits for hobbyists and students and taught electricity, etc. in a local community college.This was an outgrowth of my interest in applied science. When I say "applied" I mean real world not hypothetical computer modeling.Over the years I have repaired, salvaged, and repurposed thousands of consumer products, circuit boards, computer gear/scrap, etc. I'm a master scrounger and proud of it. "We can not command religion, for no man can be compelled to believe anything against his will."Western concepts of God have ranged from the detached transcendent demiurge of Aristotle to the pantheism of Spinoza. Nevertheless, much of western thought about God has fallen within some broad form of theism. Theism is the view that there is a God which is the creator and sustainer of the universe and is unlimited with regard to knowledge (omniscience), power (omnipotence), extension (omnipresence), and moral perfection. Though regarded as sexless, God has traditionally been referred to by the masculine pronoun.Concepts of God in philosophy are entwined with concepts of God in religion. This is most obvious in figures like Augustine and Aquinas, who sought to bring more rigor and consistency to concepts found in religion. Others, like Leibniz and Hegel, interacted constructively and deeply with religious concepts. Even those like Hume and Nietzsche, who criticized the concept of God, dealt with religious concepts. While Western philosophy has interfaced most obviously with Christianity, Judaism and Islam have had some influence. The orthodox forms of all three religions have embraced theism, though each religion has also yielded a wide array of other views. Philosophy has shown a similar variety. For example, with regard to the initiating cause of the world, Plato and Aristotle held God to be the crafter of uncreated matter. Plotinus regarded matter as emanating from God. Spinoza, departing from his judaistic roots, held God to be identical with the universe, while Hegel came to a similar view by reinterpreting Christianity.Issues related to Western concepts of God include the nature of divine attributes and how they can be known, if or how that knowledge can be communicated, the relation between such knowledge and logic, the nature of divine causality, and the relation between the divine and the human will.Extract from God, Western Concepts of | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.There is a great deal of material on this site in regards to religion, in particular subjects related to rational monotheism and the Bible. Because Christianity was a product of the Hellenism Alexander the Great would be a good place to start taking another look. The later Roman Empire as such never "fell" in 479 AD, it merely changed form, a process going back a few centuries. "We can not command religion, for no man can be compelled to believe anything against his will."Because our faith is based upon a historical figure for whom more evidence exists than for Julius Caesar. Christians, Jews, journalists, theologians, historians and skeptics all take an active interest in every archaeological or manuscript discovery that might shed light or doubt on the origins of our faith. We, too, must be armed with these facts to confirm our faith and equip ourselves with reasons for the faith we hold in order to answer enquirers (1 Peter 3.15). Jonathan WentI'll be doing a big update in education failure in Michigan. They claimed many white students were also failing. That is not true and I'll show why.Every demographic of students has seen a slide in third-grade literacy. White students, for instance, saw a 6.5 percentage point drop, from 58.2% proficient in 2014 to 51.7% in 2016. That compares with black students, who declined 3.3 percentage points, from 23.2% to 19.9%; Hispanic students, who declined 5.2 percentage points, from 37.2% to 32%, and Asian students, who declined 6.3 percentage points, from 69.7% to 63.4%. Meanwhile, low-income students (those eligible for free or reduced price lunch), declined 6.2 percentage points, from 35.3% to 29.1%; while higher-income students declined 6.4 percentage points, from 66.8% to 60.4%.And:Just 23% of Michigan's students graduate prepared for college or careers. And the state ranked 46th in fourth-grade reading and 37th in eighth-grade math on a rigorous national exam.

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