Home - Study Melbourne

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WebSite: http://www.studymelbourne.vic.gov.au





My life as a podcaster Study Melbourne Ambassador Lu Ngo shares how she started her podcast ‘The Glocals’ and the lessons she’s learnt along the way. My Melbourne high school experience Study Melbourne Ambassador Persie Duong moved from Vietnam to Australia to complete his final two years of high school. He shares what he learnt during this time. Looking after your mental health during coronavirus Tips and techniques students can use to safeguard their mental wellbeing during coronavirus (COVID-19). How to experience the best of Melbourne - online! Study Melbourne Ambassadors road-test the virtual tours and online activities at Zoos Victoria, Melbourne Museum, NGV and SEA LIFE. Update - Changes to Driving Licence Rules for International Students UPDATED INFORMATION: If you are an international student driving in Victoria, there are some new rules you should know about. Learn more here. Community support and food relief Advice to help you find support in the community. International Student Emergency Relief Fund The Victorian Government has announced a $45 million International Student Emergency Relief Fund for international students facing financial hardship as a result of coronavirus. Frequently Asked Questions - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Read for answers to some of the frequently asked questions about coronavirus (COVID-19) and its impact on international students. Adjusting to studying online Advice to help you get the most out of studying online and keep healthy during this time. Tips for maintaining your mental health during social isolation Advice, information and simple tips to improve your mental health and maintain a sense of normalcy during social isolation. Tips, tools, news and events to help you learn and study in Melbourne - delivered to you every month. We acknowledge the Aboriginal Traditional Owners of Country throughout Victoria, their ongoing connection to this land and we pay our respects to their culture and their Elders past, present and future.

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Study Melbourne is a Victorian Government Initiative that supports international students in their study journey in Melbourne, Victoria

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