Online Timeline Maker | Make a timeline for free | Tiki-Toki

Web Name: Online Timeline Maker | Make a timeline for free | Tiki-Toki






description:Create beautiful interactive timelines that you can share on the web. Include images and videos for the full multimedia experience. Perfect for company history timelines and school projects.
Tiki-Toki Timeline Maker Desktop app Contact FAQs Blog Log in Free sign up Online timeline maker Create beautiful interactive timelines that you can share on the web. Perfect for company history timelines and school projects. Sign up for free Now in 3d! Login

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We'd love to hear from you. Please send questions or feedback to the below email addresses.

Before contacting us, you may wish to visit our FAQs page which has lots of useful info on Tiki-Toki.

We can be contacted by email at:

You can also follow us on twitter at

If you are having any problems with Tiki-Toki, please contact us as at:

close Free account

Tiki-Toki's free account lets you create a fully-functional timeline that you can share with friends and colleagues. Sign up here.

Premium accounts

Our premium accounts allow you to make multiple timelines and embed them on your website. More info can be found here.

Follow us

Keep up to date with the latest Tiki-Toki news and developments via Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and our blog.

FAQs and Tutorials

Our FAQs page has useful information to help you get started. You can learn more about timeline maker software here.

Timeline software for professionals

Tiki-Toki has everything an aspiring timeline creator could possibly need.

In addition to the basics such as support for BC, extensive date formatting options and built-in search and filtering, our timeline app comes with no less than four view types (including the Category Band view - see the timeline to the left).

With our premium accounts, you can also embed timelines on your website or blog. Sign up for free.

3d timeline maker

Tiki-Toki Timeline Maker is the only online timeline creator app that allows you to display timelines in three dimensions.

Our 3d timeline view not only looks amazing but also comes with plenty of customisation options. You can zoom in and out, adjust the panel size, set its direction in time, and much more.

The 3d view is perfect for creating an eye-catching company history timeline, or impressing your classmates and teacher with a snazzy historical timeline for school. Sign up for free.

Interactive multi-media timelines

Tiki-Toki timelines are not only designed to inform viewers but also to be captivating multimedia and interactive timeline experiences.

In addition to text, you can include images, videos and audio in a timeline - Tiki-Toki magically turning them into an interactive gallery.

The interactivity doesn't stop there. You can animate through the timeline, click on events for more info, zoom in and out... Sign up for free.

Who uses Tiki-Toki Timeline Maker: Businesses

Tiki-Toki's multimedia timelines are a great way to share a company anniversary or milestone with customers and staff.


Organisations in the charity sector make extensive use of our timelines to highlight their achievements.


Timelines are an excellent educational tool for teaching children about history. Teachers love our timeline software.


For the legal profession, timelines can be the perfect way to track the often myriad events and people involved in a legal case.

Why use Tiki-Toki?

There are loads of timeline makers out there.
What's so special about Tiki-Toki's timeline maker?

Nothing to download

Tiki-Toki works in your browser. Sign up for our free
account and you can start creating a timeline now

Stunning 3d timelines

No other online timeline maker
allows you to view your timelines in 3d

Include images and videos

Tiki-Toki provides integration with
YouTube and Vimeo for videos

Share timelines with anyone

Each timeline you create has its own unique url
that you can send to friends or colleagues

Colours and categories

Tiki-Toki allows you to create different categories
for stories (events) and colour code them

Customizable time spans

Split your timeline into time periods
each with their own color and background image

Group edit*

Get your friends or colleagues
to contribute to your timelines

Embed timelines on your site*

Timelines created using Tiki-Toki can be
embedded on your own website or blog

*Active premium accounts only What can I do with Tiki-Toki?

The only limit is your imagination but the following may provide some inspiration

The life of a famous person

Is there an artist or musician whose work you
love? Why not create a timeline of their life

Corporate timeline

An interactive online timeline is perfect
for celebrating a company anniversary

History timelines

Tiki-Toki is perfect for teachers and
their pupils to explore key events in history

A personal diary

Keep track of your thoughts over
a period of time using Tiki-Toki

A history of your family

You can even include your photo
albums and videos in the timeline

Legal timelines

Timelines could be used in court
cases as a presentation tool

Can I see some timelines?

Take a look at these great timelines that have been created using Tiki-Toki

How can I sign up?

Enter your username, email, password and age, agree to our terms and conditions and click the sign-up button. That’s it. You’ll be creating your first timeline in no time.

3-40 Username must be at least three characters 3-40 Password must be at least three characters email Please enter a valid email address number 1-3 Please enter your age 0-50 Optional. Code your teacher gave you on You must agree to our terms to sign up offI agree to the terms and conditions

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Sign up for free account Close What accounts do you have?

We offer several types of account. Pick the one that best meets your needs.

Free Free account

Basic account that allows you to create a fully-functional timeline

Limited to one timeline Multiple timeline views Embed youtube and vimeo vids Share timeline with others Colour-code stories Choose background image

Price: Free

Education Teacher

Custom account for a teacher and his/her pupils

One silver account for teacher 50 Bronze accounts for pupils Embed timelines on your site Share timelines with others No advertisements Access to new features

Price: $125 a year

Bronze Bronze account

For individuals and small community groups only

Up to five timelines Group editing of timelines Embed timelines on your site 5,000 monthly embeddable views No advertisements Access to new features

Price: $7.50 a month

Silver Silver account

Aimed at small businesses and professional bloggers

Up to 25 timelines Group editing of timelines Embed timelines on your site 20,000/month embeddable views No advertisements Access to new features

Price: $25.00 a month

To buy one of our premium accounts, firstly sign up for our free account using the form above. Please note that our accounts cannot be used commercially to create timelines for other companies. Digital/communications agencies wanting to create timelines for their clients should contact us at If you would like to pay for a full-year's subscription by invoice, please email us at Close Copyright 2021 Webalon Ltd About us — Privacy policy — DMCA — Terms and conditions View full screen Close

TAGS:Maker Make Online Timeline timeline Tiki Toki for 

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Create beautiful interactive timelines that you can share on the web. Include images and videos for the full multimedia experience. Perfect for company history timelines and school projects.

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