Vincent Ryan Ruggiero Official website - Mind at Work - Author

Web Name: Vincent Ryan Ruggiero Official website - Mind at Work - Author






Vincent Ryan RuggieroVincent Ryan Ruggiero2020-10-27T13:10:46-04:00 Mind At Work“Mind at Work” is the official website of Vincent Ryan Ruggiero—Social Worker, Industrial Engineer, Professor of Humanities, and Author. Here you will find descriptions of a number of his 22 books, as well as links to many of his over 400 essays on a wide array of topics. The most recent essays are shown below. For others, click on “Featured Essays” or “Archives,” above.Recent EssaysVincent Ryan Ruggiero2020-10-24T07:00:31-04:00Pope Francis’ Curious Encyclical, Part 2By Vincent Ryan Ruggiero|2020-10-24T07:00:31-04:00October 24, 2020|Summary of Part 1: In Rerum Novarum (1891) Pope Leo XIII wrote: “The first and most fundamental principle . . . if one would undertake to alleviate the condition of the masses, must be the inviolability of private property.” [...]Vincent Ryan Ruggiero2020-10-22T17:06:23-04:00Pope Francis’ Curious EncyclicalBy Vincent Ryan Ruggiero|2020-10-22T17:06:23-04:00October 10, 2020|Pope Francis’ latest encyclical, Fratelli Tutti (Brothers All) offers an odd combination of timely and profound insights, flawed judgment, and an error in historical fact. The factual error is serious because it encourages those who are [...]Vincent Ryan Ruggiero2020-10-23T13:32:27-04:00Jesuits Embarrassing JesuitsBy Vincent Ryan Ruggiero|2020-10-23T13:32:27-04:00September 26, 2020| St. Ignatius of Loyola There are fourteen Jesuit priests on the editorial board of America Magazine, each with 11 years of education and training plus a year of formation review. That is a [...]Latest BookCorrupted Culture:Rediscovering America’s Enduring Principles, Values, and Common Sense (Prometheus, 2013).“Ruggiero knows that we are imperfect beings, but we all have the potential for goodness and wisdom. This book will help us get there.”Anne HendershottDistinguished Visiting Professor of Public Policy, The King’s College (New York)“In our era of academic ignorance and arrogance, [Ruggiero] stands as a rare beacon of light. How we need historical analysts, logical thinkers, and moral teachers such as Ruggiero! I highly recommend his latest analysis.”Judith A. ReismanAuthor of Stolen Honor, Stolen InnocencePoor education, bad parenting, a sense of entitlement, the “wasteland” of television, and more. These are the symptoms of a culture in decline. While it’s easy to recite a litany of our problems, identifying their root causes requires more than the facile commentary offered by media pundits.This in-depth historical analysis of cultural trends in America traces the problems of our current malaise back to two profoundly misguided views of human nature that were pervasive in this country in the twentieth century. The first is Hereditarianism, which was highly influential until the end of World War II; the second is Humanistic Psychology, which emerged after the war as a reaction against negativism. Ruggiero shows that while the Hereditarians advanced the absurdly pessimistic view that biology is destiny, Humanistic Psychology countered with an absurdly optimistic view of human nature. He also demonstrates that the flaws of both are observable in today’s resurgent Progressivism.Beyond critique, Ruggiero presents a compelling case for restoring the traditional principles and values associated with the Western view of human nature. In this view, human nature is inherently imperfect but has the potential for goodness and wisdom; intelligence is the sum of inherited capacity and performance attained through mental training and acquired knowledge; reason is more reliable than feelings; and self-esteem is the result, rather than the cause, of achievement.With incisive analysis, Ruggiero shows the relevance of recent intellectual history to today’s social problems and charts a course for a better future.

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Mind at Work is the official website of Vincent Ryan Ruggiero - Social Worker, Industrial Engineer, Professor, and Author. Here you will find descriptions of a number of his 22 books, as well as links to his many essays,

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