
Web Name: @sommeligay

WebSite: http://www.joshlikeswine.com





With all of the American high school drama and college rivalries that we saw on TV which left something to be desired in real life for us Canadians (but that I no longer crave for particular reasons), there were some moments of tension between some local schools when I was a kid. There might ve been the school labeled as the artsy one, or there might ve been that one school who thought they were hot shit because they had that one famous actor who was in that one show for a hot second. Compared to a lot of my friends parents, my mom and dad immigrated to Canada a little earlier in their lives, so they ended up attending high school in Vancouver and became familiar with its networks and stereotypes. read more Sometime during my childhood, some Filipinos I knew started identifying as Pacific Islander along with Asian . I didn t think anything of it. In the present day probably some time in 2018 I go on a persistent Scruff date with a native Hawaiian. A bingo card for gay first date topics might include burned family connections or sexual shenanigans, but for me, a square always includes identity which easily glided from an identity-driven blind wine tasting game at this wine bar. He comments: yes, why do Filipinos like to check the Pacific Islander box? I don t get it. I don t disagree. The rest of the date is fine, but I feel bad about partially wondering how to escape this date unscathed because I m in the mood for accelerated drunkenness with my friends and this wine just isn t doing it. read more This is a weird confession as I approach 10 years in the wine industry, but I ve never felt completely at home in the world of food and drink.In the 2nd grade, we used to have morning magnet polls as we gathered on the carpet in front of the chalkboard. How did you travel to school: car, van, bus, or on foot? What s your favourite season: spring, summer, autumn, or winter? And then, this question what did you have for breakfast: fruit, toast, cereal, or yoghurt? I hesitated and looked around the room. I was confused, but no one else seemed to be, unless they were hiding it well. I shrunk back, unlike my vampire-repelling breath that morning: I had garlic fried rice and part of an omelette for breakfast, including the extra garlic pieces my brother very carefully picked out of his serving. read more I never thought it would feel this quick, but I ve spent almost 10 years in the wine industry, accompanied by all types of grapey gripes. They range from folks who think red wines are served too warm (which is a perfectly reasonable thought that I also vibe with), to those who decry Chardonnay as if it was Satan manifested into a liquid. Some are oddly offended by the slightest hint of sugar to the point where anything remotely sweeter than battery acid is considered a flaw. I m not here to yuck anyone s yum (even when said yum yucks other yums), but damn. Let s loosen our sommelier pins just a smidgen.Onto what Lagrein-ds my gears: I fucking hate pairing suggestions that generalize off-dry wines into super generic categories for particular cuisines, like this line: try this German Riesling with Asian food . read more I m always distracted. If I m not paying attention in my algorithms lecture, I m reading about the soils of Beaujolais. If I m not paying attention in a work meeting, I m recounting the grand cru vineyards of Alsace s Bas-Rhin in my head. If I m actively not putting this presentation together on Champagne producers, I m typing about a grape I ve never tried before. Daddy needs some positive stimuli in this gross whirlwind and this wine happens to be today s diversion.Picked this up during yesterday s session of exercise, which literally just involved me walking 30 minutes to an inconveniently located grocery store and back home. Counting the previous night s steps on an app the day after dancing at a nightclub obviously isn t going to cut it anymore. read more Studying Champagne while your life is going through several circumstances for which Champagne is simply Not Acceptable is a weird moment. Or maybe it is acceptable. I haven t decided yet. All I know is that it s been a pendulum of anxiety and excitement, and suddenly every day seems simultaneously too slow and too fast.Zoom presentations on 21 Champagne producers? Yes! All for it, but presenting Gaston Chiquet and telling a funny story about their blanc de blancs and your last birthday in Vancouver before moving to San Francisco while trying to budget finances at the corner of your eye is real. Falling asleep in a bathroom: real. actually, there may be a reason for Champagne, but I don t wanna say what that is yet. read more I’m doing my best to imagine – in a TV drama-like scenario – how viewers would try and piece together the events that happened if my last post was the season finale and this was the premiere of the next. Writing book summaries in grade school prepared me for this moment, y’all. Insert a moment to crack my knuckles and stretch my muscles here. Because my fingers typing up all these words is the only exercise my quarantined ass is getting up here on this day.Anyways, a conscious decision to pause writing was all intentional rather than accidental – the last 2 years have been an exercise in focussing less on wine and more on other parts of myself: a deep-dive into all things queer, Filipino, gastronomic, and cultural, with some splashes of cocktails and wine in between. read more I wish I could insert a montage of video clips here, combining all the clusterfucks and thrills of the past few months, but written description will have to do. Also, apologizing for a lack of posts is a tired cliché of the peak LiveJournal era, so I won t do it. Oh, to be 13 again.Imagine leading a tasting on Japanese whiskies in Tokyo!But also, imagine being so disorganized that you plan your Tokyo activities while waiting to board the plane, get lost from hopping on the wrong train from the airport, and have the police yell at your conference s group in Japanese as we wrestled and tackled each other in Ginza. At some point in the week, you meet up with a Frenchman who tells you a story about the Japanese boyfriend that he keeps secret from his wife and kids, but is still lonely enough to crave your company: he doesn t say it, but even as we overlook the city, he feels a claustrophobia about Tokyo that s temporarily soothed by our sashimi and Bordeaux barrel-aged Japanese whisky. read more Real talk: Call Me by Your Name was one of the only few new films I watched in 2017 and it was beautifully made and acted and needed in this world and deserved all its accolades, but I thought it was slightly overhyped? Bye! We can argue about this offline over an actual glass of Collio something. I mean, part of the film took place near Lake Garda so we could hypothetically sip Soave Classico or Lugana instead, but they also travel to Bergamo so I wouldn t mind tossing out drunken thoughts over Franciacorta. Or all the above.I can t believe I already fly out to Japan in less than a week for a conference, and I m severely underprepared in so many ways. read more I can now cross Utah off the list of places I ve been, y all. Apparently the aggressive snowfall stopped for the 24 hours a colleague and I went to Park City for a work thing, so the snowy mountains were a nice distraction from the frigid air I sometimes despise. Anyways, I got sick when I got back, because the elevations of Park City actually can allegedly fuck you up. I didn t believe our driver from the airport, but there you go.I always recall a particular Veneto 2014 wine sesh (damn, was it 2014?!) where we did the typical run of Veneto wines along with a wine made from the relatively obscure Raboso grape, which basically means angry maybe due to its big tannic bite. read more About Me28. Certified Sommelier studying for Advanced. WSET Diploma Graduate. California Wine Appellation Specialist with Honours. Certified Sherry Specialist. Italian Wine Scholar. San Francisco; Vancouver-born. Booze chap and co-founder at Endless West. Click here for a longer spiel.Search Search for: 2020 @sommeligay


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