Section One Wrestling - NYSPHSAA Section 1 High School Wrestling

Web Name: Section One Wrestling - NYSPHSAA Section 1 High School Wrestling






Photos Courtesy of Pictures Come Alive - Official Photographer of Click Here for the entire 2008 Section 1 D1 Finals photo GalleryClick Here for the entire 2008 Section 1 D2 Finals photo is designed to be interactive and fun, an enabler to get you involved and excited about the sport. To get wrestling into your blood, into your mind and sometimes, even under your skin. Its a journey to help athletes, coaches and fans discover more about themselves, their motivations, weaknesses, strengths and desires. And most of will be built by you!Because if you've got the desire to get involved, then you'll have the opportunity to be heard when you contribute your positive promotion of the sport, the athletes and Section 1. You can do this by submitting articles and posting your comments to the Blog and forums at As you use this site, you will understand why this small family of athletes, their coaches and their fans proudly claim a life-long allegence and passion for wrestling. A tactical, mental and physical sport of strength, power and agility with benefits that reach far beyond wins, losses and championships.The Mission: Raise awareness by uncovering the hidden benefits, increase participation, maximize performance levels and suggest solutions to fix the main problem that stands in the way: The inability of the sport to adapt to an ever-changing world.Sign up here for "Inside Section 1" ...Your direct connectionto news and "inside" information about Section One Wrestling, plus training tips and more. Sign up Now!As soon as we receive the 2009 Opem Mats and Events Schedules, we will make them available from the site. Ability, Motivation Attitude Hardware for WrestlersAbility - What's your current level of performance?How gooddo you want to be? You can cut your teeth here, raise your game or blow everyone's doors in. Its all about what you want and how much you want it. Once you've answered these questions, you'll have access to a knowledge base of tools and information to help you, including audio, video and articles.Motivation - Develop higher performance levels by helping each individual wrestler identify and tap into their true motivators. Some common motivators are showcasing athletic performance, achieving goals, competition, power, name recognition, emulating another athlete and even social status. Use of this site will help you identify your true motivation. Attitude - Develop the right attitude for each individual wrestler. Re-program your mental state of mind for confidence, fearlessness and a positive mental state. With visual aids and information, witness displays of athletic progression, athletic achievement and overcoming adversity. Then discover what force, stimulus or influence transforms the losers into winners and the winners into champions and apply it to your own skill progression. Whatever helps wrestlers, helps athletes...Uncovering the Hidden Benefits of WrestlingNo one on the planet does anything because they want to work hard. People work hard to get the things that they really want. If what the athlete desires is worth more than the effort they need to put in, then they'll jump through hoops to get it. Lets look at some of the hidden benefits of wrestling and see which one's you can identify with.You'll never be in Better Shape in Your Life - A fully conditioned wrestler is the most anaerobically fit athlete of any sport. With cat-like precision and explosive power, a wrestler executes a burst of energy every 6 to 10 seconds during a match. Wrestlers look healthy, fit and muscular because of the way they train. You don't necessarily need seperate workouts for cardio, strength, endurance and agility because you get all of that in a single wrestling practice. Wrestling training is training from the top down. Just one workout with multiple benefits.Burn off more fat, in less time, and keep it off - It takes ten hours of aerobic activity to burn a pound of fat. Not a very efficient way to lose weight. But short, intense workouts and training in sports like wrestling and weightlifting will make you burn more calories in less time. In addition, intense training increases your metabolism and calorie burn long after your workout is done. The Best Kept Secret in College Admissions - College admissions officers make their decisions based on how well you satisfy these two questions. Can you do the work? and are you capable of the dedication needed to graduate? That's what they must decide based on all the data in your application. The World's oldest sport is also an "individual" snapshot of your discipline and willingness to dedicate yourself to something over an extended period of time. The best part of wrestling's mystique for college admissions is that you don't have to be great, you just have to have wrestled.The Best Non-Violent Self-Defense Training You'll Ever Get - You wanna embarrass the next person that tries to bully you around, even if they're bigger and stronger than you? Then hit them with a blast double leg takedown and a power half, instead of getting into a boxing match. You'll never worry about having to defend yourself again. The confidence of posessing self-defense skills ...priceless.Puts Mental Toughness a Fearless, Confident Attitude in Your Life - Fear, confidence and attitude are all learned behaviors. If they weren't, then everybody would have the same personality. You will discover that much of what you'll get out of the wrestling room, you can use in the boardroom, the classroom and the living room. The type of skills that you'll need to bounce back from life's true tests: fear, failure and disappointment. Wrestling can help re-program your mind for these valuable tools by teaching you how to work through physical and mental pain and exhaustion, how to set goals and reach them and how to make failure your learning curve for success."Knowledge is not power, it is only the potential for power"NapoleonHill recognized people who professed that knowledge is power were misguided and naïve. He insisted that knowledge is only the Potential for Power…"Without organized plans and courageous actions…even those holding multiple degrees will remain powerless unless they can put their knowledge to work by creating value of some form for someone...somewhere." - Napoleon Hill, "Think Grow Rich"Treat the Problems, Not The Symptoms - Section 1 Needs an Organized SystemMost of the infrastructure is already in place. We've got modified programs, youth programs, JV squads, expensive clubs for parents willing to empty they re wallets, free and affordable venues for the people who just don t have the funds. There are plenty of tournaments in the off-season in all three styles of wrestling. If you want to get more out of wrestling, then you'll have to put more into it.With 49 high school wrestling programs in Section 1, there is deep pool of talented athletes. The problem is reaching out to them with an organized recruiting system.If the sport can bring back the multi-sport athlete, the high achievers will re-surface. Here are some suggestions:The system must start to institute some changes. The first is to change the sport's event scheduling to accomodate today's lifestyle. Scheduling more dual meet tournaments and less multi-day events is a start.Change wrestling's negative sub-culture of weight-cutting to a positive culture of overall athletic excellence and physical fitness. Change the attitude about weight-cutting and you can change the culture. Modify the uniform. Swimming saw the problem: No one wanted to wear skimpy bikinis anymore. Its time for wrestling to let go of the singlet and move to something more practical for today's athlete. Possibly something like modified football pants or singlets designed with a double or triple re-enforced crotch area.Make Junior Varsity wrestling an organized system and much more competitive by scheduling at least 6 dual meets and 4 JV tournaments during the season. This will keep the wrestler's interest level high and focused on the sport. More coming soon...How to Use This Site What Can You find on This site was designed to be enjoyed and useful to everyone. The avid web surfer won't feel like they're using Internet training wheels and the newbie will be up to speed on how to get the most out of in no time. First, the navigation of Section One Wrestling assures you that you will never be more than two clicks away from any page on the site. Did you notice the navigation tabs and the sub-menu tabs on the top of the page? When you click on any of the main navigation tabs at the top of each page, you'll get access to the various sub-menu categories under that group. Use this navigation to jump to any of the pages on the has 9 major categories and 33 sub-categories. Here's a quick listing of what you'll find in each category:Section 1 - The Forum, Camps Clinics, Events Calendar, Refs Rules, History, News.Rankings - Individual and team rankings for Section 1 large and small schools, NYS rankings, National high school rankings and NCAA rankings.Results - Tournament and dual meet results for Section 1 and tournament results for NYS and NCAA wrestling.Video - Video of Section One Wrestling, New York State high school wrestling, National high schools, NCAA, Olympic freestyle wrestling, plus many videos on wrestling instruction and technique.College Tools - Tools tips for the college bound athlete including: Information resources for SAT and ACT standardized tests, scholarship and recruiting resources, financial aid information, college essay writing tips and our list of Section 1 wrestler college signings.Articles - Here you'll find our original content articles and submission page, free downloads, testimonials, information about youth programs, The NYSWCA, a glossary of terms and our coaches resource page.Blog - The interactive Blog and comments page.Store - Wrestling gear, equipment and custom logo merchandise and Apparel.Fun Stuff - Take a break, have some fun, play online video games, watch music and sports videos, read famous quotes or just explore our "movie sounds" supports CODE AMBER to help locate abducted childrenDemographics of NYPHSAA Section One Wrestling - There are currently 49 Section 1 wrestling teams. As far as Geographics, Section One covers Westchester, Putnam, Duchess and parts of Rockland counties. The 49 teams are divided into two divisions, one large and one small. For the 2007-2008 season, there are 35 (Division 1) large school teams and 14 (Division 2) small school teams. Each division is guaranteed one qualifier at each weight class to represent Section 1 at the NYSPHSAA State Wrestling Championships. These individuals earn the chance to represent Section One and be state finalists by winning their respective weight class at the D1 or D2 Sectional Championship Tournament.Section 1 Division Breakdownclick anywhere on the schools to go to a clickable map of all the schools with websites

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Information resource for Section 1 New York State High School amateur wrestling. NYSPHSAA Section one wrestling in Westchester, Putnam, Duchess and Rockland counties provides news, rankings, video, scores, results, articles and downloads for wrestlers.

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