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Persons Overboard, 1995 - 2020

Pollution and Environmental Violations and Fines, 1992-now


All Known Illness Outbreaks on Cruise Ships:
(based on news, passenger, and official accounts)

CDC Updates of Gastrointestinal Illness activity aboard Cruise Ships
(CDC, 1994 -- present)


For a list of Marine Accident Reports see (updated as time permits)

Environmental Issues - Pollution and Environmental Violations and Fines, 1992-2020

Essays and Reports by CruiseJunkie

Cruise Junkie's Testimony Before the US Senate Ccmmittee on Commerce, Science, and Technology, July 24, 2013

Treacherous Waters: The Latest Bad Publicity for the Global Cruise Industry is Just the Tip of the Iceberg, from Foreign Policy Online

Cruise Junkie's Testimony Before the US Senate Ccmmittee on Commerce, Science, and Technology, March 1, 2012

The Cost of Cruising, Vancouver Observer, April 13, 2010

Getting a Grip On Cruise Ship Pollution (A report by CruiseJunkie from Friends of the Earth)

Cruising without a Bruising: Cruise Tourism and the Maritimes (A report by CruiseJunkie from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives)

Cruise Junkie's Testimony Before the US Senate Subcommittee on Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine Infrastructure, Safety, and Security, June 19, 2008

The Politics of Environmental Activism: A Case Study of the Cruise Industry and the Environmental Movement,” Sociological Research Online, 12:2 (March), 2007

Cruise Junkie's Testimony at Congressional Hearings on Crimes Against Americans on Cruise Ships, March 28, 2007

Attack of the Oversized Playpen, Briarpatch Magazine 35:7 (November), pp. 14 -17, 2006

Troubled Seas: Social Activism and the Cruise Industry, Cruise Ship Tourism: Issues, Impacts, Cases (ed. Ross K. Dowling), Oxfordshire , England : CABI Publishing, pp. 377 - 388. 2006

Turning Water Into Money: The Economics of the Cruise Industry, Cruise Ship Tourism: Is sue s, Impacts, Cases (ed. Ross K. Dowling), Oxfordshire , England : CABI Publishing, pp. 261 - 269. 2006

Playing Off the Ports: How BC Can Maximize its Share of Cruise Tourism, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - BC, August 2005

The Cruise Industry and Environmental History and Practice: Is a Memorandum of Understanding Effective for Protecting the Environment, Bluewater Network and Ocean Advocates, Ootober 2003

Charting a Course: The Cruise Industry, The Government of Canada, and Purposeful Development, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, September 2003

Cruising -- Out of Control: The Cruise Industry, The Environment, Workers, and the Maritimes, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, March 2003

Cruise Ship Blues: A Cruise "Junkie" Exposes the Industry's Darkside, Shared Vision Magazine, November 2002 -- Vancouver; Conscious Choice Magazine, February 2003 -- Chicago; Whole Life Times, March 2003 -- Southern California; The New Times, July 2003 -- Seattle

High Seas, Low Pay: Working on Cruise Ships
(Reprinted from Our Times: Canada's Independent Labour Magazine, December 2001/January 2002)

Cruising Attitude: How About a Miami or LA Cruise on Your Next Long Weekend? (Reprinted from Doctor's Review, October 2001)

Jumping Ship:A Cruise Junkie Explains Why Doctors Should Think Twice Before Booking That Week at Sea (Reprinted from Doctor’s Review, April 2001 )

Books by Cruise Junkie

Paradise Lost at Sea: Rethinking Cruise Vacations, Fernwood Books, 2008

Cruise Ship Sqeeze: The New Pirates of the Seven Seas, New Society Publishers, 2005

Cruise Ship Blues: The Underside of the Cruise Industry, New Society Publishers, 2002

Death by Chocolate: What You Must Know Before Taking a Cruise, Breakwater Books, 2001

More Recent Publications

Chapters in Books
2018 “Felons of the Seas: Smoke, Mirrors and Obfuscation,” Yellow Tourism: Crime and Corruption in the Holiday Sector (ed. A. Papathanassis, S. Katsios, R.N. Dinu), Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature. Pp. 3 - 17

2018 “Dreams and realities: The cruise industry,” Tourists and Tourism (ed. S. Gmelch A. Kaul), Chicago, IL: Waveland Press, pp. 247-258

2017 “Representation without taxation: The power and politics of the cruise industry,” Cruise Ship Tourism, 2nd Edition (R.K. Dowling C. Weeden, ed.), Wallingford, UK: CABI, pp. 57-71

2017 “Passengers and Risk: Health, Wellbeing, and Liability,” Cruise Ship Tourism, 2nd Edition (R.K. Dowling C. Weeden, ed.), Wallingford, UK: CABI (R. Klein, M. Lueck J. Poulston), pp. 106-123

2015 “Safety, Security, Health and Social Responsibility,” in Cruise Business Development - Safety, Design and Human Capital (ed. A. Papathanassis), Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp 3 – 15

2015 “Crime at Sea: A Comparison of Crime on Carnival Cruise Lines, 2007 – 2011,” in Cruise Business Development - Safety, Design and Human Capital (ed. A. Papathanassis), Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp. 17 - 28

2014 “Old Ships in New Bottles: Where Do Cruise Ships Go When They Get Old?” Cruise Tourism Innovation: Improving Passengers’ Experiences (ed. A. Pappathanassis, M.H. Breitner, A. de Groot), Berlin: Verlag. pp. 185-198

2014 “The Cruise Industry’s Business Model: Implications for Ports,” Harboring Tourism: Cruise Ships in Historic Port Communities (ed. E. Avrami), New York: World Monuments Fund, pp. 46-51

2014 “Tensions Between Cruise Tourism and Land-based Tourism: The Case of Key West and Dubrovnik,” Harboring Tourism: Cruise Ships in Historic Port Communities (ed. E. Avrami), New York: World Monuments Fund, pp. 88-93

2013 “Envisioning Environmental Policy as Social Policy: The Case of the International Cruise Industry,” Environmental Policy as Social Policy – Social Policy as Environmental Policy: Toward Sustainability Policy, (ed. I. Wallimann), New York: Springer, pp. 181-196.

2013 “Opportunities for Market Development of Nautical Tourism in Europe,” Nautical Tourism (ed. T. Lukovic), London: CABI, pp. 201-224. (R. Klein, K. Božic, R. Dowling, P. Gibson, Z. Gržetic, A. Haahti, S. Horak, T. Lukovic, A. Papathanassis and S. Pekkala)

2012 “Sexual Crimes on Cruise Ships: A Historical Perspective on Security Issues for Passengers and Crew,” Tourism and Society:A Socio-Economic Perspective (ed. A. Pappathanassis), Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, pp. 141-151.

2010 “The Cruise Sector and Its Environmental Impact,” Tourism and the Implications of Climate Change: Issues and Actions, (ed. C. Schott), Bingley, UK: Emerald, pp. 113-130.

2010 “Cruises and Bruises: Safety, Security and Social Issues on Polar Cruises,” Cruise Tourism in Polar Regions: Promoting Environmental and Social Sustainability (ed. M. Luck, P.T. Maher, and E. Steward), London: Earthscan Ltd., pp. 57-74.


2018 “Overstating Cruise Passenger Spending: Sources of Error in Cruise Industry Studies of Economic Impact,” Journal of Tourism in Marine Environments 13:4 (in press). (Kayahan, VanBlarcom Klein)

2017 “Adrift at sea: The state of research on cruise tourism and the international cruise industry,” Journal of Tourism in Marine Environments 12 2/3, pp. 199-209.

2016 “Troubled seas: The politics of activism related to the cruise industry,” Journal of Tourism in Marine Environments 11:2/3 (R. Klein K. Sitter), pp. 147-160.

2015 “Introductory Note: ‘Long-Tail’ or ‘Fairy-Tale’? The case for scientific publishing on cruise,” Special Issue on Cruise Research, Journal of Tourism in Marine Environments 10:3/4, pp. 141-148 (A. Papathanassis and R. Klein)

2012 “In the Aftermath of the Costa Concordia Disaster,” Risk Regulation 24 (Winter), pp. 4-5.

2012 “Different Streams in Cruise Tourism Research,” Special Issue on Cruise Tourism, Tourism, 60:1, pp. 7-13. (Introduction to the special issue which I edited)

2011 “Responsible Cruise Tourism: Issues of Cruise Tourism and Sustainability,” Special Issue on Cruise Tourism: Emerging Issues and Implications for a Maturing Industry, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 18, 103-112.

2011 "Sex at Sea: Sexual Crimes on Cruise Ships," Journal of Tourism in Marine Environments, 7:2, 67-80. (Ross A. Klein and Jill Poulston)

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