Nursing Clio The Personal is Historical

Web Name: Nursing Clio The Personal is Historical






Beyond Florence Susie Walking Bear Yellowtail and Histories of Native American Nursing By Brianna Theobald November 19, 2020 I first encountered Susie Yellowtail (Crow) in a July 1934 letter in which a physician on her reservation condemned her for making “selfish” requests on health workers’ time and resources.1 The physician was angry that Yellowtail refused to accept hospital services for the birth of her child, and he made it clear that the Crow Read more Tags: Crow, History of Medicine, Montana, native americans, nurse, Nursing Topics Peruse the many subjects Nursing Clio writers examine, from health, to race, to pop music. Browse article topics Write for Us Consider writing for us. We re always looking for both regular writers and some-time contributors to join our team. Write for Nursing Clio More Recent Articles News Round Up Sunday Morning Medicine By Jacqueline Antonovich November 15, 2020 A weekly check-up of gender, medicine, and history in the news London s mudlarks. Finding Afro-Mexico. The history of nachos. Alexander Hamilton, enslaver? The long history of cottagecore. When Christmas was cancelled. Divers are salvaging Black history. Remembering the Ocoee massacre. The gay history of Britain s WWI poets. A new, feminist translation of Beowulf. A brief Read more Feminist Military History Rethinking Women, Gender, and War: A Feminist Approach By Jane L. Parpart November 13, 2020 These four pathbreaking essays provide new insights into the role of women and war in military history. They pay particular attention to the impact of gendered assumptions on military practices and institutions in various sites and times around the world. Natalie Shibley highlights the difficulties women have fitting into the military, whether dealing with inappropriate Read more Tags: feminist military history, Review What is Nursing Clio? Nursing Clio is a collaborative blog project that ties historical scholarship to present-day political, social, and cultural issues surrounding gender and medicine. Learn more about Nursing Clio and our fabulous writers on our About page Write for Nursing Clio Do you have work that would be a good fit for Nursing Clio? Write for Us Except where otherwise noted, all content is licensed by the credited writer under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA License. Nursing Clio is powered by WordPress, coffee, and community. Please consider donating to help keep us going. Grammatizator theme by Adam Turner.

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