Tea Trade A Digital Ocean of Tea

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lazyliteratus wrote a new post, All Good Things, on the site Steep Stories 3 weeks, 3 days ago

Almost two months have passed since my last article. In Internet years, that is almost a decade. It wasn’t like I had nothing to write about. In fact, I had several things. For example . . .

Over the course o []

lazyliteratus replied 3 weeks, 3 days ago

Thanks you, sir.

teaformeplease replied 3 weeks, 3 days ago

Gotta admit that this post made me a bit weepy. Thanks to tea, we met virtually before either of our blogs existed. Doing anything for as many years as we have takes a lot. Its also important to know when its time to throw in the towel. Im sad to see this blog come to an end, but Ill always be a fan of your writing in whatever form it takes.

lazyliteratus replied 3 weeks, 3 days ago


Yes, it was pretty much time to throw said towel a couple of years ago, but I held on to see what else would stick. The adhesive wasnt that strong. Still hangin around the tea community, though, just as an average hobbyist. Writing will also still continue.

lazyliteratus replied 3 weeks, 3 days ago


lazyliteratus replied 3 weeks, 3 days ago

I consider you, Marco, one of the best voices of the new class of tea bloggers/content creators. I will still be around to see your ascent, and hopefully share more cups with you in the future.

lazyliteratus replied 3 weeks, 3 days ago

I do remember that! Zhen Qu Gold Buds was the tea. Aaaaah, good times. I will do as you say, friend.

replied 3 weeks, 3 days ago

Sorry to hear this.

But I understand, things change and we have to change as well.

Once I thought about quitting my blog and my small tea store in Colombia, mainly for financial reasons.

Now my situation improved, so I continue them as a hobby. For most tea bloggers, maintaining their blog is probably a luxury.

lazyliteratus replied 3 weeks, 3 days ago

Definitely a luxury of time. And I seem to have less of it, or it seems to go by faster, the older I get. Thanks for understanding!

lazyliteratus replied 3 weeks, 3 days ago

Im happy to hear that!

lazyliteratus replied 3 weeks, 3 days ago

I think so, too. So many other stories to tell. I mean, there are still tea stories to tell, but not just tea stories. Stay tuned.

lazyliteratus replied 3 weeks, 3 days ago

Thanks, Kelly! Ive enjoyed some of our correspondences over weird teas. Ill still be exploring, just not at the same output. Along with the other pursuits.

lazyliteratus replied 3 weeks, 3 days ago

Video seems to be the way everyone is going, and I can only find comfort zone in doing that a little bit, not diving all the way in.

lazyliteratus replied 3 weeks, 2 days ago

Thanks, Eunice, Im glad youve tuned in to some of the new stuff. I do hope we encounter each other again at a tea festival in the future.

lazyliteratus replied 3 weeks, 2 days ago

Well definitely see each other again, and over a cuppa. Im sure of it.

lazyliteratus replied 3 weeks, 2 days ago

Thanks Ron, happy to have provided a service. Of some sort.

lazyliteratus replied 3 weeks, 1 day ago

Thanks Lu Ann. Ive still got plenty of stories left to tell.

lazyliteratus replied 3 weeks ago

Likewise! And thank you. Too tall a praise from too tall a man.

AJ wrote a new post, Book: A Brief History of Tea, on the site Tea Stacks 2 months ago

This is an oldy but a goody, first published in 2003, and an easy, affordable buy at most bookstores back in the day (I think I paid $5 for this off of the clearance pile at Chapters).

Moxham has written a few []

lazyliteratus wrote a new post, Vietnamese Green Teas from Ha Giang, on the site Steep Stories 2 months ago

A few years ago, I tried “Snow Shan” green tea from Vietnam . . .

And I hated it.

Okay, maybe “hate” is too strong of a word; “touchy” would be better. It was really difficult to brew. If I went out-of []

Robert Godden wrote a new post, A Pot Of Kindness, on the site Lord Devoteas Tea Spouts 2 months, 1 week ago

Well, folks, its been a while. So much has been happening and blogging has not so much taken a back seat as moved into the luggage compartment.

However, I have been honour-bound to write about a particular cup []

Robert Godden wrote a new post, Struggling, on the site Lord Devoteas Tea Spouts 4 months ago

Well, its been a while. I have only written two blog posts this year.

Why? Mainly because my cartooning has taken over as my main form of tea-related expression.

But now that is also on []

jopj replied 4 months ago

Robert Godden replied 2 months, 1 week ago

Thank you, Jo.

Robert Godden replied 2 months, 1 week ago

Thank you very much for your comment. It means a lot. Also, the last paragraph might turn up in a comic strip one day

Robert Godden replied 2 months, 1 week ago

Thank you very much.

lazyliteratus wrote a new post, Beengs and Purge, on the site Steep Stories 6 months, 1 week ago

As some of you might remember, a couple of years ago, I co-hosted of a tea-themed podcast.

On the above episode, we had a guest—James of TeaDB—to discuss puerh storage. I contributed nothing to the episode, sav []

Robert Godden replied 6 months, 1 week ago


lazyliteratus wrote a new post, Tea from Jersey. (Not THAT Jersey.), on the site Steep Stories 7 months, 2 weeks ago

Let’s talk about Jersey.

No, not that Jersey.

This Jersey.

The island of Jersey—better known locally and colloquially—as the Bailiwick of Jersey is one of the larger islands located in the Engli []

lazyliteratus wrote a new post, The Nilgiris in Winter, on the site Steep Stories 7 months, 3 weeks ago

I’ve written about the Nilgiris in Tamil Nadu a couple of times, now. But there’s one period of time I haven’t yet quite covered.

Mainly because . . . it’s not really a growing season, in the traditi []

lazyliteratus wrote a new post, Chai, Chai Again, on the site Steep Stories 8 months, 2 weeks ago

Allow me to be the first to admit that I know very little about Masala Chai.

My expertise extents only as far as the etymological; as in, I know it’s a redundancy to call it “Chai Tea”. “Chai” literally []

Robert Godden wrote a new post, Once More Unto The Beetroot Water, on the site Lord Devoteas Tea Spouts 8 months, 2 weeks ago

7.07 a.m.

Im at Woolworths, picking up some items for breakfast. I usually skip through the tea aisle, which is tragically awful, but something catches my eye. Its this.


Well, yesterday []

AJ changed their profile picture 8 months, 4 weeks ago

lazyliteratus wrote a new post, Memories of Mandal Gaon, on the site Steep Stories 9 months, 1 week ago

Mandal Gaon is a village in the state of West Bengal, India—in the Darjeeling region. Like many villages in the area, the inhabitants are mostly of Gurkha descent; a Nepalese ethnic group brought over to India b []

AJ wrote a new post, Books to Look Forward to in 2021, on the site Tea Stacks 9 months, 2 weeks ago

I look forward to new releases, even if the sad reality is I only manage to read a couple of Tea Books a yearand usually half a decade after theyve been published. But that doesnt mean I cant share what Im []

lazyliteratus wrote a new post, My Ass-Backwards Journey with An Ji Bai Cha, on the site Steep Stories 9 months, 2 weeks ago

Over the course of years, I’ve had strange relationships with many teas. I’m kind of a steep-slut that way. But none have been as ass-backwards as my journey with An Ji Bai Cha.

To those who’ve never []

lazyliteratus wrote a new post, A Year of Weird and Wonderful White Teas, on the site Steep Stories 9 months, 3 weeks ago

Toward the end of any year, content creators, influencers, media pundits (social or otherwise) are encouraged to create look-backs or listicles of the year-that-was. Throughout my long and industrious “career” as []

Robert Godden wrote a new post, Stat!, on the site Lord Devoteas Tea Spouts 10 months, 1 week ago

Its hard to buy someone like me a Christmas present. I find it hard to ask for things. Id rather buy ten gifts for other people. (Specific people, not just randoms.)

But I made two suggestions this []

AJ wrote a new post, Book: A Thirst for Empire, on the site Tea Stacks 10 months, 1 week ago

This is a heavy book that I have had my eye on for a while. Most new books Ill wait for in the library, depending on the price. This one was constantly on hold before the quarantine, and finally cleared up when I []

Xavier replied 10 months, 1 week ago

This one was already on my to buy list. Now I really have to buy and read it.

peter posted an update 11 months, 3 weeks ago

Hi all, @supermoon10 had let me know this week that there was a problem with Tea Trade. Ive sorted that out and you can resume drinking your cuppas as normal!

Xavier replied 11 months, 3 weeks ago


AJ replied 11 months, 3 weeks ago


Robert Godden wrote a new post, Lockdown and the Opportunity, on the site Lord Devoteas Tea Spouts 12 months ago

As has been observed many times, tea is a simple process. Put leaves in a pot or gaiwan, add water, wait, pour. While you can get better at it, and use better tea, its an essentially achievable process.

As I []

Xavier replied 12 months ago

Who could disagree with such a logical approach?

Robert Godden wrote a new post, Valiant Fusion, on the site Lord Devoteas Tea Spouts 1 year ago

In about 1992, we acquired a 1972 Valiant for Lady Devotea to drive.

We asked my Dad who was a car dealer to find us a small, second hand 4-cylinder car at a modest price as we didnt have much money, and a []

Xavier replied 1 year ago

A Valliant? I need to try this tea.

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