Church of God

Web Name: Church of God






WHAT ARE THE GIFTS UNDER THE TREE? People are offended these days by almost everything...but they never think that God might be offended by what we do. Even though we find out something is very wrong, we will continue to do it, based on the values of tradition over truth. Think about the logic of this. My mother and father did something a certain way, so it must be right. Look at the harmless practice of bringing millions of evergreen trees into homes the world over, every December. Where did that originally come from? BIBLE FORENSICS What is Agape Love? Is it essential to be a Christian? There are 4 different words translated "love" in the Greek, but we want to look at Agape, which is the kind of love required by all Christians...even for their enemies. 5 ARTICLES ON THE SABBATH LINK TO SEE SUNDOWN TIME IN YOUR AREA Type in your zip code, hit submit and scroll down to see the time for sundown on Friday night when the Sabbath begins, and for Saturday night when the Sabbath ends. ******* PROGRESSIVE CHRISTIANITY God rested on the 7th day to mark His day of rest. He later said, "Hallow my Sabbaths and they will be a sign between me and you that you may know that I am the Lord your God." If you keep the Sabbath, you know you have the God who was actually there at creation. Look in your Bible, no prophet of God is ever instructed to keep Sunday, nor is anyone in the New Testament! Look in your own Bible. Jesus Christ and the Apostles keep the Saturday Sabbath. Paul and Peter, keep the Saturday Sabbath, as their custom was. Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee today, shall thou be with me in paradise?" A question! Christ was dead for 3 days and 3 nights and was then resurrected. That was the sign of His messiahship. He was not in heaven that day or in hell, as many teach. ******* DOES GOD REQUIRE YOU TO REPENT? ******* IS THE CHRISTMAS TREE IN THE BIBLE? Jeremiah 10 ******* CLEAN FOODS WHO WILL BE LEAST IN THE KINGDOM? Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:19 THE MEEK SHALL INHERIT THE EARTH (not heaven) ******* Understanding Prophecy STOP A PANIC ATTACK ******* HOW TO KEEP THE SABBATH A weekly cycle of rest Time is important to God and He does many things in time cycles. There is a once a year rest cycle where the leaves and foliage die and the world looks dead for several months. Every night, we see another cycle of rest that lasts eight hours. There is also a weekly cycle of rest. The fourth commandment says that we should remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy by not working on this day. It is a time to rest and refresh ourselves from the daily grind. Sounds good doesn't it? If you are interested in obeying God and resting on the Sabbath, read on. THE TRIBE OF BENJAMIN And the Latin connection ..... You must read this if you have Spanish Blood. Should You Keep the Sabbath? IS THE SABBATH MENTIONED AS ONE OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS IN THE Bible? SOME SAY NO! BUT WHAT DOES THE Bible SAY? HOW TO UNDERSTAND THE BIBLE You've probably heard people make the comment, "I've read the Bible but I just don't understand it." The word of God tells us how God says to understand the Bible. There is a very important starting position that we need to have first. AHEAD OF IT'S TIME? Spanish version Up until 500 years ago, many people thought the earth was flat. Just 500 years ago, some people believed that you would fall off the earth if you traveled to the edge of it. Not only that, they believed the earth was the center of the universe. Men were tortured and died for teaching that the distant stars were suns. "Giordano Bruno was burned alive for asserting that the stars were distant suns with planets orbiting around them." That was heresy, according to the church. MORE Bible STUDY ARTICLES Emotional Religion Knowledge PROOF OF MOSES WHAT IS "OUTER DARKNESS" WHO IS THE RULER OF THIS WORLD? anyone who has severe anxiety or panic attacks, have them read this article immediately! You might be surprised to find out how many people have suffered with this condition. It strikes when one least expects it, and really, even though it may seem to be a mental health issue, it certainly is not. It is a physical problem that may have a simple physical solution...that is in your kitchen right now. God's Master Plan (part one) The Sting.... If you are old enough, you may remember a movie called The Sting, which was a popular movie made in the 70s, featuring Paul Newman and Robert Redford. They play out the con of all cons against an evil crime boss named Lonnegan. In the end, they use Lonnegan's evil nature to accomplish their own goal. This booklet is about the same principal using evil against itself! Truth be told, this booklet is about the greatest sting operation ever pulled. Get an inside look at the trick God is pulling on Satan.... God's Master Plan Part 2 IS CHRISTMAS PAGAN? Spanish version Does Christmas have pagan roots? I don't think you will find many Satan worshippers interested in worshipping God, in fact they don't want anything to do with Jesus Christ as a little baby or a grown why do we find them decorating their trees and keeping every trapping of Christmas? The answer just might shock you. ******* How to Have Eternal Life This is the first place in the Bible that "eternal life" is used. And a young Jewish man asked Christ the question, that we all want to know the answer to! What did Christ say?

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