Learn Gamification with Yu-kai Chou: cheat codes to win the game of life

Web Name: Learn Gamification with Yu-kai Chou: cheat codes to win the game of life

WebSite: http://yukaichou.com





Yu-kai Chou: Gamification Behavioral Design Learn how to use Gamification to make a positive impact on your work and life Menu and widgets Search the blog Search for: Level up in real life! If life is a video game, then Octalysis Prime contains the cheat codes. Learn how to avoid procrastination, find your purpose, and live your life like a gamer. Learn Gamification the cheat codes to win the game of life Hi, I m Yu-kai Chou, Gamification pioneer, creator of the OctalysisFramework, and author of Actionable Gamification. Thanks for visiting my site!As a kid, I absolutely loved playing video games: I completely immersed myself into RPGs (role playing games) such as Diablo II, staying up until 4am (avoiding homework) to grind my way to level 60.I invested hundreds of hours into video games with little to show for it in real life. Disillusioned by what I felt were hundreds of hours of wasted life, I contemplated:There must be a game where the more I play, the stronger and better I get in real life.It was then that it hit me Duh! There s a game that we re all playing right now whether we know it or not the game of life. If I could figure out how to level up, gain EXP (experience), and get my friends to join me, then I wouldn t need to play video games anymore because real life would be so much more fulfilling!Level 72 Chou(I will update my level every month.)Every player in the world starts their life with granted stats and abilities. The player can then choose how to gain experience, level up, and unlock new abilities.For example, I went to university, which allowed me to gain a lot of experience through classes, friends, and professors.After university, I chose to start my own company, which allowed me to gain even more experience through building a team, managing people, fundraising, and building products.It was through my technology startup in Mountain View, CA that I began to unlock the secrets of Gamification, which lead me to create the Octalysis Framework the complete Gamification framework.The Octalysis Framework catapulted my career:2014, 2015 and 2017: Gamification Guru of the Year” Award by the World Gamification Congress and the Gamification Europe Conference.2015  rated #1 among the “Gamification Gurus Power 100” by RISEWorked with Fortune 500 companies such as LEGO, Google, Volkswagen/Porsche, Accenture, eBay, Huawei, Fidelity, AIG Japan, Verizon, Ericsson, and CiscoMy work has been featured on Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, Business Insider,The World Journal, PBS, and NBCSpoken as a speaker/lecturer at organizations such as Google, Tesla, Stanford University, LEGO, TEDx, and Boston Consulting GroupYu-kai is at the cutting edge of the field of behavior design. Nir Eyal, author of Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products.My missionMy mission is to help players (people around the world) reach their full potential in life. I believe Gamification holds the key to help many people stop procrastinating, identify their true calling, and take action.To accomplish this mission and maximize my global impact, I created a Gamified learning journey called Octalysis Prime that teachers players how to identify their granted stats and abilities gain experience through educational videos and mentorship from me grow their tribe by meeting other driven, motivated players and accomplish their purpose in life. Would you like Yu-kai Chou to work with your Organization? If you are interested in working with Yu-kai Chou for a business project, workshop, speech or presentation, or licensing deal, please fill out the form below.

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