iPRI International Prevention Research Institute

Web Name: iPRI International Prevention Research Institute

WebSite: http://www.i-pri.org





"Prevention is so much better than healing because it saves the labour of being sick." Thomas Adams, 1618"Prevention is so much better than healing because it saves the labour of being sick."Thomas Adams, 1618 Lima, December 12th, 2019 Auna and the International Prevention Research Institute (iPRI) have today signed a Memorandum of Understanding in order to become the reference on prevention for major chronic non-communicable diseases in Latin America. With this agreement, both organisations would set an array of initiatives focused on developing an evidence-based Prevention Programme in Read More Nise Yamaguchi is a medical oncologist who focuses on treating patients and making their lives as comfortable as possible. She has managed to develop and maintain many important contacts internationally and is widely recognised as playing an important role in introducing treatment advances and improvements in patient care to Brazil and other parts of the Read More Rajendra Badwe is Director of the Tata Memorial Cancer Centre in Mumbai, India. He was a pioneer in the introduction of evidence-based treatment guidelines in the Institute which then spread to other major centres. He has accelerated the national and international development of the Institute which is widely recognised internationally as a leading Cancer Institute. Read More Professors Luis Pinillos Ashton and Carlos Vallejos Sologuren have made major contributions to Cancer Control in Peru. Each has been Director-General of the National Cancer Institute (INEN) and Minister of Health of Peru where they have been responsible for introducing actions and policies to improve cancer treatment and prevention in Peru. This was continued by Read More The fourteenth annual NCID meeting took place in Lyon between 10-12th July, 2019. There were 125 attendees from 65 countries at a wide range of resource. The meeting celebrated the Tenth Anniversary of the establishment of the International Prevention Research Institute. A film was made to acknowledge this anniversary and is available on this iPRI Read More iPRI is pleased to be entering its tenth year of academic and scientific endeavours. We do so recognising our many partners and stakeholders, without whom our efforts would be greater and the results lesser. Today, during the National Cancer Institute Directors meeting, held in Lyon, a 50-minute film commemorating its 10-Year Anniversary was presented. iPRI Read More Declaration in the Fields of Oncological Training, Research and Development among the Countries of the Central and Eastern European and the Central Asian Region Representatives of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia met on 12th June, 2019 in Budapest for the first Regional Ministerial Conference on Partnership and Cooperation in Oncology Read More On 10th June 2019, Peter Boyle gave the inaugural lecture on ‘Health, Wellbeing and the Family’ at the Calisia World Conference on Family Health. Professor Boyle noted that ill-health, in particular chronic ill-health, can have a profound effect on the family as well as the individual. Health is more than the absence of sickness. The Read More Budapest, 12th June 2019The Report Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Europe, 1950-2015 has been presented at the Ministerial Meeting in Budapest (Hungary). Chronic diseases such as Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease (CVD), Diabetes and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) are major causes of disability and premature deaths throughout Europe. These diseases are Read More We are sad to announce that in view of the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and the decision of the French gouvernement to cancel national and international conferences, we need to cancel our annual National Cancer Institute Directors (NCID) meeting, that should have taken place from 15 to 17 July in Lyon, France. It is Read More Cancelled - NCID 2020 The 15th Annual National Cancer Institute Directors Meeting has been cancelled due to COVID-19. iPRI Events The International Prevention Research Institute (iPRI) is an independent research institute with demonstrated world-class excellence and leadership. iPRI has unparalleled experience in epidemiological research and macro health planning with a record of delivering real health and economic value to a range of public and private sources including governments, universities, research institutes, non-governmental organisations and large multi-national concerns.Our combined years of experience, operating at the highest level, have provided iPRI with unique global support composed of senior academic figures and government officials. This network provides iPRI with immediate access to worldwide expertise.I invite you to discover iPRI, our Faculty and Staff, our Senior Research Fellows, our Partners and, above all else, our commitment to Global Public Health.Professor Peter Boyle, President "La grandeur d'un métier est peut être avant tout d'unir les hommes..."Antoine de St. Exupéry Worldwide Expertise iPRI senior leadership founded the Institute with the intention of bringing together a diverse, talented, experienced and proven pool of experts. The result is that today, iPRI's international staff and superb Senior Research Fellows hail from all continents. Discover our Team of Experts Written about cancer in Africa by health professionals working in Africa or international colleagues working closely with Africa, identifies ‘The State of Oncology in Africa, 2015’ as a unique report. Overall, it paints a depressing and deplorable picture of the current situation regarding cancer in Africa Read More Breast cancer has been known and written about for millennia and has been the subject of research into its treatment and causes for centuries. Despite all this interest and activity, breast cancer remains a major and growing threat to global Public Health. This Report set out Read More Breast cancer has been known and written about for millennia and has been the subject of research into its treatment and causes for centuries. Despite all this interest and activity, breast cancer remains a major and growing threat to global Public Health. This Report set out Read More iPRI 2017-2018 Biennial Report We invite you to download iPRI's latest Biennial Report covering our 2017-2018 activities (17 Mb file). iPRI 2017-2018 Biennial Report We invite you to download iPRI's latest Biennial Report covering our 2017-2018 activities (17 Mb file). Macacu A, Lasagni S, Carnesecchi E, Dorne JL, Guillot G. Dose-response analysis of toxicological and pharmacological mixtures with the model deviation ratio method: problems and solutions. Toxicol Lett. 2020 Feb 25. pii: S0378-4274(20)30054-0. doi: 10.1016/j.toxlet.2020.02.005. [PMID: 32109533] Lupica A, Manfredi P, Volpert V, Palumbo A, d Onofrio A. Spatio-temporal games of voluntary vaccination in the absence Full List... Ngoma M, Autier P. Cancer prevention: cervical cancer. Ecancermedicalscience. 2019;13:952. [PMID: 31552125] Mullie P, Autier P. Type 1 error. J Physiol. 2019 Sep;597(17):4677-4678. doi: 10.1113/JP278407. No abstract available. [PMID: 31468545] Dragomir M, Mullie P, Bota M, Koechlin A, Macacu A, Pizot C, Boyle P. Nutrition and prostate cancer: review of the evidence. J Health Disparities. Full List... Bernard R, Bowsher G, Milner C, Boyle P, Patel P, Sullivan R. Intelligence and global health: assessing the role of open source and social media intelligence analysis in infectious disease outbreaks. Z Gesundh Wiss. 2018;26(5):509-514. [PMID: 30294522] Global Burden of Disease Cancer Collaboration, Fitzmaurice C, Akinyemiju TF, Al Lami FH, Alam T, Alizadeh-Navaei R, Allen Full List... Autier P, Boniol M, Koechlin A, Pizot C, Boniol M. Effectiveness of and overdiagnosis from mammography screening in the Netherlands: population based study. BMJ. 2017 Dec 5;359:j5224. doi: 10.1136/bmj.j5224. [PMID: 29208760] Boniol M, Koechlin A, Boyle P. Meta-analysis of occupational exposures in the rubber manufacturing industry and risk of cancer. IInt J Epidemiol. 2017 Dec Full List... Mullie P, Pizot C, Autier P. Daily milk consumption and all-cause mortality, coronary heart disease and stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational cohort studies. BMC Public Health. 2016 Dec 8;16(1):1236. [PMID:27927192] d Onofrio A. Spatio-temporal epidemic models and public health: Comment on Pattern transitions in spatial epidemics: Mechanisms and emergent properties by Gui-Quan Sun et Full List... Autier P, Funck-Brentano E, Aegerter P, Boniol M, Saiag P. Re: High nevus counts confer a favorable prognosis in melanoma patients by S ribero and co-workers, published in the International Journal of Cancer, 2015 (online 21 march 2015). Int J Cancer. 2015 Dec 15;137(12):3006-7. [PMID: 26095813] Gonzaga CM, Freitas-Junior R, Curado MP, Sousa AL, Souza-Neto Full List... Gaye A, Marcon Y, Isaeva J, LaFlamme P, Turner A, Jones EM, Minion J, Boyd AW, Newby CJ, Nuotio ML, Wilson R, Butters O, Murtagh B, Demir I, Doiron D, Giepmans L, Wallace SE, Budin-Ljøsne I, Oliver Schmidt C, Boffetta P, Boniol M, Bota M, Carter KW, deKlerk N, Dibben C, Francis RW, Hiekkalinna T, Full List... Autier P. [Screening for breast cancer: worries about its effectiveness]. Rev Prat. 2013 Dec;63(10):1369-77. French. [PMID: 24579331] Chaturvedi AK, Anderson WF, Lortet-Tieulent J, Curado MP, Ferlay J, Franceschi S, Rosenberg PS, Bray F, Gillison ML. Worldwide Trends in Incidence Rates for Oral Cavity and Oropharyngeal Cancers. J Clin Oncol. 2013 Dec 20;31(36):4550-9. [PMID: 24248688] Giacomazzi J, Full List... Boniol M, Boyle P, Autier P, Ruffion A, Perrin P. Critical role of prostate biopsy mortality in the number of years oflife gained and lost within a prostate cancer screening programme. BJU Int. 2012 Dec;110(11):1648-52. [PMID:22984785] Paskulin Dd, Paixão-Côrtes VR, Hainaut P, Bortolini MC, Ashton-Prolla P. The TP53 fertility network. Genet Mol Biol. 2012 Dec;35(4 (suppl)):939-46. Full List... Lehrach H, Müller H, Bruggeman FJ, Subrak R, Boyle P, Pasterk M, Zatloukal K, Hubbard T, Brand A, Girolami M, Jameson D, Westerhoff HV. ITFoM – The IT Future of Medicine. Procedia Comput Sci. 2011;7:26-29. Zatoński WA, Manczuk M, Sulkowska U, Didkowska J, Wojciechowska U, Tarkowski W, Przewozniak K, Gumkowski J, Janik-Koncewicz K, Boffetta P, Campos H, La Vecchia C, Powles J, Rehm Full List... All Posts If you would like to scroll through a list of all posts on this website,you can do so here. iPRIFollowiPRI@iPrevention 16 Jul 2019iPRI invites everyone to enjoy a video marking iPRI's Ten Year Anniversary. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyhVLb-gEb0iPRI@iPrevention 16 Jul 2019WPA and iPRI are please with the success of the 2019 NCID meeting held last week in Lyon, France. We thank all attendees for their meaningful presentations.iPRI@iPrevention 25 Mar 2019iPRI 10 Years celebration kick off with 2-½ minute teaser of full 10-year video to be released July 10, 2019. https://i-pri.org/2019/03/25/celebrating-ten-years/iPRI@iPrevention 13 Mar 2019The new iPRI 2017-2018 Biennial Report is now available for download on the Institute's homepage at https://i-pri.org iPRI@iPrevention 12 Feb 2019iPRI's 2017-2018 Biennial Report is now complete and off to the printer. If you would like a copy when it's ready, contact comm@i-pri.orgiPRI@iPrevention 8 Dec 2018iPRI has moved to a new location just down the road from its old offices. See details at http://i-pri.org - Emails and telephone numbers have not changed!iPRI@iPrevention 26 Nov 2018iPRI signs agreement for closer collaboration with IEO https://i-pri.org/2018/11/26/agreement-for-closer-collaboration-with-ieo/iPRI@iPrevention 3 Jul 2018#NCID2018 is almost here. The 2018 National Cancer Institute Directors meeting, organized by the World Prevention Alliance, starts in Lyon, France, next Wednesday 11 July for three days. #cancerpreventionRetweet on TwitteriPRI RetweetedOtis Brawley@OtisBrawley 8 Aug 2017http://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/10.1001/jama.2017.7630 Excellent work from ACS research team. Defining the pertinent questions for cancer control.iPRI@iPrevention 20 Jul 2017#ncid2017 ends with honors to Zatonski, Alsayer, Al Sayer and Walsh. #ncid2018 set for July 10-14 2018Load More... Thank you for your message. An iPRI representative will respond as quickly as possible. If your request is urgent and you have not received a prompt response, please call +33 4 72 17 11 99 International Prevention Research InstituteLe Campus - Bâtiment B, l'Australien18, Chemin des Cuers69570 DardillyFrance

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