WomanWise Midwifery: Homebirth Womens Health

Web Name: WomanWise Midwifery: Homebirth Womens Health

WebSite: http://www.womanwisemidwife.com





We are committed to compassionate, woman-centered care in which both mother midwife are engaged in the decision-making process. We believe that pregnancy and birth are healthy and normal events in a woman’s life. As midwives we offer our skills, experience and attention as well as our deep trust in and respect for the birth process. It is our honor and responsibility to nurture and hold the space for the women we serve so that they can do the work of birth during their journeys into motherhood. Family Centered-CareWe see pregnancy birth as a time for growth in family relationships. We encourage partners to be as present involved in the birth process as they wish. Birth is a sacred spiritual experience. Individualized CareWe believe that there is no one “right” path to healthy pregnancy and birth for all women; given support, resources and encouragement, each woman will find what works for her. Safety of Midwifery CareWith a healthy lifestyle good prenatal care, there is seldom a need for women to be hospitalized to give birth. Midwives have an excellent safety record, with numerous studies associating midwifery care with excellent outcomes. Thanks so much, Karen. For taking pictures. And being there. And being you! "I have had three babies with Karen as my midwife, and I couldn't imagine having a baby without her present... "When I came to Karen, I was 5 months pregnant with my first child and had just moved to a new state. No family, no friends, just me my husband. I was anxious about meeting my baby,intimidated by all of... It’s very special when your 2 year old can participate in the birth of her younger sister. Thank you Karen Webster. We love you. Karen was my midwife for the birth of my 3rd child. I met Karen when I was about 12 weeks pregnant.She watched over my pregnancy and educated on how to maintain a super healthy pregnancy. By the time I attended the first consultation with our home birth midwife, I already knew her story. I read her website, followed her Facebook page, and spoke to... I could not imagine trusting my birth to anyone else. I watched my mother give birth to 5 of my 8 siblings, each one a very different and beautiful experience.Watching her strength in birth helped me I feel so blessed to have found Karen before the birth of my first child. Her confidence in me as a birthing woman and trust in the birthing process gave me the courage to prepare for a peaceful birth at home. Karen is a skilled and competent, expert in the childbearing year. She is a well studied in her field and her contributed to the professionalism of traditional midwifery. Karen is the best midwife I have ever come across. She is wise, gentle, warm and committed to mothers, families and babies.Her voice rang out quietly and clearly during labor.

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WomanWise Homebirth & Women's Health provides kind, comprehensive midwifery care for Delaware, SE Pennsylvania, and Maryland.

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