Ezekiels Fire is coming. Get ready.

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Narcissism Among Pastors

The revelations about Jacob Prasch and Joshua Chavez are a reminder of other wolves in the pulpit such as Ravi Zacharias, Benny Hinn, Todd Bentley, Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland and a host of others. And, as you dig deeper into this problem, you realize that this isnt just about flawed preachers, but a system that attracts narcissists to positions of leadership.

Like the military version, our Seminary Industrial Complex has created a system of corruption in our churches that is now impossible to fix. Weve created a monster, and it is now destroying us.

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Categories Christianity Tags Aaron Walker, Chavez, Diane Langberg, Duncan Forbes, Jacob Prasch, Joel Osteen, Joshua Chavez, Narcissism, Narcissism in Ministry, Pastors, Prasch, Ravi Zacharias, Seminary, Seminary Industrial Complex, Wolves
Joshua Chavez and More Prasch

Joshua Chavez has released yet another video alleging fraud and blatant dishonesty on the part of Jacob Prasch. A lot of his evidence appears legitimate and even criminal, and if proven true some Moriel members may spend time in jail. Charity fraud is usually a criminal offense, unless your name is Hillary.

However, theres a cloud hanging over Joshua, regarding his wife, Joelle. So, I reached out to him, attempting to get his side of the story about what happened. Im afraid that his response was extremely unpleasant and completely lacking in relevant information.

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Categories Christianity Tags 1 Peter 3:7, Acts 20, Acts 20:29, Acts 20:30, Charity Fraud, Chavez, Jacob Prasch, James Aloysius Prasch, Joelle, Joelle Chavez, Joshua Chavez, Moriel, Moriel Ministries, Servus Christi
The Fall of Moriel and Jacob Prasch A Special Report

Open sin cannot be tolerated in the Body of Christ, especially when it is present and visible within the leadership. It is our duty before God to expose corruption in the pulpit (Ephesians 5:11) and call those who have sinned to repentance.

Those who will not expose corruption, violate their responsibility towards God and are a partner to the damage done to our brothers and sisters.

It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Hebrews 10:31

So, to my great sorrow, I must address the corruption found in Moriel Ministries and in particular, Jacob Prasch.

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Categories Christianity Tags 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, 1 Timothy 5:20, 1 Timothy 6:3-5, Bill Randles, Code of Silence, David Nathan, Deborah Menelaws, Ephesians 5:11, Jacob Prasch, James 3:1, James Aloysius Prasch, John Haller, Joshua Chavez, Menelaws, Moriel, Moriel Ministries, Prasch, Pride, Reviling, Ryan Schiavo, Servus Christi, Slander, Stewart Menelaws, Studio Scotland, Tim Wirth
The Tragic Fall Of Jacob Prasch Moriel (feat. John Haller)

I just saw something that makes me sick to think about. Please pray for the repentance of all involved. The Tragic Fall Of Jacob Prasch Moriel (feat. John Haller)

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Categories Christianity, Site Review Tags FBC, Fellowship Bible Chapel, Haller, Jacob Prasch, James Jacob Prasch, John Haller, Joshua Chavez, Moriel, Moriel Ministries, Moriel TV, Prasch
Winter Is Coming

While we have been in a panic over a virus, something has crept up on us. Ive been screaming about it for years, and it seems that the leading edges of this catastrophe may have arrived:

Peak Energy

We hit Peak Oil years ago, and we thought that things could be fixed by shifting the goalposts. You and I know that this never works, but we tried it anyway. And now that Fall has begun, we have a problem.

Winter is coming, and people will die.

If I was the only one saying this, Id feel better about whats coming.

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Categories Prophecy, Resource Shock, TEOTWAWKI Tags Art Berman, China, Coal, Crude Oil, Energy Crisis, Ezekiel's Fire,, Fertilizer, Gog, Gog and Magog, Natural Gas, Oil Production, Peak Energy, Peak Oil, SCO, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, When Gog Comes,, Winter
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My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. (ESV)

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