Spin Education

Web Name: Spin Education

WebSite: http://www.spinedu.com





I question whether history teachers (myself included) do enough to provide students with relevant skills, easily and obviously transferable to the real world.When it comes down to it, I do more than just teach history. I encourage students to use evolving digital skills to explore, develop, and express their own passions and interests.Too few administrators effectively model change-making leadership to help spur a much-needed revolution in education.“Creativity” encompasses an entire academic field; and, as it turns out, it’s not a mysterious or difficult quality to define or measure.We’ve shifted from an industrial to a knowledge-based economy, and it’s time for schools to mimic the creativity and risk taking displayed by cooperate America.Embrace technology to help students master not just writing, but also other 21st-century communication skills.Now that Prof. Carol L. Tilley has discredited Dr. Fredric Wertham s Seduction of the Innocent, it s high-time to get comics into schools. I don’t believe that students are so insecure that they require a ceremony to affirm their accomplishments and contributions Do you like history, but you can’t handle physics? Help someone, and other students will help you. — Brainly.comTeachers and administrators share equal blame for making professional development something to dread, rather than embrace. Hey Xylie Ong. You know, I couldn't agree more with what you said. I don't understand how listening to music helps either. Technology is a distraction no matter how you I agree that stress can sometimes give me the "rush" I need to be diabolically focused and a super-achiever. However, I find it hard to switch off when it comes Hi I am a pianist and have that sense of pitch perfect that when I listen to any melody, my brain will subconsciously convert the melody to the method it I couldn't disagree more. We should just pay everyone the same wage. Doctors, labourers etc. Everyone works hard at their job....yeah right. Some work harder then others and should enjoy I'm about to graduate from college Summa Cum Laude and a double major. I don't CARE about recognition ceremonies and feel like it's a complete waste of my time, I ABOUT SPIN EDUCATIONIn a rapidly evolving digital age, SpinEdu reports on how technological and pedagogical innovation presents opportunity and challenges in and outside of school. From news stories, opinion pieces, reviews and interviews with cutting-edge innovators, authors and educators, SpinEdu practices quality reporting and community journalism—setting itself apart from competing sites.

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