Quinn Norton and Robin Skyler

Web Name: Quinn Norton and Robin Skyler






Robin Skyler's homepage is available at /robin Quinn Norton resides these days at, her blog is at /said. Her bio: Quinn Norton is a writer and photgrapher whose work has appeared in Wired News, The Guardian, Make Magazine, Seed, and more. She covers copyright, robotics, computer security, intellectual property, body modification, and medicine. Quinn has appeared on NPR's On The Media to talk about anonymizing software, NPR's All Things Considered, to talk about her magnetic implant, and has an essay in She's Such a Geek, edited by Annalee Newitz and Charlie Anders. She lives in Washington, DC. Quinn is reachable at You'll also find us elsewhere: Daily Ada Quinn's Flickr Stream Robin's Flickr Stream

TAGS:Quinn org Ambigous 

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