Web Name: COLING 2016






Visa For those who wish to apply for a visa to attend COLING2016, please follow the instruction below and send the complete Visa Application Form to the Secretariat of COLING2016 ( by October 31, 2016. To Apply for a Visa Complete your registration for COLING2016 Have your flight and accommodation information ready Fill out Visa Application Form and send it to the Secretariat of COLING2016 ( Please note that all of the fields on the application form must be filled out in order for your application to be processed properly. You will be asked to provide your flight and accommodation information as well as your 'Registration Number', which will be given upon the completion of your registration. The application process usually takes more than a month, therefore, we highly recommend that you submit the form at your earliest convenience. General information regarding a visa application is available here (the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan), and please do not hesitate to contact the Secretariat, if you have any questions or queries. If you have any questions regarding your VISA application, please feel free to contact the Secretariat of COLING2016 ( Registration Page Please register at the following site: Application Payment Due [ Early Registration (CLOSED) ] October 20 (Thu) October 25 (Tue), 2016, 23:59 JST(GMT+9) [ Late Registration (CLOSED) ] November 20 (Sun), 2016, 23:59 JST(GMT+9) [ Onsite Registration ] December 11 (Sun) - December 16 (Fri), 2016 Registration Fees Early Fees (CLOSED)~ October 25 23:59 JSTLate Fees (CLOSED)~ November 20 23:59 JSTOnsite Fees Early Fees (CLOSED)~ October 25 23:59 JSTLate Fees (CLOSED)~ November 20 23:59 JSTOnsite Fees Registration for the Main conference includes: *Attendance at all sessions of COLING 2016 main conference from Tuesday to Friday. *Coffee Breaks Lunch Boxes, December 13-16. *Welcome Reception on Monday, December 12. *Banquet on Wednesday, December 14. *Half day excursion to Nara on Wednesday, December 14.Registration without the Main conference (Workshop or Tutorial Only) includes: *Attendance at the chosen Workshop(s) or Tutorial(s) only. *Banquet and Excursion are NOT included. *Coffee Break(s) Lunch Box of session.*Refreshments at Coffee Breaks, Lunch Boxes as well as food and beverages atWelcome Reception and Banquet will be provided free of charge to COLING2016participants with the cooperation of the sponsor companies. Therefore, theexpenses for these items are not included in the Registration Fee. Overall Timetable (Please also check PDF version below.) 6th Workshop on South and Southeast Asian Natural Language Processing (WSSANLP2016) Grammar and Lexicon: interactions and interfaces (GramLex) The 2nd Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (WNUT) Language Technology Resources and Tools for Digital Humanities (LT4DH) Computational Linguistics for Linguistic Complexity (CL4LC) Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop (ClinicalNLP) Workshop on Speech-centric Natural Language Processing (SCNLP) regret to inform you that the SCNLP workshop is cancelled.) Open Knowledge Base and Question Answering Workshop (OKBQA2016) Sixth Workshop on Hybrid Approaches to Translation (HyTra6) 2nd day, 12 Dec 2016 (9 full-day + 1 half-day) The 3rd Workshop on Asian Translation (WAT2016) 5th International Workshop on Computational Terminology (CompuTerm2016) Third Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial3) The 3rd Workshop on Natural Language Processing Techniques for Educational Applications (NLPTEA2016) Extra-Propositional Aspects of Meaning in Computational Linguistics (ExProM) Fifth Workshop on Building and Evaluating Resources for Biomedical Text Mining (BioTxtM2016) Third International Workshop on Worldwide Language Service Infrastructure and Second Workshop on Open Infrastructures and Analysis Frameworks for Human Language Technologies (WLSI3nOIAF2) Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon (CogALex - V) The 12th Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR12) (half-day) Workshop on Computational Modeling of People's Opinions, Personality, and Emotions in Social Media (PEOPLES) Kofuku-ji is a Buddhist temple which has a close connection with the Fujiwara Clan (a powerful family of regents) and most notably the clan's founder Kamatari Fujiwara. It is one of the historical sites that compose the UNESCO World Heritage Site Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara. The Kofuku-ji National Treasure Museum (Kokuhou-kan) was built on the site. It used to be a place where monks had meals, and now houses many of Kofuku-ji temple's treasures. They include various statues, paintings, books, handicrafts and historical documents which have been designated National Treasures or Important Cultural Properties, all of which make the museum a popular tourist attraction in Nara. Ashura (National Treasure) Ashura is one of the Indian pagan gods, who was later integrated into Buddhism as one of The Eight Legions (Eight Deva Guardians of Buddhism). It has three heads, three faces and six arms. Unlike other Ashuras, this Ashura has a calm look on its face. T dai-ji (Eastern Great Temple) is a Buddhist temple complex, that was once one of the powerful Seven Great Temples, located in the city of Nara. Its Great Buddha Hall houses the world's largest bronze statue of the Buddha, known in Japanese simply as Daibutsu. The temple is a listed UNESCO World Heritage Site as one of the Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara like Kofuku-ji. The Great Buddha Hall has burnt down twice and was rebuilt in the Kamakura and Edo eras. During the Edo Era reconstruction, the size of the building was scaled down from 86m to 57m due to a lack of proper materials. It is still one of the world's largest examples of wooden architecture, retaining the magnificence of the original structure. The window under the decorative roof is opened on New Year's Eve every year, to allow people to celebrate New Year's Day while looking at the Great Buddha. Participants will be devided into two groups, with group 1 visiting Site A first and Site B second and vice versa for group 2. English-speaking guides will accompany you throughout the tour. A lunch box will be provided for each participant on the bus on their way to Site A. The tour schedule and/or time may change due to traffic. We are very grateful to our sponsors who support COLING. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or taking part in our exhibition, please see Invitation page. Supported by International Exchange Program of National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)


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We are proud that COLING 2016, the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, will be organized by the Association for Natural Language Processing (ANLP) at Osaka, Japan, from 11th to 16th December 2016. The COLING conference is organized under the auspices of the International Committee on Computational Linguistics (ICCL).

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