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3 Short Sale Scripts To Get The Listings You Want

When you are speaking with a prospect either on the phone or in person what you say makes all the difference. Saying the wrong sentence, word, or coming off the wrong way can destroy your conversion rate.

Short sale prospects should convert to a signed agreement 90% of the time provided you use the right scripts. Keep in mind there are a few items that you must avoid at all costs. Before we get into the short sale scripts let’s look at what to avoid.

„3 Phrases That Will Kill Your Chances of Getting the Short Sale Listing You Desire“

These 3 phrases will kill your opportunity so study them carefully. Also note that anything even remotely close to these phrases will cause the seller to have a negative opinion of you.

Why did you buy a home with a mortgage that had an adjustable rate? Did you know there were fixed rate options?Is that nice car out there something that was bought with the money you owe to your second?These pictures look like you went on some nice vacations I bet you wish you had the money from those back.

While these phrases might sound extreme even slight variations of these can lead to a sour taste in the clients mind.

With the above in mind to ignore and remove from your vocabulary let’s look at scripts that will set the client and ease and have them demanding to use your services.

„3 Short Sale Scripts That Have Clients Demanding to Use You“

„Would you like to know the different options available to you to avoid foreclosure?“„Would you like to know how to avoid foreclosure and save your credit at the same time?“„How soon would you like to move from your property?“

Sellers who are considering a short sale want to know (and deserve) that someone cares about them. They do have options. Providing each seller with options allows them to choose you because you will be the only one providing them with the information they need to make a qualified decision.

Discover short sale listing letters that will generate listings for you in the next 72 hours @

Immobilienmakler Heidelberg

Makler Heidelberg

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Can I Represent Myself Against Foreclosure Fraud? Yes, It Is Called Pro Se: "By Myself"


„George C. Marshall“

Nearly all Borrowers who have contacted me about an imminent, or already taken place, foreclosure believed that it was imperative that they find an attorney to represent them in a court foreclosure action. For three years I believed the same thing. Many judges will suggest it so strongly that a borrower believes that it is actually a law, which it is not. But, it does make sense that we believe it. We see it on TV, in the news, magazines, and, of course, most attorneys will tell that you need an attorney

But, the reality is that this so-called mortgage melt down is so big and is rife with illegal and criminal behaviour that defies what most people regard as normal, there are few, very few, attorneys that can win for a borrower.

Attorneys, for the most part, are not familiar with the subject of Mortgage Fraud. Certainly not as familiar as they will lead you to believe I have resented this fact for a very long time. As I said, most of my clients have been advised by a judge or an attorney that they absolutely must have an attorney. They are right, except for one thing. Shouldn’t that read „they absolutely must have a Good Attorney?“

You are not better off with an uninformed attorney representing you.

Can you afford an attorney at this time? What if you think you are unable to pay an attorney? Should that automatically mean that you have no choice but to leave your home?

Well, there is another way. You don’t have to hire an attorney to start the fight to save your home. In my opinion you cannot win with 99.9% of the attorneys in your state anyway. If that is not true, then why do we hear so much about mortgage fraud and so little about the victims of mortgage fraud winning their cases?

The reason you don’t know what to do, is because trials and courts are not your areas of expertise. But, you can be strong if you get the right kind of help. You can do a lot of what an attorney should do at the beginning of the threat of foreclosure. You can do it as Pro Se, which means „I am representing myself“ if you have the right help and accurate information.

You can learn how to use your constitutional civil rights to force the courts to treat you in a fair way.

I now believe that finally you actually have the advantage. But, like anything new you must learn the rules to play the game.


Immobilienmakler Heidelberg

Makler Heidelberg

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Tips to Stage Your House for Selling

Having an open house where potential buyers can come and view your property is one of the biggest steps in selling your home. This is a moment where your hard work and preparation can pay off by letting the potential new tenants of your home into the doors for the very first time; it can also be a bittersweet reminder that you are moving and that the sale process isn’t over quite yet. Here are a few tips for staging your house to maximize your home’s potential as well as garner lots of interest in your property.

1. De-clutter and de-personalize. Simplifying your home is something we all struggle with; we all have a junk drawer (or two) somewhere! The important part of staging your home is to present your house at its best- clean, fresh, and uncluttered. You should move out any pieces of furniture that crowd rooms and remove some (if not all) remnants of family pictures or other personal items. You want potential buyers to see their families and their futures in this house without stumbling over that old ottoman or seeing pictures of your dog playing in the backyard.

2. Clean everywhere, and I mean everywhere. Nooks, crannies, corners, up, down, and all around. Pay special attention to missed corners and common areas that collect dust (like moldings and tops of lamps and picture frames) as well as the kitchen and bathroom, where buyers will be looking closely for signs of mold and dirt. Taking extra time to scrub bathroom and kitchen tiles, replace any outdated items, and maybe even repaint is a great asset to staging your home.

3. Light is another way to not only brighten your home, but to make it feel warm and welcoming. Do what you can to maximize the sunlight streaming through your windows and mitigate any darker rooms you may have in your home with lamps and overhead lights (but never anything fluorescent).

4. Strategically painting a few rooms or walls in your house can also set it up to be an extraordinary house for sale. Accent walls with a pop of color can really bring out the character in a room and create a visually interesting space that buyers will find intriguing and soothing. Neutral colors are good for larger spaces like the living room or dining room while more dramatic colors (think bright or dark) are great for bathrooms or bedrooms.

5. Emphasizing the unique features of your home is another way to make sure your house makes an impact on potential buyers. If you have a fireplace be sure to clean it, hang a picture above it or put a vase of flowers (or other non-distracting trinkets) on the mantle to create a place that will draw buyers‘ eyes towards it.

Staging your home requires much time, effort, and strategy; getting professional help is often a very good choice for first time home sellers, but anyone can learn how to stage their house in an effective manner.

Immobilienmakler Heidelberg

Makler Heidelberg

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Homes for Sale – Staging Tips

When homes for sale go on the market the homeowner hopes for a quick sale but sometimes it can take a couple of months before that happens. Even if you have perspective buyers looking at your home it can still take awhile. There are some staging tips that homeowners can use to help make a quicker sale. One of the purposes for staging homes for sale is to help make buyers feel that your home offers them everything that they are looking for in a home. It is all about presentation and preparation with the goal of getting a higher market value for your home and selling it faster.

One important thing to remember before you have potential buyers coming into the home is get rid of the clutter and dirt. Make sure that things, especially personal things, are packed and put into storage. This can include family pictures, extra books sitting on tables, etc. You should also make sure that your bathroom and kitchen counters are clean and clutter free. Wipe off the doors of the stove and refrigerator. The dishes should not be left in the dishwasher or in the dish rack on the counter. If you have a cat do not leave their litter box in plain sight but move it to the porch or even the garage. You want the prospective buyer to look at your home and be able to see their stuff there.

Arrange the furniture away from the windows if possible so the potential buyers can see the windows and out into the yard. Make sure the windows are clean and streak free. Make sure that the curtains are pulled back to let in the natural light. If you have hardwood floors make sure that they are clean. Look at the furniture in the rooms and if you can move some to storage do so. Too much furniture can make rooms look smaller and more cluttered. On the couches and chairs do not overload them with throw pillows.

Check your closets and pack up out-of-season clothes or clothes that you are not wearing and also put them in storage. When potential buyers are looking at homes for sale they will want to open closets to check out the room to see if they are big enough for them so you want them to be able to do so. You do not want the buyers to see an overstuffed closet. The same thing goes for the kitchen cabinets, and bathroom closets. If there are lights in the closets make sure they are working.

You should also look at the outside of your home to make sure that the lawn is neatly cut and any flower beds are neat and clean.

Immobilienmakler Heidelberg

Makler Heidelberg

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How To Prepare, To SELL Your Home?

For a variety of reasons, every day, certain individuals, decide, it’s the right time, for them, to sell their home, and relocate. Sometimes, this is done, because of job – related purposes, and needs, while at others, there might be a desire to, either up – size, or down – size. Regardless of one’s reasons, and/ or, purposes, it is wise to proceed, in an intelligent, focused, effective, efficient manner, so you might be able to SELL your home, for the highest possible price, in the shortest period of time, with a minimum of hassle/ stress. With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, some basic considerations, in order to achieve your primary objectives, and/ or purposes.

1. Strategy/ strategic; service; systems; strengths: A wise homeowner proceeds, with a focused, strategy, in order to achieve the finest, possible objectives. This requires strategic planning, based on putting, the strongest possible face on the home, emphasizing unique systems, etc, and enticing potential home buyers, to be attracted, positively, to your property, instead of the competition!

2. Encourage; emphasis; excellence; energy; entice: Homeowners must take a hands – on, proactive, course, rather than sitting back, and believing, all it takes, is listing, it, etc! How one encourages potential, qualified buyers, and gets several real estate agents, to bring their customers and clients, often, makes the difference, between, the best results, and lesser ones! How will you, your chosen agent, and the house, itself, entice others, to seriously consider, your home? Seriously, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses, and emphasize areas of excellence. Are there any, energy – efficiencies, etc, which will make your home, stand – out, in a positive way?

3. Listen; learn; lessons: Smart homeowners, listen to their real estate professionals, and learn, the best, relevant lessons, in order to make this the best, easiest process, possible! Will you listen, and follow instructions, so you, and your agent, will act, as a team, to achieve the best, possible results?

4. Leading; leads: How will your agent, gather the best leads, who are both, motivated, and qualified, to take the best action? Will your agent, be leading, the market, or following others?

If you decide, to sell your home, doesn’t it make sense to proceed, in the smartest, possible manner, in order to get it sold, proactively, and SELL your house, in an efficient, effective way, in order to receive the highest possible price, in the shortest period of time, with a minimum of hassle/ stress? Will you be a smart homeowner, or a disappointed one?

Immobilienmakler Heidelberg

Makler Heidelberg

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Why Should Someone BUY Your Home?

Although, the real estate market, is, often, a cyclical one, rotating between a buyers, sellers, and balanced market, a smart homeowner must take the time, and make the effort, to thoroughly consider, why any qualified, potential buyer, might opt to BUY your home, rather than another house. This approach, should commence, when a homeowner, interviews, potential real estate agents, and determines, which one, might be the best, to hire, to serve and represent his home, during the process, etc. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means, and why it’s such a key component, of achieving a seller’s objectives, goals, and priorities.

1. Better; best; buyers; bring it; benefits: In which areas, does this house, possess better features, than its competition, on the real estate market? Which agent, and approach, might produce the best results? Instead of merely, considering, attracting viewers, for your home, how might one market it, effectively, to ensure he attracts, qualified, potential buyers, who might appreciate, specific features, etc, offered? What benefits, does your home, provide, its owners, which go, above and beyond, the competition? Have a thorough conversation, in advance, with your agent, so you proceed, on, the same – page, and maximizes the possibilities of bringing it, consistently, and thoroughly!

2. Unique; useful; uses; urging: Why would you believe, your home, is unique? Explain to your agent, what makes it so, and why others, might want to know about these! Does the house, have various uses, which might distinguish it? Why do you believe, a specific agent, might be more useful, towards achieving your objective? How might one, effectively urge, the right buyer, to make a quality, acceptable offer, in a timely manner?

3. You; yours; yes: While you have always, perhaps, loved your house, because it was yours, and you have developed memories, etc, there, how might these positive memories, be shared, with others, to make them, visualize themselves, living there, and enjoying it? Remember, while intentions, etc, are wonderful, in real estate, unless/ until, a qualified buyer, says, yes, to making it their home, nothing of consequence happens! How might you, make others, visualize themselves, living in this house, and making it their home?

From the onset of the placing of a house, on the real estate market, and through the entire transaction period, the most effective focus, is, considering, carefully, why others, would want to BUY this specific property. Proceed, with an open – mind, and consider, the best marketing and selling approaches, for your specific home!

Immobilienmakler Heidelberg

Makler Heidelberg

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Blockchain und Immobilien: Diese Vorteile bringt die neue Technologie!



Seit der Einführung des Bitcoins im Jahr 2008 hat sich die Blockchain einen Namen gemacht. Häufig wird sie bis dato allerdings ausschließlich mit Kryptowährungen in Verbindung gebracht, dabei bietet sie auch für andere Branchen jede Menge Potenzial. Handelsplattformen wie BitlQ erobern den Markt und bald könnte sich auch der flächendeckende Einsatz der Blockchain in der Immobilienbranche durchsetzen. Doch wo sind die Vorzüge und wie können Anleger von der neuen Technologie bei Immobilieninvestments profitieren?

Die Angst vor der Digitalisierung ist überflüssig

„Wenn Sie einen Scheißprozess digitalisieren, dann haben Sie einen scheiß digitalen Prozess“, lautet das legendäre Zitat des ehemaligen Vorstandschefs der Telefónica Deutschland GmbH. Diese grundsätzliche Abneigung gegenüber digitaler Fortschritte zieht sich durch einige Branchen, auch im Immobilienwesen stand man neuen Technologien lange ablehnenden gegenüber. Die Angst, einen laufenden Prozess durch Neuerungen zu verändern und möglicherweise auf nicht korrigierbare Fehler zu stoßen, ist zu groß. Es kommt hinzu, dass Deutschland in puncto Digitalisierung kein Vorreiter ist.

Es zeichnet sich allerdings immer mehr ab, dass die Blockchain Technologie nicht nur die Basis der Kryptowelt sein kann, sondern auch auf dem Immobilienmarkt für Furore sorgen kann. Für den Immobiliensektor gibt es einige Vorzüge, insbesondere im Hinblick auf hohe Kosten beim Kauf. Im Rahmen von Wirtschaftsstudien wurde mehr als einmal festgestellt, dass die Vorteile der Blockchain mehr bietet als nur einen soliden Kryptomarkt.

Diese Vorteile bringt die Blockchain mit

Die Entwicklung der Blockchain schreitet voran. Immer schnellere und kostengünstigere Techniken werden umgesetzt, längst gibt es schnellere Kryptowährungen als den Bitcoin. Und diese Vorteile sind es, die auch auf andere Branchen übertragbar sind. Darüber herrscht Einigkeit bei Experten und mit wachsender Zustimmung im Bereich der Investoren könnte eine Einführung von blockchainbasierenden Transaktionen schon bald für Neuerungen auf dem Immobilienmarkt sorgen.

Transaktionsgeschwindigkeit: Sämtliche Transaktionen lassen sich über die Blockchain nahezu in Echtzeit abwickeln, fälschungssicher und ohne die Möglichkeit eines Betrugs.Verzicht auf Dritte: Die Blockchain Technologie bringt maximale Sicherheit mit, sodass faire und vertrauensvolle Transaktionen möglich sind, ohne dass es dritter Personen bedarf.Transparenz auf allen Ebenen: Jegliche Transaktion wird in der Blockchain für immer festgehalten, sodass ein Ausführungsnachweis vorhanden ist, der dennoch die nötige Anonymität der Investoren wahrt.Verzicht auf Prüfinstanzen: Die in der Blockchain verarbeiteten Datensätze sind verlässlich und fälschungssicher, was den Verzicht auf Prüfinstanzen möglich macht.

Der klassische Verkaufsablauf bei einem Immobiliendeal

Um eine Immobilie zu kaufen, ist eine Geschäftsabwicklung über den Notar erforderlich. Dieser setzt einen Kaufvertrag auf, der von beiden Vertragsparteien unterzeichnet werden muss. Sind die Unterschriften erfolgt, beglaubigt der Notar als dritte, objektive Person die Dokumente und der Grundbucheintrag kann erfolgen. Nur so kann garantiert werden, dass Grundbucheinträge immer den tatsächlichen Besitzer einer Immobilie anzeigen.

An den Transaktionen sind weiterhin Versicherungen, Banken und Bausparkassen beteiligt, je nach Umsetzung der Finanzierung. Alle Beteiligten erhalten einen Gewinn, Banken profitieren, der Notar wird bezahlt, die Kosten werden von Käufer und Verkäufer getragen.

Die Immobilienabwicklung über die Blockchain

Durch den Einsatz der Blockchain Technologie lässt sich die Transaktion direkt zwischen Käufer und Verkäufer abwickeln, ohne weitere Parteien. Weder ein Notar ist möglich, noch braucht es die Zwischenschaltung von Bausparkassen oder Banken. In Schweden wurde bereits ein Pilotprojekt gestartet, was sich als sehr erfolgreich zeigte.

Eine Blockchain Transaktion im Immobiliensektor konnte binnen weniger Tage durchgeführt werden, mit maximaler Sicherheit für beide Parteien. Im Ergebnis konnten die Kosten deutlich reduziert werden, da keine Gebühren für externe Dienstleistungen anfallen. Mit Hilfe des sogenannten Private Keys, der Transaktionen autorisiert, lässt sich die bestmögliche Sicherheit erzeugen, sodass ein Kauf oder Verkauf kein Risiko für Investoren und Verkäufer darstellt.

Die Smart Contract Technologie geht sogar so weit, dass nach Abwicklung der vollständigen Transaktion der digitale Eintrag ins Grundbuch erfolgen kann. Investitionen werden und bleiben transparent in der Blockchain hinterlegt, ohne dass dabei der Datenschutz gefährdet wird.

Private Keys verschlüsseln und sichern Transaktionen

Die Angst vor Onlinetransaktionen steckt vielen Menschen in den Knochen, doch Zahlungen via Blockchain gelten als sicherste Möglichkeit überhaupt. Grundvoraussetzung für die Durchführung von Transaktionen ist ein Wallet, das sämtliche persönliche Daten abspeichert und virtuelles Guthaben führt. Genutzt werden kann das Wallet nur mit dem eigens erstellten Private Key, der nicht dupliziert wird und nicht an dritte Personen weitergegeben werden kann.

Wenn die Zahlung über die Wallet ausgelöst wird, kann die Transaktion in der Blockchain direkt nachverfolgt werden. Einmal eingetragen, gibt es keinen Weg zurück, der Käufer kann seine Autorisierung nicht widerrufen, was für maximale Sicherheit beim Verkäufer sorgt. Die Zahlung einer Immobilie wird somit verewigt und gibt dem Verkäufer das gute Gefühl, dass sein Geld in Echtzeit bei ihm angekommen ist.

Im Rahmen von Smart Contracts wird mit der Autorisierung der Zahlung automatisch der nächste Schritt ausgelöst, ohne dass hierfür manuelle Eingriffe der Vertragspartner erforderlich sind. Im Immobiliensektor beinhaltet das die Eintragung des Verkaufs ins Grundbuch, um hier weiterhin für Transparenz und Echtzeitaktualisierungen zu sorgen.


Seit der Einführung des Bitcoins im Jahr 2008 hat sich die Blockchain einen Namen gemacht. Häufig wird sie bis dato allerdings ausschließlich mit Kryptowährungen in Verbindung gebracht, dabei bietet sie auch für andere Branchen jede Menge Potenzial. Handelsplattformen wie BitlQ erobern den Markt und bald könnte sich auch der flächendeckende Einsatz der Blockchain in der Immobilienbranche durchsetzen. Doch wo sind die Vorzüge und wie können Anleger von der neuen Technologie bei Immobilieninvestments profitieren?

Die Angst vor der Digitalisierung ist überflüssig

„Wenn Sie einen Scheißprozess digitalisieren, dann haben Sie einen scheiß digitalen Prozess“, lautet das legendäre Zitat des ehemaligen Vorstandschefs der Telefónica Deutschland GmbH. Diese grundsätzliche Abneigung gegenüber digitaler Fortschritte zieht sich durch einige Branchen, auch im Immobilienwesen stand man neuen Technologien lange ablehnenden gegenüber. Die Angst, einen laufenden Prozess durch Neuerungen zu verändern und möglicherweise auf nicht korrigierbare Fehler zu stoßen, ist zu groß. Es kommt hinzu, dass Deutschland in puncto Digitalisierung kein Vorreiter ist.

Es zeichnet sich allerdings immer mehr ab, dass die Blockchain Technologie nicht nur die Basis der Kryptowelt sein kann, sondern auch auf dem Immobilienmarkt für Furore sorgen kann. Für den Immobiliensektor gibt es einige Vorzüge, insbesondere im Hinblick auf hohe Kosten beim Kauf. Im Rahmen von Wirtschaftsstudien wurde mehr als einmal festgestellt, dass die Vorteile der Blockchain mehr bietet als nur einen soliden Kryptomarkt.

Diese Vorteile bringt die Blockchain mit

Die Entwicklung der Blockchain schreitet voran. Immer schnellere und kostengünstigere Techniken werden umgesetzt, längst gibt es schnellere Kryptowährungen als den Bitcoin. Und diese Vorteile sind es, die auch auf andere Branchen übertragbar sind. Darüber herrscht Einigkeit bei Experten und mit wachsender Zustimmung im Bereich der Investoren könnte eine Einführung von blockchainbasierenden Transaktionen schon bald für Neuerungen auf dem Immobilienmarkt sorgen.

Transaktionsgeschwindigkeit: Sämtliche Transaktionen lassen sich über die Blockchain nahezu in Echtzeit abwickeln, fälschungssicher und ohne die Möglichkeit eines Betrugs.Verzicht auf Dritte: Die Blockchain Technologie bringt maximale Sicherheit mit, sodass faire und vertrauensvolle Transaktionen möglich sind, ohne dass es dritter Personen bedarf.Transparenz auf allen Ebenen: Jegliche Transaktion wird in der Blockchain für immer festgehalten, sodass ein Ausführungsnachweis vorhanden ist, der dennoch die nötige Anonymität der Investoren wahrt.Verzicht auf Prüfinstanzen: Die in der Blockchain verarbeiteten Datensätze sind verlässlich und fälschungssicher, was den Verzicht auf Prüfinstanzen möglich macht.

Der klassische Verkaufsablauf bei einem Immobiliendeal

Um eine Immobilie zu kaufen, ist eine Geschäftsabwicklung über den Notar erforderlich. Dieser setzt einen Kaufvertrag auf, der von beiden Vertragsparteien unterzeichnet werden muss. Sind die Unterschriften erfolgt, beglaubigt der Notar als dritte, objektive Person die Dokumente und der Grundbucheintrag kann erfolgen. Nur so kann garantiert werden, dass Grundbucheinträge immer den tatsächlichen Besitzer einer Immobilie anzeigen.

An den Transaktionen sind weiterhin Versicherungen, Banken und Bausparkassen beteiligt, je nach Umsetzung der Finanzierung. Alle Beteiligten erhalten einen Gewinn, Banken profitieren, der Notar wird bezahlt, die Kosten werden von Käufer und Verkäufer getragen.

Die Immobilienabwicklung über die Blockchain

Durch den Einsatz der Blockchain Technologie lässt sich die Transaktion direkt zwischen Käufer und Verkäufer abwickeln, ohne weitere Parteien. Weder ein Notar ist möglich, noch braucht es die Zwischenschaltung von Bausparkassen oder Banken. In Schweden wurde bereits ein Pilotprojekt gestartet, was sich als sehr erfolgreich zeigte.

Eine Blockchain Transaktion im Immobiliensektor konnte binnen weniger Tage durchgeführt werden, mit maximaler Sicherheit für beide Parteien. Im Ergebnis konnten die Kosten deutlich reduziert werden, da keine Gebühren für externe Dienstleistungen anfallen. Mit Hilfe des sogenannten Private Keys, der Transaktionen autorisiert, lässt sich die bestmögliche Sicherheit erzeugen, sodass ein Kauf oder Verkauf kein Risiko für Investoren und Verkäufer darstellt.

Die Smart Contract Technologie geht sogar so weit, dass nach Abwicklung der vollständigen Transaktion der digitale Eintrag ins Grundbuch erfolgen kann. Investitionen werden und bleiben transparent in der Blockchain hinterlegt, ohne dass dabei der Datenschutz gefährdet wird.

Private Keys verschlüsseln und sichern Transaktionen

Die Angst vor Onlinetransaktionen steckt vielen Menschen in den Knochen, doch Zahlungen via Blockchain gelten als sicherste Möglichkeit überhaupt. Grundvoraussetzung für die Durchführung von Transaktionen ist ein Wallet, das sämtliche persönliche Daten abspeichert und virtuelles Guthaben führt. Genutzt werden kann das Wallet nur mit dem eigens erstellten Private Key, der nicht dupliziert wird und nicht an dritte Personen weitergegeben werden kann.

Wenn die Zahlung über die Wallet ausgelöst wird, kann die Transaktion in der Blockchain direkt nachverfolgt werden. Einmal eingetragen, gibt es keinen Weg zurück, der Käufer kann seine Autorisierung nicht widerrufen, was für maximale Sicherheit beim Verkäufer sorgt. Die Zahlung einer Immobilie wird somit verewigt und gibt dem Verkäufer das gute Gefühl, dass sein Geld in Echtzeit bei ihm angekommen ist.

Im Rahmen von Smart Contracts wird mit der Autorisierung der Zahlung automatisch der nächste Schritt ausgelöst, ohne dass hierfür manuelle Eingriffe der Vertragspartner erforderlich sind. Im Immobiliensektor beinhaltet das die Eintragung des Verkaufs ins Grundbuch, um hier weiterhin für Transparenz und Echtzeitaktualisierungen zu sorgen.

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Closing Costs – Fees and Expenses Associated With Selling Your Home

When considering selling a home, the savvy homeowner must be aware of the costs associated with such a sale. While these costs can vary depending on the location of the home, many of the costs are universal.

First and foremost, if there is a mortgage lien on the home that hasn’t been satisfied, the balance will be deducted from the proceeds of the sale. This also includes any second or additional mortgages. The lender will compute the actual balance due through the date of the sale and provide this information to the title company in advance.

Property taxes are also calculated through the date of sale and deducted from the proceeds. If there is an outstanding property tax bill, this too will be deducted from the seller’s portion of the proceeds at closing. The property taxes must be current in order for the sale to be finalized.

If the seller obtains the services of a professional real estate agent, the commission which was negotiated will be paid to the broker at the time of closing.

A title insurance policy must be purchased by the seller ensuring that the home is being transferred to the new home buyer with a clear title. The cost of title insurance is based on the sale price of the home.

In some localities, utilities must be paid through the date of closing. For example, the water company may come out to take a final meter reading just before closing and notify the title company of the final water bill due and owing. This bill will be deducted from any proceeds the seller may net at the time of closing.

The seller will also be charged a governmental transfer tax which will vary by municipality.

Another governmental charge will be the cost of releasing the mortgage, if any. This fee is usually fairly minimal.

If there is a judgment against the seller, it’s possible that any net proceeds from the sale of the home could be applied to said judgment. This would also include any mechanic’s lien that have been placed against the property.

Attorneys fees are also charged to the seller at closing, if these fees have not been paid in advance. At minimum, an attorney is required to prepare the Warranty Deed and Green Sheet to ensure proper transfer of the property.

An optional charge would be a home warranty offered to the home buyers. In most instances, this is paid for by the seller and is deducted from the proceeds. Offering this warranty may help sell a house faster.

It is in a seller’s best interest to speak to a professional like an experienced home buyer or Realtor to obtain a more precise estimate of charges for their particular region. This will allow the seller to compute the difference between the potential sale price of their home, and the expenses that will be incurred, to accurately review their bottom line. Bear in mind, if the expenses exceed the purchase price, the seller will be required to bring funds to the closing table to cover those expenses. Therefore, it is imperative that a seller be aware of the true costs associated with selling their home, whether they live in a larger city like Philadelphia or a smaller rural area in the Midwest.

Immobilienmakler Heidelberg

Makler Heidelberg

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Staging Tips That Help Homes Sell More for Top Dollar

The idea is all about the exterior look, presentation, as well as preparation, with the goal of selling a house faster and getting a higher market value. Try to make your home memorable so that it can stand out in buyer’s mind. Increase your home curb appeal, eliminate clutter and dirt are the main ideas to sell your home. Here I will discuss staging tips that help homes sell more for top dollar.

Get your home windows efficiently cleaned in and out as well. Polishes the floor, wood, deeply cleans the mirrors, removes cobwebs, clean the kitchen appliances, dry-cleans the drapes, and shampoos the carpets, dusts the blinds, and washes all the windows in your home. You can hire a cleaning crew to sparkle your home. Make your home free of offensive odors; try to use good quality fresheners to create pleasant aromas.

Eliminate the extra furniture from your room can give a brighter and larger look. Bathroom and kitchen counters should clean. Apply the 50% rule that can help you to eliminate the clutter in your home. Clutter makes homes seem disorganized and smaller. Have you noticed that expensive homes can be sold quickly due to their comfortable, clutter-free layout?

Pay particular attention to the front exterior. Buyers will pay more for energy-efficient and green such as blown in cellulose insulation, dual-flush toilets, tankless water heater, low-emissivity energy start-rated windows, programmable thermostats, sealed ducts, solar systems, and home automation systems.

Make your home look bright as well as spacious. It is better to change the light bulbs, re-carpet your home, and use the neutral, colors to give the great look to your home. Try to convey an image of neutrality. Give plenty of light from different sources. An interiors designer advises combining a variety of lights such as ambient lights, accent lights, and task lighting. These are stylish as well as functional.

Setting the right Price of your home strategically is the key decision to sell. One easy but important technique for pricing your home is to spend the day and looking at your competitor’s homes.

Buyers pay extra attention to the bathrooms and kitchen. An updated kitchen and bathroom can add big value to your home. However, the kitchen is the heart of the home. It is best to purchase all new cabinets and save your money by buying prefabricated cabinets. You will need to update hardware like a cabinet doorknob, as it will not add any value to your kitchen. You can also swap out one item, like an outdated microwave or stained sink for new stainless models.

Immobilienmakler Heidelberg

Makler Heidelberg

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Ways To Sell Your House Fast

There are so many reasons as to why you could decide to sell your house. In most cases, people sell their homes after divorce, retirement, when immigrating to another area or when they have a pressing financial matter they would like to attend to fast. Whatever the reason behind your need to sell your house, there are several ways to do it fast and easy.

1. Add value to your house

One of the fastest ways of ensuring that you sell out your property fast is by adding value to it. It is a process that can involve renovating the house and giving it a new pleasant look. When everything is in order, buyers will accept your property faster. Green homes tend to be more marketable than those that are not so also consider this kind of value when you are looking to sell fast. Have all repairs done and make the home as complete as possible for you to make a faster sale.

2. Do your marketing well

Some of the reasons why some homes take a long time to sell is poor marketing. Putting a ‚for sale‘ sign right outside the home might not be enough for it to get the exposure that it needs. You must go beyond this and probably employ other marketing channels such as the media, classifieds and even social media if need be. Use every channel possible to get the word out there that you are selling. A marketing strategy that is all rounded can go a long way in helping you sell faster.

3. Sell to property managers

Today there are so many property buying companies and managers who directly buy your house regardless of its current state. This is probably the fastest and easiest way of selling fast because you do not have to worry about making any renovations and repairs to the house or even marketing it extensively to have it sell. The buyers can easily be reached online and they will come right where you are, inspect the home and give you a value. When you agree to it, then you can receive the agreed money in cash within a few minutes or hours. The property buyers make the process hassle free for you and you do not have to wait a minute longer than you should to sell the property. You, however must be careful so you get the amount your home is really worth regardless of how fast you want to sell it.

4. Reduce your price

If you do not want to involve any agents to help you sell and you probably do not have the time to wait until the right buyer comes along, you can decide to sell the house for less than what it is really worth. It is not always a great idea, but can work when your mind is on time and money that you currently need. Lower priced houses that are in good shape do sell faster and this approach might just work for you.

Immobilienmakler Heidelberg

Makler Heidelberg

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Impressum – HW Heidelberger Wohnen GmbH – Der Immobilienmakler in Heidelberg und Umgebung

HW Heidelberger Wohnen GmbH
Immobilienmakler, Mannheim, Karlsruhe
Opelstr. 8c
68789 St. Leon – Rot
Telefon: 06221-321-9140
Telefon2: 06227-399170
Whatsapp: 06221-321-9140
Fax: 06221-321-91409

Marco Feindler, M.A.

Registergericht: Mannheim
Registernummer: HRB 724178
UST-ID: DE304785251
SteuerNr: 32494/36406

Aufsichtsführende Behörde gem.§34c GewO:
Industrie- und Handelskammer Rhein-Neckar, L1, 2, 68161 Mannheim, Tel.: 0621-1709-0

IHK Mannheim, L 1 2, 68161 Mannheim, Tel: 0621 -17090

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt:
Marco Feindler, M.A.
Cranachring 27
68789 St. Leon – Rot

Öffnungszeiten – HW Heidelberger Wohnen GmbH – Immobilienmakler Heidelberg

Sie erreichen uns zu folgenden Zeiten per Telefon Telefon: 06221-321-9140 oder Telefon2: 06227-399170

Montag 09:00 – 20:00
Dienstag 09:00 – 20:00
Mittwoch 09:00 – 20:00
Donnerstag 09:00 – 20:00
Freitag 09:00 – 20:00
Samstag 09:00 – 20:00
Sonntag 09:00 – 20:00
Feiertag: 09:00 – 20:00

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