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Features Preaching And The Blues: The Folk Blues Career of Son House Joseph W. Washek Oct 12, 2020 7 comments Yes, I’m gonna get me religionI’m gonna join the Baptist ChurchI wanna be a Baptist preacher so I won’t have to workIn June 1964, Nick Perls, Dick Waterman, and Phil Spiro, three young white men from the North, traveled to Mississippi in search of Son House (1902-1988), a blues singer/guitarist whose career had been so abject a commercial failure that he was completely forgotten and unknown, except to a small group of perhaps two dozen country blues collectors who, based upon the recordings available, maybe twenty minutes in total, had proclaimed him to be the greatest of all the Delta Blues singers. Continue Reading » AAA VinylAlbum Reviews Big Star's #1 Record Gets Five Stars From Our Newest Contributor Nathan Zeller Oct 11, 2020 6 comments We find ourselves during the ongoing pandemic abstaining from pleasurable activities like hanging out on the street. Listening to the 1970’s power pop group Big Star will one day help ease the way back to that once taken for granted lifestyle.Discovering older musical acts like Big Star is for a child of the 21st century like me mostly a matter of pure luck. I happened upon Big Star’s song “Thirteen” on an episode of “That ‘70’s Show” airing on Netflix. That tune, a captivating piece of tender musical perfection, led me to discover Big Star the group and boy, am I thankful for that! Continue Reading » News Quality Record Pressings Sheds 20 Grams Michael Fremer Oct 09, 2020 18 comments In case you’re still wondering if the vinyl resurgence is a “bubble” or a temporary uptick, you’d best disabuse yourself of that thought. Despite the Apollo/Transco fire and other roadblocks like the record distribution debacle that had last year’s “Making Vinyl Hollywood” attendees in a near panic, record sales (and turntable sales) continue to soar—and best of all, a new, young and sophisticated clientele insists upon quality even as demand for novelty colored and splattered vinyl also grows. We welcome them all (even picture disc buyers). Review Explosion RSD Review Explosion, Part 2: David Bowie, Ron Carter, Clipping, and Tyler, The Creator Malachi Lui Oct 01, 2020 4 comments (Review Explosion is a recurring AnalogPlanet feature covering recent releases for which we either don’t have sufficient time to fully explore, or that are not worthy of it. Curated by AnalogPlanet contributing editor Malachi Lui, this is the second RSD2020-centric Review Explosion, the first of which is found here.)Last weekend, the second 2020 RSD Drop occurred in physical stores and on some online outlets. I didn’t find any titles terribly important to me, so here I am still reviewing records from the initial August RSD Drop. Onward we go… Continue Reading » Album Reviews Dialogues on Race Volume One Is The Emmett Till Story Set to Unforgettable Music Michael Fremer Sep 29, 2020 10 comments As I reached my home the other day after an early morning run a neighbor pulled over in his car and asked how I was doing. I said, “great, under the Covid-19 circumstances”. Noting my Biden/Harris lawn sign he said “The Democrats have been taken over by the progressives. Doesn’t that bother you?” I said “No, I’m fairly progressive myself. The GOP has been taken over by Trump, who isn’t sure he’ll hand over the reins of power if he loses the election, doesn’t that bother you?” Continue Reading » Record Handling and Storage Tips Footfall Fix For Cheap! Michael Fremer Sep 28, 2020 14 comments Few things are more annoying to record lovers living in a home (particularly an older one) with a floor that flexes and causes records to skip as you attempt to carefully move around the room. The first thought is to buy a sturdier, more massive equipment stand but that doesn't work! Continue Reading »

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