New Alberta Separatist A New Generation of Western Canadian Separatism

Web Name: New Alberta Separatist A New Generation of Western Canadian Separatism






New Alberta Separatist A New Generation of Western Canadian Separatism Hi all, I took this website down recently over fears of being doxed or the opinions I expressed on this jeopardizing employment opportunities. I ve since realized that doing so amounted to the form of self-censorship that the Trudeau Liberals wish for us to impose upon ourselves. Since I ve started this I ve changed my attitude about More Bringing Back NewAlbertaSeparatist Alberta would be landlocked if it were to separate from Canada. This is the common argument detractors of Alberta Separatism make, which while technically true, ignores the other side of the equation: America locking the rest of Canada. It is often presented that there are 3 options going forward for Alberta. Stick it out in More America Locking The Rest ofCanada My current position is Alberta should wield the threat of separation to try to negotiate constitutional reforms within Canada that would change, among other things, how the senate works, how inter-jurisdictional infrastructure projects are approved, and of course, equalization. That said, if we as a province were unable to negotiate these terms to our satisfaction, More What Are The Benefits To Alberta Becoming an AmericanState? A lot of the sentiment driving people to consider Separatism in Alberta at present stems from a lot of the suffering emerging over our current economic malaise, a consequence of systematic mismanagement by the Federal Government as well as other Municipal and Provincial governments across the country. Moreover, that suffering is exacerbated by the systematic More Am I Still A Separatist? The CanadaQuestion I ve taken most of 2018 focusing on my family and my volunteer commitments in the Calgary target shooting community (please check out my gun blog: My 3rd daughter is developmentally disabled and she has all the symptoms of an autistic child, and supporting her and my wife has led me to put extra activities More Am I Still A Separatist? The AmericaQuestion I don t want the Kinder Morgan Transmountain Pipeline built under the current circumstances.  That s not going to be a very popular opinion to hold as an Albertan, but I genuinely believe the pipeline is a trap. In the best of circumstances within Confederation Notley and Justin Trudeau have put a hard cap on the Alberta More The Kinder Morgan Pipeline is aTrap A few days ago I deleted all my Facebook friends. It was not out of spite of anybody, but rather after a realization of how much time I was spending on meaningless conversations with people. The Christmas / New Years season is also my birthday, and turning 34 on Boxing Day I think it finally More Quit Facebook My 2018Aspiration The latest Star Wars film most have gotten the Justin Trudeau Seal of Approval. It was peppered with was feminism, diversity, multiculturalism, equality, resistance to the white male patriarchy, and antagonizing of capitalism. Warning: Spoilers below As a more conservative leaning man, I didn t find those aspects of the film the worst of its flaws. More How The Last Jedi (and Liberals) Destroyed StarWars With Brexit, Britain is poised to emerge as ascendant player in the international community as opposed to a vassal state of the European Union.  Britain has given us as Western Canadian Separatists a powerful precedent to look to for how to forward our campaign for our own independence, but they also may provide us with a tangible More Britain and WesternCanada Last night, my wife gave birth to my fourth daughter at Peter Lougheed Hospital in Calgary. A few hours before, standing in the triage room, I was treated to a spectacular panoramic view spanning Calgary s downtown core through to Nose Hill Park, with the Rocky mountains in the distance, still visible over a cloudy sky. More My Hopeful View Of TheFuture Privacy Cookies: This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy

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A New Generation of Western Canadian Separatism

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