Individualism Ender = Endervidualism

Web Name: Individualism Ender = Endervidualism






Endervidualism has been moved: now hosted at Bluehost. Probably the last issue of Sunni's Salon, at least in the current format, has a link below. Sunni and I welcome comments where we conspire. Find all RSS feeds e-mail lists on theSign Up page this feed for items below February 2009 Issue of Sunni s Salon! Sunni Maravillosa on pro-freedom individualist culture Fiction by George Potter, and nonfiction by Edward Abbey, Stephen Cox, and Wayne Dyer are reviewed; interview with inspiring freedom activist Mike Gogulski; Web of Love; The Thomas Jefferson Hour; Victor; Tom Petty; and much more published February 7, 2009 Ender's Review: January 11 31, 2009 The second bloggish issue.... published February 2, 2009 This Weekend Interrupted I have suspended This Weekend (TWE for short) until I can make the improvements I want in the function. The link above will take you to a longer more detailed explanation at Memory, Making, Meaning. Please feel free to comment there. The existing pages will remain intact for now, but as they age I may redirect their traffic to that blog entry. published November 9, 2007 Round pegs in square holes From Bob Wallace: Ever since I was 12 years old I have felt like I belonged to a different species. I ve always felt human... well, mostly...but with maybe, oh, I don t know -- some sort of unusual DNA, perhaps like in The Island of Dr. Moreau. That would explain things. published October 20, 2007 Children of Men (2006) Movie Review of Children of Men (2006) by Tom Ender. Anti-state dystopian scifi action/adventure stars Clive Owen, Claire-Hope Ashitey, Michael Caine, Julianne Moore, Chiwetel Ejiofor; directed by Alfonso Cuar n. Although this film surely belongs in the dystopian category, in addition to the suggestion that the near future may contain social horrors it carries other more optimistic messages as well. The movie s performances far exceeded my expectations, as did the story itself. The work ranks as an artistic achievement which reveals both some of the best and worst aspects of the human species. published October 13, 2007 The 7 C s: an Ideological or Social Spectrum A new Essay by Cat Farmer on the spectrum of social options. [I]f there s a key to changing the world, I think people generally have the idea backward. Unfortunately, it seems most would rely on Control and Coercion try as they will to hide that fact behind smiley faces and snappy slogans. They d rely on government coercion (legislation and enforcement) to propagate their ideas.... Gandhi had a brighter idea: he said, Be the change you want to see in the world. published June 7, 2007 The New King Part 3 concludes Ban the Smoking Gun of Government from Schools by Retta Fontana: I had spent the last month making drawings of and working out design issues for the projects I intended to create this semester, as independent art students do. If I had to, I knew that I would drop the class if he didn t let me be. He didn t seem open to discussion. As I said, a little authority is a heady thing. published at Endervidualism on February 24, 2007 A Tale of Two Globes An essay by Lila Rajiva. Unfair trade is yet another of the shiny slogans that festoon the spectacle of globalization like tinsel on a pole dancer. How can different regulations and practices in different countries constitute unfairness? Isn t it the essence of trade that different countries have different things to offer whether cheaper labor, or better technology, or more bountiful natural resources, or more welcoming business environments? published February 9, 2007 At Last You Know the Truth Another new essay from Sunni Maravillosa on sustainability , freedom and some implications. Each participant will become part of the freedom systems they use. However, understanding that inevitable result and advocating the establishment and perpetuation of a system are very different things. I m resigned to the former; I don t foresee seriously engaging in the latter. ... It presupposes that we, today, know what will be best for those living in the future. We don t. published 9/15/06 Life, Liberty, Property In That Order An Essay by Tom Ender on some aspects of property and its ownership - [F]ictional characters do not have rights. If you have imaginary friends, they do not have rights. Only a real person can have rights. This applies to property rights, along with all other individual rights. ... In today s world are there any fictional or imaginary entities which are thought by many people to have rights? published 9/19/05

TAGS:Individualism Ender Endervidualism 

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