Wilderness Connect - Wilderness Connect - University Of Montana

Web Name: Wilderness Connect - Wilderness Connect - University Of Montana

WebSite: http://www.wilderness.net





Hunting in Wilderness Wilderness areas can provide the backdrop for unforgettable hunting experiences. Will your next hunt be a wilderness hunt? Learn more about how to hunt legally, ethically and safely in wilderness. No Waste Camping Minimizing waste before, after, and during your next wilderness camping trip is easier than you might think. You'll save money too. These tips and tricks will show you how. Dogs in Wilderness Bringing your dog on a wilderness trip can be rewarding, but can you? Or should you? Learn about how to safely enjoy time in the wilderness with your dog and when to leave your dog at home. No Drones in Wilderness Flying drones responsibly means flying them on non-wilderness public lands. Learn why drones are prohibited in wilderness. Camping in Wilderness Are you considering camping in wilderness? Learn more about how to camp safely while making great outdoor memories with family or friends. Connecting federal employees, scientists, educators, and the public with their wilderness heritage Wilderness.net is a website formed in 1996 through a collaborative partnership between the W.A. Franke College of Forestry and Conservation's Wilderness Institute at The University of Montana, the Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center and the Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute. The latter two partners are the wilderness training and research arms of the Federal government, respectively. The program's day-to-day activities are overseen by a working group and steering committee with additional oversight provided by the federal interagency National Wilderness Steering Committee and Wilderness Policy Council. The website educates hundreds of thousands of visitors annually about wilderness and the value of public lands preservation.In 2017 Wilderness.net became Wilderness Connect in an effort to bring all of the program's communications tools website, community of practice, e-newsletter, social media channels under a singular brand.

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