ETSI XML URI Namespace

Web Name: ETSI XML URI Namespace






XML uses URIs, or Uniform Resource Identifiers, in order toclearly identify an XML module, or an object defined within an XMLfile. A number of different URI schemes exist. W3Cuses URIs for XML which are from the http: scheme. IETF and someother bodies make use of the urn: scheme. ETSI has reserved a URI namespace in the http: scheme, for use specifically asidentifiers within XML code which is published as part of an ETSIspecification. The root namespace is: The ETSInamespace is structured into 3 domains:Deliverable-based Domain,Common Domain andETSI Identified OrganisationDomain.URIs in the http: scheme used in XML files look like HTTP URLs, but theyare unique Identifiers, not Locators, i.e. the URI does notnecessarily point to any specific location or page accessible withthe HTTP protocol.Further informationRFC 3986:Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic SyntaxRFC 3406:Uniform Resource Names (URN) Namespace Definition MechanismsRFC 2616:Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1W3C Namespaces in XML 1.0W3C Namespaces in XML 1.1Deliverable Based DomainThis Domain is used for URIs which areassigned in one ETSI specification and are unrelated to other URIsassigned in other specifications. Every ETSI specification has aURI root which can be associated with it, whether or not it isactually used in the specification. This URI root is definedas follows: nnnnn is the five digit number obtained byremoving the first digit of the ETSI Document number, and any partor sub-part numbers. Leadingzeros are NOT removed.The resulting number is independent of ETSI deliverable type.Example 1: The value obtained for TS101123is "01123". The value obtained for ES201123is also "01123", since the assignment of ETSI documentnumbers is independent of ETSI document type. Technically,TS101123 and ES201123 are just twodifferent versions of the same document. Both will result in the following URI root: 2: The value obtained for ES 201915-4 is 01915 . TheURI root obtained is: 3: The value obtained for EN 300 822is 00822. The URIroot obtained is: is no need to register either theETSI Deliverable Based URI root, or any sub-structure orindividual URIs based on this URI root, with the ETSISecretariat. The ETSI document number, uniquely assigned bythe ETSI Secretariat, is sufficient to guarantee uniqueness and toidentify the location of a URI defintion.The ETSI technical body which drafts thespecification, is responsible for assignment and management of anyURIs in its specification.Common DomainThe Common Domain URIs are assigned bythe ETSI Secretariat, on request, to an ETSI Technical Body,for use in more than one ETSI specification.The ETSI Technical Body is fullyresponsible for creation and management of the sub-structureunder the assigned URI root, and shall maintain an deliverable describing this sub-structure. This specificationshall be identified in their request for a Common Domain URI.The format for a common domain URI is theETSI URI root ( followed by a name whichidentifies the common domain. Technical Bodies requesting theassignment of a common domain URI root should suggest thisname. The ETSI Secretariat maintains a register of assigned Common Domain URIs.Requests for a common domain URI shouldbe addressed to the ETSI CTI:PNNS@etsi.orgIdentified Organization DomainETSI will assign a URI root to anyorganization which requests it, whether or not thatorganization is an ETSI member. The ETSI Secretariat maintains aregisterof assigned URI roots in the ETSI Identified Organizationdomain, but does not maintain the sub-structure under theseassigned URIs. The format of an ETSI IdentifiedOrganization URI root is: by a name which identifies the organization.The requesting organization should suggest this name when they maketheir request.Requests for an ETSI IdentifiedOrganization URI should be addressed to the

TAGS:XML ETSI Namespace 

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