Meet the Puritans - Reformation 21

Web Name: Meet the Puritans - Reformation 21






Dec 29, 2020Note: The Alliance is once again offering a year-long reading challenge for Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion. Click here for more information . John Calvin, the great French Reformer who devoted most of his ministry to the church in Geneva, ranks amongst the most influential...Dec 25, 2020The Wesleys had an enduring friendship and connection with George Whitefield (1714–1770), beginning with their Oxford Holy Club, followed by separate missionary journeys to America, and a call to open-air field preaching in England. During the earlier years of that association, the Wesleys...Dec 11, 2020Note: this post has been adapted with permission from A Workman Not Ashamed: Essays in Honor of Albert N. Martin . There are some things we do in church that go completely unquestioned—until they are. One such usually-unquestioned part of worship is preaching. You all know what preaching is...Nov 20, 2020I think it is safe to say most people are familiar with the hymn Amazing Grace . Many famous musicians have sung or performed it. It’s heard at many funerals and other events. Yet too few know the grace of which the author wrote and more, what makes it so amazing. John Newton penned this much-loved...Nov 10, 2020John 10:30 was a critical verse for the early church. As believers wrestled with the documents of the New Testament in terms of their teaching about our Lord’s identity, and in relation to the Old Testament, various views began to be propagated. Some taught that our Lord was not eternal God by...Nov 4, 2020Editor's Note: This article has been adapted from the preface of Biblical Patterns and Government . Cornell University Professor Barry Alan Shain has determined that rather than a generic republicanism or seventeenth century libertarianism nourishing the root of American democracy, a much older...Oct 30, 2020The Reformed theology of grace, as articulated in the Canons of Dort, informed and influenced the spirituality of the Puritans. These Canons of Dort, also called the Five Articles against the Remonstrants, consist of doctrinal statements adopted by the Synod of Dort in 1618–19 against the Five...Oct 19, 2020On September 16, 1620, the crew of the Mayflower weighed anchor to leave Plymouth, England. The Pilgrims gathered on board were anticipating a new homeland, better economic opportunities, and freedom to follow God’s commands without interference. The ship held thirty-seven Pilgrims, sixty-five...Oct 15, 2020In his classic book, The Doctrine of Repentance , Thomas Watson outlined six ingredients for true repentance: The first is the sight of sin , whereby a person comes to himself (Luke 15:17) and views his lifestyle as sinful. If we fail to see our sin, we rarely, if ever, are motivated to repent. The...Sep 24, 2020Charles Chauncy (1705-1787) was one of the most influential pastors in Boston during his life. He received his theological training at Harvard and served as pastor of First Church for nearly 60 years. He wrote numerous pamphlets between 1762-1771 against the British proposal to impose a Bishop in...215-546-3696 alliance@alliancenet.orgCanadian Donors: Canadian Committee of The Bible Study Hour PO Box 24087, RPO Josephine North Bay, ON, P1B 0C7

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