
Web Name: AcuamarkDx






Accurate. Scalable. Cost-Effective.Blood-Based Screening for Early CancerLearn More Revolutionizing the global fight against cancer bydeveloping highly accurate cancer screening blood tests forearly detectionAcuamark Diagnostics develops technology which allows for highly accurate screening of blood to detect cancer markers at the early cancer stages, before the cancer becomes untreatable. Backed by a highly experienced team of scientific and business professionals, it is our mission to contribute to the global battle against cancer by detecting and attacking cancer through high-precision, early detection. Our novel, ligation-based Eagle i5 assays detect low-abundance cancer markers directly from the blood, providing highly accurate detection of early cancers.Learn More→OurEagle iSeq platformallows for faster, nimbler and more accurate targeted deep sequencing for true positive verification and pan-oncology screening.Learn More→


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