Maggie's Farm

Web Name: Maggie's Farm






Maggie's Farm We are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. With the Superbowl of politics coming up, let's address real daily life. So many people seem hyper about the election. Relax. Life is good, except for House Mice. Mus musculus was a native to northern India but is now worldwide, spread by shipping. They are clever enough to realize that living in houses and barns are a good deal. They are annoying but cute pests for sure. Cats, in fact, were introduced to Europe from Egypt to control house mice on farms. Even today, you do not know how much House Mouse poop is in your flour. Native wild mice of all varieties do not tend to invade homes or barns. Hardly ever, just the highest IQ ones. Got mice in your place? We do. What exactly is “restful” about such “rest”? Serene Seamanship on 81st Street - the restaurantAntonucci weathers the Covid-19 storm. New York’s Dynamism Will Triumph.The city’s history offers fresh hope for a resurgence. Are New Yorkers becoming unhinged over an election? Yale nursing students say racism is ‘rampant’ at the school NORTHWESTERN LAW DEAN SAYS HE’S A RACIST Professor: Student extracurricular activities serve racism, sexism Like the chess team, and the string quartet? And the football team? Moderna hits goal of 30,000 vaccine trial participants and may apply for market in December New CDC Data: Survival Rate For COVID Is 99.99% Unless You’re 70+ Then It’s 94% Coronavirus and the Coming Election -No matter who wins, the pandemic isn’t going away anytime soon White House Slams Dr. Fauci As Outbreak Slows; Australia Sees First COVID-Free Day In 5 Months: Live Updates BoJo Imposes 1-Month Lockdown On England As UK COVID-19 Cases Top 1 Million: Live Updates Joe Rogan Stares Down Cancel Culture Mob By Interviewing Alex Jones Tag team: Polls, media joinforces to close in on Trump Biden Campaign Cancels Texas Events After Vehicles Flying Trump Flags Surround Bus Sort-of obnoxious, sort-of amusing Hillary Promises Blitzkrieg of Radical Left Legislation Kamala Harris Endorses Communism Two Days Out From Election DayBiden Stumbles Through Another Campaign Speech: “America Is Dead Because Of COVID-19” Facebook censorship board is comprisedmostly of foreign nationals with ties to George Soros WHOOPS! The AP Didn't Really Mean to Suggest France 'Incites' Islamic Terror, Did It? What a life he led, from poverty to fame and fortune. He had the luck to be born handsome with an animal masculinity which, in some ways, limited his range. No matter what role he played, I always saw him through the role.Sure, he defined James Bond, but if you never saw Hunt for Red October, watch it. Matthew 23:1-1223:1 Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples,23:2 The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses' seat;23:3 therefore, do whatever they teach you and follow it; but do not do as they do, for they do not practice what they teach.23:4 They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on the shoulders of others; but they themselves are unwilling to lift a finger to move them.23:5 They do all their deeds to be seen by others; for they make their phylacteries broad and their fringes long.23:6 They love to have the place of honor at banquets and the best seats in the synagogues,23:7 and to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces, and to have people call them rabbi.23:8 But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are all students.23:9 And call no one your father on earth, for you have one Father--the one in heaven.23:10 Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one instructor, the Messiah.23:11 The greatest among you will be your servant.23:12 All who exalt themselves will be humbled, and all who humble themselves will be exalted. Voted today since NJ does not have in-person voting. Here are my thoughts.Let's just say I was careful to read the instructions. And while it's not hard to do - it is NOT easy either.In other words, I fully expect to see some large percentage of the elderly vote just fall off the map in NJ. Or be manipulated as they request assistance. I was careful - and I could easily have made mistakes. Some examples of where errors may occur:1.Wrong color pen. Blue and black only. But there are 3 different instruction sets. The most useful part of the instruction set is the pictures...which are for the easiest part of the process - filling the circles and putting it in the envelope. I noticed it said nothing about pen color, which I'd read was an ongoing issue. But there were instructions about the pen color...on a small slip that has IMPORTANT on the top of it and then a list of additional instructions. Seems to me, it would be useful to have that pen color information on the part about filling in circles. Maybe I expect too much from people.2. A mistake I almost made was tearing off the certification slip. There is a dotted line across it, at the top. I almost tore it off on the dotted line to put in the envelope then noticed it said Do Not Tear . So I looked around and found the 3rd set of instructions, which explains you just fill out the certification and leave it on. So WHY is there a dotted tearing line there? No idea...definitely misleading.3. Signatures. There are several places for signatures. There is only one for yours, as the voter. But if someone assists you, or transports it, they must sign it as well. Which makes some sense, but could theoretically mean some get disqualified if they forget or ignore this.4. Signature. I was assured my signature will be checked to verify and avoid a false vote. Except my signature on record is 26 years old...and my signature is not the same today. I get away with that in-person as the people at the voting booth know me. Some schlub in our vote verification center does not.I don't need to go further. The reality is that mail-in is trouble waiting to happen. In addition, the box is at the county center (you can use regular mail if you choose, but I can walk to the county center and I don't trust USPS) and while there is a video camera trained on the box, do you really think that's enough? Some sketchy guy (I know who he was and have seen him around town...but why he was at the box was beyond my comprehension) was hanging out there, just staring at it when we arrived.I do not like, nor do I trust, the mail-in process. It is designed for fraud. I will not be at all surprised to hear many complaints. Squirrels, chipmunks, deer, woodchucks eat a lot of my stuff. I don't even bother with things the birds eat, like berries.Growing vegetables just isn't all that important to me. I always get my rhubarb and my figs. This guy is serious: What 50 gravitational-wave events reveal about the Universe -Astrophysicists now have enough black-hole mergers to map their frequency over the cosmos’s history. “Not Pro-Black”: Wisconsin Students Unanimously Vote To Remove Lincoln Statue As Racist Chelsea Handler Patrols Polling Places To Make Sure No Black People Are Voting For Trump BidenGate, Bobulinski, The Campaign Of Fear Bobulinski Says FBI Lists Him as ‘Material Witness’ Regarding Biden Family Hunter's 'Smoking Gun' Email Implicating Joe Biden Just BLEW UP New York Times opinion section comesunhinged ahead of the 2020 election Hilarity Ensues After Jill Biden Proclaims ‘Decency is on the Ballot’ Trump, Biden Dueling Rallies, As U.S. Economy Roars Back From Lockdowns, Shattering GDP Records Thousands of Ballots in Pennsylvania May Be Missing: Officials.Thousands call Pennsylvania county about requested ballots that never arrived Guy Attends His First Trump Parade, and Is Shocked To See Americans Who Are Happy and Filled With a Sense of Community DEMOCRATS PREFER CUBA TO ISRAEL We Are At War - French Official Warns Country Must Brace For More Islamist Terror Attacks France’s Macron stands tall for free speech and civilizationNew Zealand Votes to Legalize Euthanasia But Keeps Ban on Pot Kerry never anticipated Trump's skills with negotiations and deal-making in the Middle East. Study suggests no more CO2 warmingDang it. It's getting cold here Dishonest Politics and Coronavirus Relief -Why people continue to trust government officials is a mystery. 5 More COVID Charts Democrats — And The Press — Don’t Want You To See Merkel Puts Germany Into Second Coronavirus Lockdown PRINCETON PRESIDENT TRIES TO DOUBLE TALK HIS WAY OUT OF PICKLE HE CREATED Civil Rights Officials Demand Probe After Law Profs Confess 'Racism,' 'White Supremacy' Girl Scouts Of America Congratulate Amy Coney Barrett And The Angry Mob Went Nuts Philly Police Ordered To Not Arrest Looters Here's The 'Censored' Biden Story That Forced Glenn Greenwald To Quit The Firm He Founded Now Let Us Praise Glenn Greenwald.Irony does not do it justice. CNN Refuses to Run Ad Criticizing Biden Who is Miles Taylor? Giuliani Describes Content of Hunter Biden’s Hard Drive: ‘Horrible,’ ‘Pornographic’ Photos of Underage Girls Trump Crushes Record for Largest GDP Increase in US History — 3rd Quarter GDP Up 33.1% The Corrupt Biden Family Racket Will it change a single vote? Biden Corruption: Tony Bobulinski Upends All The Mainstream Talking Points Neoneo: I cannot imagine that a single person watching Joe Biden actually thinks he’s a competent person who can accomplish any part of what he says he can. The votes for Biden are votes against Trump and/or for the leftist agenda, period. CRINGE: Joe Biden ‘Jogs’ to Podium, Screams at Parking Lot with Few Dozen Honking Cars in Coconut Creek, Florida Amazing: Lil Wayne Meets With Trump, Praises Him as the Man Who 'Can Get It Done' Yes, Obama's favorite rapper The town square in Jackson (for what it's worth, the town is Jackson and Jackson Hole is the surrounding region leading up to the Tetons), has entrances adorned with elk antler arches. Every year the Boy Scouts go to the elk refuge and collect antlers. The story of the elk is both interesting and contentious. They should just pass through but growth of the town has blocked migration routes, and a bad winter many years ago trapped them in the valley. So many died it was said you couldn't walk without stepping on them. Originally, a privately funded rescue was created and the elk were fed in the area. Now it is a National Refuge and they are fed there every winter. It is a mixed blessing...and one which has detractors on both sides. An unnatural state of affairs but a great tourist opportunity. (more below the fold) Many are not traveling, many are hiding out, so it will be a bummer of a TG this year for lots of people. We typically have 25+ (my sibs, nieces and nephews, my in-laws, some friends), two turkeys, everybody brings something, and we have a prayer time too. This year, apparently not all of that. I like a big crowd for TG, and the forced child labor for dish- and pot-washing is essential because we give all of the help the day off here. This year, I have even thought about Thai takeout (although venison and turkey is traditional here), but a pal sent me an interesting idea: Browned Possum with Taters. Plenty of them around here, but not available at Costco, frozen or otherwise. Is crispy Possum tastier than stir-fried Raccoon? You be the judge. Photo stolen from Am Digest Costco pulling products allegedly made with forced monkey labor Good. Nothing wrong with training animals, but humanely. Forget What Gender Activists Tell You. Here’s What Medical Transition Looks Like Scottish Hate Crime Bill Would Criminalize Offensive Dinner Table Conversations City Hall Socialists -The far Left is making inroads into local government races. Philadelphia Reels From Second Night Of Unrest, Nearly A Dozen Shot ‘Who The Hell Elected You?’ — Ted Cruz Criticizes Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey For Censoring NY Post, Denying The Platform Impacts Elections CNN blasted as ‘Democrat State Media’ forCompletely ignoring Bobulinski bombshells Biden Whistleblower: The Biden Family Is Compromised Supreme Court: Sure North Carolina Can Go On Taking a Ballots a Week After the ElectionA recipe for disaster Trump's Greatest Crime TheJoy of a Trump rally They are good fun. Trump has superhuman energy Turkey’s Erdogan Calls For Boycott Of French Goods Over ‘Islamophobic’ Response To Teacher’s Beheading Just going to post a few pictures of my vacation, an off-season visit to Montana, Yellowstone, and the Grand Tetons. We had to leave 2 days early due to snow, but it was still one of the best trips we've had as a family. Lots of hiking. Lots of driving. Lots of steak. Flew into Bozeman, drove down through Red Lodge and stopped at Cody. Nice towns to visit. We had to skip Livingston, too much snow and the road condition reports were not good. The next day, the drive from Cody to Yellowstone is magnificent, and we did it in the snow, again. Pictures of our Yellowstone Welcome Wagon below. Saw Old Faithful (the boys were underwhelmed, but it did go off right at the time we were told it would). Spent 2 days in Jackson, hiked the Tetons and met some moose. No squirrel. Definitely need to return and do more hiking there. Amphitheater Lake looks wonderful, and the hike to 9,000 feet isn't horrible. Drove through Idaho, where we ran into a cattle drive in Rexburg, to West Yellowstone. A tourist town, but in the offseason it has a charm all its own. Spent another day hiking and taking pictures of geothermal activity, waterfalls, and ran into Wile E. Coyote on a short hike to Clear Lake (which is really quite green and smells like sulphur). The weather in Yellowstone changes on a whim. We had fog, rain, clear skies and snow all in a 5 hour period. The first few snow storms were pretty mild. Unfortunately, the snow kept getting worse. When 4 inches fell, the park closed and a larger storm was on the way. So we changed the flights and headed home. It was the right decision. Bozeman got 10 inches on Saturday, and we would have had to drive in that snow... Some pictures below the fold, more to follow... This is not a pro-Trump post, just an observation. The Biden family is as corrupt as it comes. Russia, China, everywhere. It's creepy. Find the Tucker interview if it has not been censored everywhere. Trump has how many media colonoscopies, and still nothing, not even a minor polyp. Believe it or not, a NYC (and slightly international - Ireland) real estate developer, yet nothing at all on the guy except a weakness for females. I have always thought Joe was a decent fellow despite the expected political lying and bs, but not any more. If you want money, that's fine. Everybody needs money, but get it honestly through work and not through politics. The song Bob Dylan wrote to make fun of John Lennon: Bob Dylan even claimed that ‘Norwegian Wood’ was so similar to his style that he even made a parody of the song called ‘Fourth Time Around’ which appeared to deliberately mock John Lennon. Listening to Rubber Soul, Dylan replied: “What is this? It’s me, Bob. [John’s] doing me! Even Sonny Cher are doing me, but, fucking hell, I invented it.”Bob has inspired many. By the way, Rubber Soul is still a good record. Not good people, but who expects politicans to be? Still, this is quite remarkable.

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