IRIS Independent Research

Web Name: IRIS Independent Research






description:IRIS Independent Research offers expertise across a wide range of subjects, including National Security, Global Military Operations, Missile Defense, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Drones and Unmanned Operations, Aerospace Technology, Airpower, and American Political Culture. IRIS Independent Research provides research products and services across a wide range of public and private clients, including Aerospace, Defense, Military Aircraft, Unmanned Systems, Surveillance Systems, Missiles, Directed Energy, Military Aircraft Engines, Helicopters, Advanced Technology Programs, Multi-Domain Command and Control.









Current Blog PostCurrent Blog PostBiden's "progress" in Afghanistan Makes Me ScreamBiden's "progress" in Afghanistan Makes Me Scream8/23/2021 12:00:00 AM EDT2 months ago

On Sunday Aug. 22, President Joe Biden told the nation hes made a lot of progress with Afghanistan and history is going to record this was the logical and rational decision to make. Excuse me while I scream, as I wrote for Fox News Opinion.You wont believe Bidens comments on the Taliban. Instead of delivering a strong warning from the White House, Biden said the Taliban will need economic assistance and foreign aid because they are seeking legitimacy. And by the way, the Taliban are a ragtag outfit who dont control all their forces. Biden ...

Read more Recent Blog PostsRecent Blog PostsBiden's "progress" in Afghanistan Makes Me ScreamBiden's "progress" in Afghanistan Makes Me Scream8/23/2021 12:00:00 AM EDT2 months ago

On Sunday Aug. 22, President Joe Biden told the nation hes made a lot of progress with Afghanistan and history is going to record this was the logical and rational decision to make. Excuse me while I scream, as I wrote for Fox News Opinion.You wont believe Bidens comments on the Taliban. Instead of delivering a strong warning from the White House, Biden said the Taliban will need economic assistance and foreign aid because they are seeking legitimacy. And by the way, the Taliban are a ragtag outfit who dont control all their forces. Biden ...

Read more Behind the Ugly Battle for AfghanistanBehind the Ugly Battle for Afghanistan8/13/2021 12:00:00 AM EDT3 months ago

20 years of fighting, 2,352 American deaths and it comes down to this: can Afghanistans government forces pull back and hold on until the Taliban over-extends its military push? Afghanistans government is trying a simple, if brutal strategy, as I wrote forFox News Opinion Aug. 12. In early August the Taliban began rolling up small provinical capitals in territory they already dominated. The Afghanistan governments strategy is to consolidate around Kabul and other population centers, then draw the Taliban into a fight they cant win. Dont forget the impact of warlords and airpower ...

Read more US Cyber Bombshell from Biden to Putin in GenevaUS Cyber Bombshell from Biden to Putin in Geneva6/19/2021 12:00:00 AM EDT5 months agoRebecca Grant

Russia, knock off the cyber attacks or watch out for your oil pipelines.

President Joe Bidens sharp messageon cyber attacks was the big takeaway from the summit in Geneva on June 16, 2021. As I wrote for Fox News, for the first time a US president gave Russia an exteremely clear warning to knock off the cyber attacks. Remember the whole domain of cyberspace is veiled and the public rarely seesobvious moves. So you have to read between the lines. Biden warned Putin cyber attacks must stop. US critical infrastructure facilities like energy, power and oil pipelines ...

Read more Russia CyberattacksRussia Cyberattacks12/19/2020 12:00:00 AM EST11 months agoRebecca Grant

Of course Russia did it.The recently discovered massive cyberattack on U.S. government and industry computer networks by a foreign adversary isnt the first nor will it be the last such hostile action. While the Trump administration has strengthened U.S. defenses and revved up Americas cyber offense, its clear that the incomingBidenadministration will need to do a lot more because the attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated.

The problem became obvious when Russia shut down Estonia with a devastating cyberattack in April 2007. Estonia revamped its entire cybersecurity structure. Today NATOs cybersecurity center ...

Read more Air Force, Don't Cut a Single BomberAir Force, Don't Cut a Single Bomber4/30/2020 12:00:00 AM EDT1 years agoDr. Rebecca Grant Read more Rules of StealthRules of Stealth7/16/2019 12:00:00 AM EDT2 years agoDr. Rebecca Grant

Americas B-2 stealth bomber made its dramatic first flight thirty years ago onJuly 17, 1989. Today,Americas military is preparing to face advanced threats from Russia, China, and others. Can the B-2 still dominate? Yes, says this short paperRules of Stealth. Low observables break up the air defenders chain of detection, fire control and missile launch. With updates that refine survivability tactics, the twenty B-2 bombers are still at the heart of conventional war plans and nuclear deterrence for the United States. Much of the counter stealth chatter comes from Russian military equipment marketing. Stealth ...

Read more ResearchResearchAir Force, Don't Cut a Single BomberAir Force, Don't Cut a Single Bomber4/30/2020 12:00:00 AM EDT1 years agoDr. Rebecca Grant Read more B-2 Stealth Bomber At WarB-2 Stealth Bomber At War6/4/2019 12:00:00 AM EDT2 years agoDr. Rebecca Grant

B-2s are at the center of war plans, for every theater of operations around the globe.

B-2 Stealth Bomber At Warhighlights twenty years of missions as seen by pilots andthe team of the Air Forces 509th Bomb Wing at Whiteman AFB.The storybeginswiththe B-2s first flight on July 17, 1989. Ten years later, the B-2 went to war for the first time in NATOs Operation Allied Force, introducing precision, all-weather stealth attack in the 78-day air campaign. In 2001, a B-2 crew set the record for a combat mission at 44.3 ...

Read more Smart Data Fusion for Multi Domain OperationsSmart Data Fusion for Multi Domain Operations9/17/2018 12:00:00 AM EDT3 years ago

Data fusion at the tactical edge is a top need for the US militarys new concept for Multi-Domain Operations. US forces came to rely on combat datanetworks developed in battles in Afghanistna, Iraq and Syria. But Russia and Chinas electronic warfare and cyber systems threaten US combat networks. Fortunately, the technology is ready to test smart data fusion hubs: a new type of network box that fits on current airplanes, ships and other platforms to process, sort and refine data in real time, at the tactical edge, while operations are underway. Over time, the connections and processing ...

Read more Power Up Army HelicoptersPower Up Army Helicopters11/2/2017 12:00:00 AM EDT4 years ago

New engines can boost the range and payload of the US Armys Blackhawk and Apache helicopters. GE and ATEC, a PrattWhitney and Honeywell team, are developing improved turbine engines to remove and replace on Arny helicopters. This viatla competition will power up Army missions, making it possible to carry more soldiers, equipment and to omit hazardous forward area refuelings. Under any budget IREP is a vital Army program -- and one that makes sense for Americas global missions and counterterrorism fight.

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Read more F-35 in the PacificF-35 in the Pacific11/2/2017 12:00:00 AM EDT4 years ago

US militaryoptions in the Pacificdepend on airpower. This paper examines how stealth and legacy fighters like the F-35, F-22 and F/A-18 among others may be deployed to counteract Chinese activity and give US commanders maximum options.

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Read more Remembering Desert StormRemembering Desert Storm9/3/2017 12:00:00 AM EDT4 years ago

Strike sorties over Iraq and Syria now total 32,828 for the 3-year war that began in late 2014. Thats close to the number for Operation Desert Storm. On Janaury 17, 1991, the US-led Coalition began a fight to eject Iraqi forces from Kuwait. The six-week war dominated by airpower and finished up with 4 days of ground fighting redefined Americanmilitary power. The impact on Iraqi ground forces day after day led Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Merrill A. McPeak to conclude, My private conviction is that this is the first time in history that a field ...

Read more SUBJECT-MATTER EXPERTISE IRIS Independent Research offers expertise across a wide range of subjects, including National Security, Global Military Operations, Missile Defense, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Drones and Unmanned Operations, Aerospace Technology, Airpower, and American Political Culture.

National Security

Global Military Operations

Missile Defense


Drones Unmanned Tech

Aerospace Industry

Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan

American Political Culture


IRIS Independent Research provides research products and services across a wide range of public and private clients, including Aerospace, Defense, Military Aircraft, Unmanned Systems, Surveillance Systems, Missiles, Directed Energy, Military Aircraft Engines, Helicopters, Advanced Technology Programs, Multi-Domain Command and Control.

MEDIA PROFESSIONALIRIS Independent Research offers has experience working with a wide range of TV, radio and print media outlets, including Fox Business, Fox News Channel, OANN, CNN, MSNBC, Veterans Radio, Smithsonian “Air Warriors”, Newsmax, Sirius XM Patriot, Defense News, Aviation Week, Defense News, Air Force Magazine, Washington Times, and more.

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I see this ending at the negotiating table.

Dr. Rebecca Grant, Fox Business

They are on track to double the number of airstrikes this year.

Dr. Rebecca Grant, CNN At this Hour

Weve strangled their economic situation at this point.

Dr. Rebecca Grant, Fox Business

The days of Stalinist Feminism are over.

Dr. Rebecca Grant, Fox News Channel

Maybe the Taliban are part of the solution.

Dr. Rebecca Grant, CNN At this Hour

It flies it dies,

Dr. Rebecca Grant, Fox Business

National Security
Global Military Operations
Missile Defense
Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan
Drones and Unmanned Tech
Aerospace Industry
American Political Culture

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IRIS Independent Research offers expertise across a wide range of subjects, including National Security, Global Military Operations, Missile Defense, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Drones and Unmanned Operations, Aerospace Technology, Airpower, and American Political Culture. IRIS Independent Research provides research products and services across a wide range of public and private clients, including Aerospace, Defense, Military Aircraft, Unmanned Systems, Surveillance Systems, Missiles, Directed Energy, Military Aircraft Engines, Helicopters, Advanced Technology Programs, Multi-Domain Command and Control.

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