Nom de plume: Rivrdog

Web Name: Nom de plume: Rivrdog






There are two ways for the State Government of Oregon to make a Disaster Declaration. One is in the Oregon Constitution, in Article X, Section A. the other is an ordinary State Law, ORS 401.165, Declaring States of Emergency, referring to COUNTIES asking for this help, but they MUST provide details.For example, Hitler did it on 9/1/1939 when he invaded Poland and started World War Two in Europe, after declaring that Germans living in the section of Poland known as the Sudetenland were in mortal danger from racist Poles trying to kill them. Now the Democratic Party USA has done it right here, when our gullible President went along with inaccurate data (deliberately inaccurate or just sloppily inaccurate is still to be determined), so our Nation s economy lies in ruins after the two-month shut-down which was not required.America, put on your working clothes, pick up your lunch pails, and head for your work-place. If the Management is too afraid of the government to re-open, first, tell those caviling wimps that you have their backs, and if they still won t open, kick them to the curb, go into the factory floor and start the production lines YOURSELVES!.I m from an old and prolific Portland medical family, I m normally highly sympathetic with the medical profession.I ve turned, though. The obvious fact is that most doctors have chugged the commie Kool-Aid, and keep chugging it.I profile a lot. I was taught how to do it in the various police academies I attended and in follow-on LEO training courses, plus profiling is just organizing common sense.My main profiling these days is to classify and categorize the political opposition to our Constitutional Republic, but you already know that if you follow me on Facebook or on this Rivrdog Blog.I will now profile the medical profession, and it isn t looking good for them. Here are my profile qualifiers:1. Do you (choose one) a. Tolerate, b. Support or c. Actively Defend and advocate for Socialized Medicine? (record answer and move on)2. In your entire office or suite of offices in a medical comples, is there a single US Flag on display? (record answer and move on)3. If your work is for a health maintenance org claiming a religious afiliation, do you refer low-spirit cases to practitioners of the religion? (record answer and move on)4. As to Covid-19, do you (choose one): a. Tolerate, b. Support or c. Actively Defend the suppression of alternate views on the USA s response to the disease vector? (record answer and calculate results):Here s the bad part: I have two offspring in the medical profession. One rates between 1 and 2, the other between 3 and 4, and they are nowhere as PROFESSIONALLY antagonistic towards the Republic as some other medical providers I ve encountered in the past ten years or so.In conclusion, I m going to put it all together: the two most important professions in this USA are Information movers (newsies, computer gurus, etc) and Medical Providers. Both those professions are badly compromised as to maintaining the health and vibrancy of our Constitution and governance according to it.Looking for what profession DOES unilaterally support our Constitution and governance according to it, I find only Veterans. A few months ago, I would have said Veterans and LEOs (I am retired from both professions), but the LEO profession has guzzled enough commie Kool Aid to remove themselves now as saviors of the American Way, following the Information movers right over the Marxist cliff.Result? Of the 8.5 million Veterans, MAYBE 5 million are fit to fight for this Republic against the communist hordes. This post deals with Oregon s Governor, Kate Brown, a democrat/socialist.Copied from my Facebook post of just now.Re: Oregon Constitution, Article X, Section 6:Sorry, Oregonians, court precedent says when Government sets rules of Sunshine , they must be followed or else all actions taken in the illegal sessions must be considered invalid.The Governor s Emergency Declaration, which went into effect at midnight March 7th, expired 30 days later. Gauleiter Kate will, of course, claim that the Legislative Emergency Board action to approve an Extension gives her authority to continue her Nazi-style lockdown and suspension of personal liberty, but by the clear language of the Article and Section, it does NOT. How the HELL can secret phone sessions qualify as Convening the Legislature , or, for THAT matter, how can a meeting of the E-Board qualify for this Constitutional mandate to actually HAVE a REAL SESSION? The Constitution means what it says. This Article Section can ONLY be met by proper Notice to Speaker Senate President, who then MUST make the duly-constituted Public announcement, then the Legislators arrive at the place to convene PHYSICALLY, then the Session is called to order. A proper extension of the Governor s Emergency Declaration also involves drafting a Bill for an Act, having it read in the appropriate Committee, voted out of that Committee to the Floor, debated, etc. There is PROCESS, and no amount of danger from the disease allows it to be circumvented. If you believe so, YOU may also properly be considered a Tyrant and usurper/destroyer of the Oregon Constitution. Then there is the matter of the Primacy of the Federal over the State Constitution. The State Constitution clearly says when there is a conflict of Primacy, the Constitution guaranteeing the highest condition of Liberty takes precedence. See Article 1, Section 33.Is #KillerKate going to argue that she has the power to suspend personal liberties when the Feds interpret THEIR Constitution to say those liberties MUST be preserved? When President Trump says, as he already had, that the States may resume commerce and life, liberty and etc, then Section 33 comes into effect.If you believe the Governor, you: (1) Haven t READ the Constitutions, and/or (2) do not possess the reasoning power called Logic which is REQUIRED in order to make such interpretations.That is all. You ARE free to pursue a normal life in Oregon now, and have been for over 21 days. If you decide, as I have, to continue your medical isolation, (I am properly considered medically fragile ) that is now and always was your choice. If you decide to END your medical isolation, THAT is also your choice.Yes, YOU are FREE to make this choice, and the State is NOT FREE to restrict your right to do so.BTW, true statistics show that the State s first claim that a calamity existed, a claim necessary for perfecting the Emergency Declaration (Article X, Sections (2) (3), was NEVER TRUE. It just never even slightly approached that level that she claimed after Trump s Epidemiologist lied through HIS teeth, and constinues to at this hour. Proper investigation WILL show that high-level objections to calamity status were buried on orders of #KorruptKate, I will put $$$ on that...BTW2: In Oregon, the civil Tort of False Imprisonment usually bring the falsely imprisoned compensation of about $3,000 per day. Multiply that by 4.2 million Oregonians and then by 21 days. My calculator gags on that number, but I believe it is $264.60 times ten to the tenth power. That s how much the State owes it citizens, and I m going to bet that a class-action claim for this WILL be filed soon. The State s credit rating from Moody s dies on the filing date, and the State goes bankrupt shortly thereafter.New point to ponder: If all the Blue States have to declare insolvency, how does President Trump deal with that? My guess? He fights their declarations of insolvency by accusing them all of conspiring via the Democratic Party to overthrow the US Government via #ScamDemic. If he can make THAT stick, then RICO the Democratic Party, and they accept blame, THEN he will allow bankruptcy, with conditions. The first condition: No more Democratic Party USA.You won t see such analysis on the MSM, but all over the country, protests against the lockdowns are ramping up.This might indeed, be out of frustration at President Trump, who has vacillated badly twice now on re-opening commerce.It s this way, Mr. President. The WORLD now knows that this virus is not going to end life as we know it, as it was projected to do just 3 weeks ago. What we DO know is that the Democrats are trying to make their meager political position into a political juggernaut via the suspensions of personal liberty in the States which they control.I don t see this issue in terms of the disease at all, even though I m one of the high-risk folks myself, with 3 major risk factors, not just one.I see this issue as a stark attempted subversion of the Constitution which I am FOREVER sworn to protect and defend.If Covid-19 HAD been the killer virus it was hyped up to be by WHO and the Left, TEMPORARY suspensions of civil liberty would have been appropriate. Since those projections have all failed, and the disease is hardly a threat to healthy people, only a threat to the unhealthy, continued violations of our Constitutional guarantees of Liberty are intolerable.Re-open the USA, Mr. Trump. Your continued refusal to do that begins to give the impression that you, too, have no particular passion for our Constitution.Order some sort of re-opening plan, and prepare to use whatever force is necessary to overcome the objections of China s allies, the Democratic Party.If your present waffling continues, Mr. President, I believe that today s gathering protest-storm will quickly devolve into Civil War, and that war will be raging before Independence Day.Take charge, Mr. President. That s YOUR job. You have all the authority you need to re-open the USA. One day soon, well before this Nation gets into the lazy, hazy days of summer, every adult in the country will be forced by circumstances mostly NOT under their control to make a stark choice: when the shooting starts for the now-inevitable Civil War, which side will you join up to fight for?Sitting it out will NOT be an option. The fighting will be nasty, CV-19 will be a walk in the park by comparison. First of all, you will have to feed yourself and your loved ones. This will be a logistical war. Think the TP shortage, only all the FOOD will be gone, not just paper products and hand sanitizer. After the first week of war, there will be no more food, then the combatants will begin killing each other for food supplies.Regardless of your political persuasion, you d better make some war-buddy alliances. Start a Militia if you have the leadership skills to run it. If not, find one and JOIN it, following ORDERS of your leaders. Those orders WILL involve you risking your life on a frequent basis to accomplish the missions of that Militia.Liberals, in case you still believe that your political leaders wouldn t START a Civil War, you re wrong. They already HAVE started it. All large-scale wars start on economic bases, and the Democratic Party decided to destroy this Nation s economy to serve their end of destroying the Nation s President, Mr. Trump.Such a broad-scale plan of national treachery can t be called anything but war. Most of the large-scale wars of the past two centuries started with a lot less provocation than #PlanDemic.The Left outnumbers the Right in total people available to fight, but the Right has the Force Multiplier: millions of experienced military veterans, most of them well-armed. They will count coup at least five-to-one over the Left.The Left is doomed to lose this war, mostly because their only potential ally which could make a difference, China, is 6500 miles away, and lacks the ability to project their large army over that distance in the face of our Navy and Air Force.No, the Left will have to slug it out in the cities, and the Right will control the logistical infrastructure, and will simply starve the Left out. The Right will let the Left have the Cities, with their starvation and disease. CV-19 Version 2, will kill far more of the Left s forces off than the well-aimed bullets from the Right s rifles.The only controversial thing about this post is that this future should have been obvious to the Left for the last 3 years, but they just kept making sharper Left turns, and now have succeeded in creating the perfect Loxodromic Curve, in which they ve flown up their own butts.Can this war be forestalled? Possibly, but the Left s leaders, worldwide, would have to, in the next week or so, admit that they ve warred on Trump and his 63 million voters, totally fold up the #scamdemic, and offer reparations to repair the damage caused so far. Political momentum says that won t happen, so now the world WILL experience World War Three and degenerate into smaller nation-states, NONE of which will be the Socialist Utopias the Left was trying for.Most will be city-states run by warlords. Global commerce won t recover for at least a century. Your cell phone won t work after July. It will be a beans and bullets barter system in what s left of the USA.You won t want to live here anymore, Liberals, but the rest of the planet will be worse off.If any Patriots got this far in my post, remember, save one bullet for yourself. The Warrior s Code says we have that right.Post-script: Hard copy available in case the Left can t stand to face the future they brought and shuts my account down. If you want one, most know where to find me, for the next two weeks anyway, after which it won t matter who is writing History, will it? I wouldn t wish my situation on my worst enemy.In the past two weeks, the medical wallahs have decided that after she heals and rehabs from her bad ulcer, my wife is in too bad a shape to come home. Ever. She has to finish out her days in a nursing facility.I have another family member almost into end-stage cancer.Two long good-byes running at the same time. We warriors understand death. Deaths happen, it s part of life and war. This, to have the two in my family I ve loved the most, taking months more to die from incurable disease is VERY hard to take.Today, I have family and and friends coming over to this big lonely house to begin the process of emptying it out so it can be sold. Seems straightforward enough, it s just logistics, right?Everything that must be discarded or sold has some history, some significance to me and the almost-departed ones. It s like ripping out a small piece of me with every kitchen gew-gaw I toss out. I can remember when my dear wife WORE these clothes I m putting aside to donate, and she WAS a clothes-horse, so there is a lot of clothing. Shoes, I can t imagine having that many shoes.A man might get by with five or six pairs, a dozen, tops, but a woman feels under-dressed if she can t select from fifty or sixty pair.To make matters worse, my wife has a wasting disease, has had it for 25 years. She has slowly shrunken from a Size 12 down to now a Size TWO! I guess this disease led her to some anguish, because she never threw out many of the oversize clothes, and there are three walk-in closets full of them. Formal dresses for evening. We used to do a lot of that. She was a big wheel in the Officers Wives Club at my last permanent station, KI Sawyer AFB, MI. The base closed out 25 years ago, and now she is closing out her life.This wouldn t be so bad if I could just call some service to do it all for me, but I can t afford that, since I will probably have to pay for her nursing home life, and around here, that will be north of $6K/month.Selling the house and spending down the proceeds will get me by for about 40 months.I guess my dreams of moving somewhere warm and living in a villa with servants will have to wait for MY next life, but in the meanwhile, I have to take time to say another good-bye to one of my children who isn t going to out-live me now.WTH, if Life was (a) fair, some barker would be selling tickets to see it, but it isn t fair, and now I have to see this through by myself.I ll manage. Facebook helps with that, except they just put me in Jail because I used a common Spanish slang expression to describe two ugly male cross-dressers...UPDATE: 041420 2334 PDT: My wife of 43 years, Blanche, passed across the Rainbow Bridge on March 30th. I m worried.I m worried that the D-Rats, who DO know that this Peaching is uniting Trump s base, will continue anyway b/c it s all they have. Peaching lets them ignore their actual job of offering real solutions for real issues, but the Ds will finally figure out how to make impeachment work. That would include sucking in the RINOS in the Senate, as some have feared, b/c McConnell has FAR less than iron-hand control over the GOPes there.However, the D-Rats impeachment success would bring them Pence, who will be President before the Ds can actually ax Trump: (Trump will resign to allow this transition), and then run on his own for Eight More with his own base plus Trump s old base, and the Ds will quickly find out that Pence is FAR more inflexible than Trump on Social Engineering issues (abortion after heatbeat goes away under Pence, it probably won t under Trump), and Hollywood s culture-destroying entertainment moguls get to be real Pence targets, just to name a couple of changes towards more Conservative days with a POTUS-Pence.No, if the Democrats do succeed with impeachment, their past 4+ years of anti-Trump work goes into the dumpster, b/c they didn t target CONSERVATISM at the outset, they came up with Orange Man Bad instead. Their strategic error is America s joy.Bring it ALL on! Christ IS the Reason for this Season! What IS Thanksgiving ? I m going to go literal to answer this.Thanksgiving is when we thank our Creator for our very lives. The schools used to teach this, but don t nowadays, they ve turned the observance into some sort of a multi-culti object lesson .The observances originally were held as a matter of local course by early colonists on these shores, but President George Washington made it an official observance: This historic proclamation was issued by George Washington during his first year as President. It sets aside Thursday, November 26 as A Day of Publick Thanksgiving and Prayer. While there were Thanksgiving observances in America both before and after Washington s proclamation, this represents the first to be so designated by the new national government.Signed by Washington on October 3, 1789 and entitled General Thanksgiving, the decree appointed the day to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God . (citation here) .Note the words titling the Proclamation (an early type of Exedutive Order): Publick Thanksgiving and Prayer .Thanksgiving is all about Piety and Prayer, and it is a day where we think, feel and express our personal piety and thank God for the Gifts He has bestowed on us recently.Please hear my Prayer of Thanks:I thank my Lord God for several things, but the first of them is that He gave up his only Son, Jesus, to lead us out of our Sin. (John 3:16)I thank my Lord God for my very life, and the fact that He has seen fit, at my age of 76, that I continue it.I thank my Lord God for the life of my dear wife Blanche, who He is having to fight VERY hard for at the moment.I thank my Lord God for the lives and health of my children and my grand-children.Finally, I thank my Lord God that He has held my Nation and society together in these parlous times, and thereby saved me from expending MY life to save The Union, as I am sworn to do.YOU have done these things for ME, my Lord God, and I have the hubris to believe that YOU did them because YOU and Jesus love me.Amen, my Lord. News: SCOTUS to decide DACA, which was ONLY an Obama Executive Order, NOT a Federal Law.Options for the Supremes:1. SCOTUS decides to strictly interpret the Constitution and decide that the President (yes, DACA supporters, Mr Trump IS President) DOES have the authority to end an Obama EO.2. SCOTUS decides that Obama s DACA EO somehow has Majik Powers in it, and has morphed somehow into a Federal Law? That process thereby states a new Federal Civil Right not mentioned in our Constitution nor even imagined by the Founders, and yes, they COULD have given immigrants permanent rights BEFORE naturalization, but didn t.3. SCOTUS decides to remove Immigration Authority from the President by granting a DACA right permanent status AND granting RELATIVES of the DACA immigrants permanent status also. The Liberal Justices WOULD agree with that, because it fits It s for the Children , which is a Liberal HOLY WRIT (political Liberalism being a Belief system, an ESTABLISHED RELIGION to the Liberal Justices), superceding the Constitution (just like Chief Justice Robert s infamous granting of Holy Writ status to the Obamacare penalty as a tax granted extra-legal power to the Liberals).No, the SCOTUS itself is on trial here, and that Branch is on trial while a soft Civil War is in progress, with the House of Representatives having suspended Constitutional Due Process with it s Impeachment Inquiry and SCOTUS having ignored that usurpation of our Constitution. In this DACA case, SCOTUS itself MUST get involved to save our Constitution, and rule that the #1 option above is the ONLY possible outcome.If SCOTUS takes option 2 or 3 above, it has JOINED IN the Communist destruction of our Constitution that IS this soft Civil War , and perhaps then, Patriots will FINALLY decide that yes, we ARE at war internally, and act to remove these threats to our Republic and our Constitution.Remove, as in terminate with extreme prejudice. We re going to have to physically fight the communists. It s mass delusion on a fatal scale to say we won t.Knowing now that Obama likely started the Resistance vs Trump before anyone else knew about it, makes for VERY strong evidence to sue the Democratic Party into oblivion and RICO their $$$ FOREVER!How about it, Judicial Watch? You have the people and YOU, ALONE, are still actively Draining The Swamp.The usual drill in political lawsuits would have JW waiting until Barr and his DOJ give them the word, but there is a significant chance that word will never come down, that @POTUS will not order Barr to indict anyone, and Barr won t do it of his own volition, even though that s within his purview as USAG.As I ve said before in these spaces, the Resistance including the phony peaching , will not stop unless and until one or more major (D)-players are booked on their indictiments. There is enough evidence for indictments, especially HRC, and now Obama himself, not to mention Holder and company, Bubba and Miss Lynn.I am afraid that now there will be no accountablity for the worst cases of Treason in our 242-year history UNLESS JW steps up to the plate with a Civil lawsuit, and that will MAYBE springboard the conflict-adverse President into taking CRIMINAL action against this cabal of Traitors known as the Democratic Party.Eighty years ago, most of the world went to war with National Socialists. The National Socialists, aka Fascists , declared their 1,000-year Reich , a World Order, and were then totally defeated. The victorious Nations got together, formed the United Nations, declared that National Socialism would never again besmirch the world, but the collegial diplomats did NOTHING to protect their planet.Today, we have the New World Order, a shadowy group very much dedicated to achieving the same goals of Socialism that were defeated 74 years ago and were outlawed by those United Nations 70 years ago.In the meanwhile, the United Nations has now become the biggest enabler of National Socialism, which masquerades as other things, but on it s face, real socialism can t hide it s face, even when it tries hard to do that.We re about to have another war to defeat Socialism right here in this USA, and the New World Order will see to it that the war is again, a World War.My father fought in WW2, won that VICTORY, and passed the ensuing Mantle of Peace down to me. I did MY military duty and protected it, as best as I could, and the Oaths I swore are as sacred as the Oaths my father swore before me and my Daughter swore after me.Every day, in many ways, the New World Order of Socialism tries to blunt my Oath, and I will eventually have to take up arms again to make good on that Oath.The New World Order has an objective: after destroying the world as we now know it, rebuild a nation-less global society, no borders, no ethnic differences, total fealty to the Order and it s leaders. There are over 6.5 billion people on this planet now, and the New World Order has decided that all but a billion of them are surplus, and famines and war is the best way to reduce the populations to their target level. Oh, abortion, also.Maybe 30-50 people sit in the top rank of the New World Order, and at their behest, five and a half billion people must die, if their goal is to be met.Unless that 30-50 people in the New World Order top rank dies first, the depopulation of the planet will happen.Don t make too big a deal out of USAG Barr announcing that he has a criminal investigation going vs. the Obama/NWO collaborators.It won t mean a thing if it ain t got that ZING! For there to be justice served, President Trump has to harden his heart.There s a Trump-wall there now, just like President Jerry Ford faced with Tricky Dick Nixon, and Trump will do the same thing as Ford did...pardon Obummer almost as soon as an indictment comes down or even before it when it becomes obvious that he WILL be indicted. Of course, that would collapse the cases against the other major players. The end result will be that NOT ONE of the Obama/NWO collaborators does a day in prison. Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings here, but your President has already showed this tendency, with the last few mass shootings, by saying that he felt gun ownership restrictions were okay to prevent further carnage, that AFTER he had stood on stage with Wayne LaPierre at NRA-Con and declared solidarity to protect the 2A against further Infringements. He will be all about Healing the Nation s divide when it s Obama s turn to be indicted. Not only that, I don t think he will even ask/require Obama to apologize publicly, so Obama will walk, head high, and nothing will change, the Resistance will go forward, even as Trump wins re-election.I hope my readers can see this. Hit pause on your Trump-tightness for a moment, and consider the REALPOLITIK involved. How often has Trump actually swung his Hammer except on Trade, and even with that, he s ready to wuss out with USMCA, a NWO Trade plan if there ever was one.Nope, we elected Mister Nice Guy. WE can appreciate him for this quality, but the Left sure won t. As I turn my pundit s eyes on this, I see Trump in la-la-land. In a dream, he has convinced himself that Turkey will be a better ally then the Kurds. Yes, the Kurds ARE fickle, have fought for both sides against the middle, but in the end, we KNOW what the Kurds want: they want a Kurdistan, a homeland. Few follow Ergodan close enough to know what he really wants: he wants to be Caliph in his version of an Islamic Caliphate. Now think about each those two results as a separate outcome: a Kurdistan, where Christians would be welcome, or a Caliphate, where they wouldn t be? Easy enough for me to decide, and frankly, I can t understand a lot of my smarter friends, Trump supporters all, not seeing this obvious fork in the road. Islam is an irrestible force, implacable because their Holy Writ , the Qu ran, orders them to keep converting everyone to Islam until there are no more Infidels left. Those they can t convert must be put to the sword. Now, my Trump-Tight friends, just what part of THAT nightmare scenario will be fixed by Fortress America ? Nope, because the West failed to REMOVE Islam when it had the chance, a thousand and more years ago, we ARE stuck in a forever war TODAY. If we just beat feet as Trump wants to do, Islam wins again, in Syria, gets stronger, and eventually gobbles up that Nation, which is now secular, not Islamist. It s our turn to be gobbled up next, if we don t put some hurt on the fundamentalist Mullahs, BAD hurt, and we can t do that from inside our own borders unless we want to go nuclear on them. Look at our own fiftth column , the Democratic Party. Pro-Islam all the way, they are ON RECORD as favoring acceptance of Islam over our Constitution, which the Founders wrote so as to EXCLUDE Islam.As I see Trump, the human being, he has a very human fault: he wants to be Mister Nice Guy. His mistake here was simply trying Nice before Necessity. I have observed that President Trump is a Wishful Thinker. He WISHES that the D-Rats would end their Resistance and let him govern as he was elected to do, and maybe even JOIN him in governing.Sorry, Mr President, that isn t going to happen. To the D-Rats, Communism here in the USA was INEVITABLE, Hillary s election was INEVITABLE, and killing off GOPes as a Party with illegals voting was INEVITABLE. You have interrupted the INEVITABILITY of their process, so they say that YOU must go, Mr. President. So we now have YOUR Wishful Thinking, Mr Trump, and it s delaying the D-Rats inevitability. This confilict will only end when one side vanquishes the other, sir. Unless YOU want to surrender to the D-Rat Communists and be vanquished, YOU must vanquish THEM. As in, REMOVE them from the conflict. Since it s too early in the conflict s rational continuum for guns, YOU must arrest a few of them for the obvious corruption charges you can prove and thereby force the others to retreat into obscurity. You have no choice in this process, Mr President.It s YOU or THEM.There is NO middle ground.ACT, Mr President! Twenty-plus years ago, a $58 million bond was floated to built a new jail for Multnomah county, which I worked for as a Deputy Sheriff at the time. The big jail was built, on industrial land out on the North Peninsula of Portland, but it never opened. Instead, the anti-police (communist) County Government started restricting the Sheriff s number of jail beds.The Wapato jail became a surplus property, and was eventually sold, and all 13 acres of industrial land it sat on, to the scrap-steel baron of Portland, Jordan Schnitzer, for only $5 million. During the political fooferaw over selling the perfectly-good facility, it was suggested that for a resonable sum, that Jail could be converted into a homeless shelter . Of course it could! It has a huge kitchen to feed the Homeless Horde, rooms to give them classes in and many dormitories easily converted to sleeping areas. It had a sizeable Infirmary for medical treatment, too. The perfect Homeless shelter, so why wasn t it done?Enter the emotions the liberloons are well-noted for. We began to hear passionate speeches about hurting the FEELINGS of the Homeless Horde, about how ISOLATED the facility was...WAIT! Isolated, IS the key this facility wasn t re-pourposed. Read on, my liberty-loving friends...Those fine folks of PDX don t understand the political motivation of Madam Deborah Kafoury, or they wouldn t be puzzled. Multnomah County Commission leader Kafoury is politically VERY far left. Too far left to be called a traditional liberal, even.Madam Kafoury is a Socialist, and since she wields her power by fiat, not consent, that makes her a communist. Not a big-C communist, she s a snake and won t admit her actual leanings, but a communist nevertheless.What class of people do communists HAVE to convert to their thinking if communism is to succeed?Right, the proletariat, the middle class. How do you control the middle class if you are a communist? By taking things away from them: you take away their money by over-taxation, you take away their guns, their property rights, but above all, you must take away their SENSE OF SECURITY! Deborah Kafoury has been at the forefront of Multnomah County s efforts to remove all these middle-class values.Have you figured out WHY there are so many homeless on the street? Over 80% of them have serious mental deficiencies, need STRUCTURE in their lives, but the commies refuse that service to these unfortunates. Why?Because the Homeless Hordes are communist SOLDIERS, that s why. Their very disorderly existance among the orderly middle class creates that INSECURITY that Madam Kafoury needs to perfect her plan to put the liberty-minded middle class under her commie thumb. Have you ever asked yourself WHY the government tolerates the whacko disorder of the homeless in the first place? WHY that government, which has no problem projecting all manner of CONTROL onto the middle class, can t seem to project ANY control onto the homeless ?It s because these thousands of crazies infesting our otherwise quiet and stable neighborhoods in Portland are there for a REASON, and that reason is to constantly conflict with we, the residents of those neighborhoods. That constant conflict we are forced into destroys our sense of security, and that is exactly what Madam Kafoury wants. With our security destroyed, Madam Kafoury can then exert control over us to give us back our security .No, had Wapato been converted to a homeless shelter/treatment center, it would have taken in up to 2,000 of these crazies and started giving them a normal life, guiding them on their path to a middle-class existance. That s a sizeable fraction of the homeless horde in our area. That would be the very antithesis of what Madam Kafoury wants, so it won t be done, and instead, the junk-baron Jordan Schnitzer will soon have his warehouse to make money with.You might wonder why that jail was built in the first place. That s a story for another day, but meanwhile, look up the broken window theory . More on this later.

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