Leading supplier of HTS compounds, building blocks | Life Chemicals

Web Name: Leading supplier of HTS compounds, building blocks | Life Chemicals

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Read More Cysteine-related Libraries for Anti-coronavirus Research Life Chemicals efforts to contribute to fighting the COVID-19 resulted in a number of compound libraries, including those specifically focused on cysteine: Cysteine Protease Library (3,700 screening compounds), Cysteine Focused Covalent Inhibitor Library (2,200 potential covalent modifiers), Cysteine Focused Covalent Inhibitor Fragments (1,200 fragments), 2019-nCoV Main Protease Targeted Library (2,300 potential inhibitors). To facilitate CNS-focused drug design research projects, Life Chemicals is offering a special selection of CNS-related Screening Compound Libraries that address acute needs for general CNS-oriented compounds, as well as cover a broad range of CNS drug targets relevant to test models of Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and many other complex neurological disorders. The Library comprises over 10,000 covalent modifiers containing specific functional groups (“warheads”), that are known to form covalent bonds with amino acid residues (Lys, Cys, Ser, Asp, Glu, and Tyr) in binding sites of target proteins. The extended Rule of Five criteria were applied for the compound selection. Additional separate focused sets of covalent binders targeting each of the indicated amino acid residues can be provided on request. Our Pre-plated Focused Libraries are aimed to provide convenient starting kits for hit identification in the HTS and HCS drug discovery projects. The compound sets comprise novel drug-like screening compounds synthesized in-house. Several formatting options are available. Serine proteases have been shown to play a multifarious role in various diseases (such as cancer proliferation, auto-immune disorders, allergy). We have designed two dedicated screening compound collections of potential serine proteinase inhibitors for drug discovery projects: the Focused Library by 2D fingerprint similarity and Targeted Library by receptor-based virtual screening for subtilisin-like serine proteases. Nuclear receptors are promising drug targets for treatment of inflammatory diseases, cancer, and diabetes. Our Nuclear Receptor Screening Libraries comprise over 5,000 screening compounds selected by the protein-ligand docking method, together with 6,000 drug-like molecules picked by 2D fingerprint similarity search against nuclear receptor bioactivity records in ChEMBL. Life Chemicals offers over 70,000 mono-functional or protected bi-functional and tri-functional building blocks, scaffolds, and fragment compounds suitable for DNA-encoded chemical libraries (DEL) preparation. A custom selection of compounds by any parameter is available on request. 4,200 analogs of known M. Tuberculosis inhibitors, selected by 2D fingerprint similarity search employing organism- and single protein-type bioactivity records from ChemBL, were included in the Antituberculosis Focused Library. Antituberculosis Docking Library, designed with a receptor-based approach, comprises over 3,400 screening compounds, potential inhibitors of the InhA enzyme, singled out by molecular docking. We are happy to introduce our posters presented on the event website. E-meet our experts to discuss how our products can boost your research projects! Starting the 25th Jubilee Year, offered is our hidden treasure: the Pre-selected Diverse Stock Set of novel compounds for high-throughput screening to give time and cost-efficient solutions for your R & D at a special 25 % discount. Do you want to obtain a selection of specific analogs to a given reference molecule but not satisfied by the results of automatic similarity/substructure search? Contact us! Contact Life Chemicals Worldwideorders@lifechemicals.com+1 800 591 9710

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Life Chemicals is a leading supplier of novel HTS compounds and a premium provider of custom synthesis and computational chemistry services.

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