Defending life, faith and family | Family Life International NZ

Web Name: Defending life, faith and family | Family Life International NZ






Defending life, faith and family At Family Life International NZ we re working to build a culture of life and a civilisation of love by promoting and defending the dignity of human life from conception to natural death, and marriage and the natural family. We achieve our mission through prayer, education and service. The Family Life International NZ team includes, among others, Dame Colleen Bayer, Fr Linus Clovis, Michelle Kaufman, and Clare McClean.Staff are available to speak on a variety of pro-life and pro-family topics such as abortion contraception, assisted suicide and euthanasia, sex education, responding to the duty to defend life, and our work.  Please contact the office for more information or to request a speaker. Gianna s Choice Pregnancy Options and Support is a service which aims to reach abortion vulnerable women throughout New Zealand.  Previously known as Family Life Crisis Pregnancy Centre and run by Family Life International NZ for more than 20 years, Gianna s Choice Centres can be found in Auckland and Wellington.  These Centres are supported by the Mobile Life Centre. In Scripture Jesus tells us when we serve others, we are in fact serving Him. Our love is the answer to the culture of death. Love changes hearts. Saint Teresa of Calcutta put it this way Faith in action is Read More Love is the answer: Respect Life Month Day 7 There are many opportunities to fearlessly proclaim the truth in love every day. Life and family issues come up daily In the workplace, in our families, on social media, in the news. Each situation that comes our way is an Read More Fearlessly proclaim the truth: Respect Life Month Day 6 The New Zealand Conference of Catholic Bishops have set aside Sunday 11th October as a Day of Prayer to Respect Life. This year the theme is Valuing the Vulnerable. It is important to set aside time to specifically pray for Read More Day of Prayer to Respect Life: Respect Life Month Day 5

TAGS:faith and Defending 

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At Family Life International NZ we're working to build a culture of life and a civilisation of love by promoting and defending the dignity of human life from conception to natural death, and marriage and the natural family. We achieve our mission through prayer, education and service.

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