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Its All about Pj Problem Strings (SiPjAjk) - 7 Spaces Of Interest (Si) and their associated Basic Sequences; 7 Pj Problems of Interest (PPI) and their Alleles (Ajk)For Knowledge Sake. Follow And You Shall Never Thirst For KnowledgeOptimizing Learning By Stringing The Brain - Iremisan Adegiga: Ancient humans knew very early on that they did not have the physical strength of the wild predators they saw all around them. So, they had to learn to out-think the animals... moreAmerica - Work In Progress: Consider entities X and Y (X and Y may be countries, individuals, or any group). Suppose a discovery of Y contributed to the making of X's greatness. Can X claim to be greater than Y in general? The answer is No. In other words,... moreThe Good Shepherd:Mathematics is based on axioms and assumptions which help to establish the space within which theories and postulates are applicable. For example, human theories, postulates and even absolute laws about the Universe are derived from the human-view of the Universe. Other creatures may have their theories and postulates based on their perspectives. So,... moreMessages To America - Shoghi Effendi: Moreover, the country of which it forms a part is passing through a crisis which, in its spiritual, moral, social and political aspects, is of extreme seriousness-a seriousness which to a superficial observer is liable to be dangerously underestimated. ... moreFor Knowledge Sake: Recently, a young man thanked me for the mathematics mentorship he received from me over two decades ago when he was just entering his teenage years. He honestly informed me that he has done well in... moreCute Sagay: Great performance of "No god Like Our God Jehovah" by talented Cute at Toyin And Friends Worship Unscripted, Lagos Nigeria. Best rendition of this song. Hear the drums and know why Africa is Ground Zero for rhythm. ... moreMathematician Dido: Dido was a great historical and mythical figure. She was the daughter of King Bellus II of Tyre (in modern Lebanon). Dido founded ancient Carthage (modern city of carthage is a suburb of Tunis, Tunisia) about 814 B.C after she left the kingdom of Tyre with an entourage because of palace intrigue with his brother. In Carthage,... moreBlack Lives: In the beginning, there were just lives: plant lives and animal lives. Then came hominid lives about four millions years ago in the space now known as Africa. There were several groups of hominids. Some became extinct and some continued on an evolutionary path. The groups that archaeologists and historians have accurately documented are:... moreWisdom: Wisdom is a rare human trait that is visible only when expressed in words or deeds. Its rareness is a consequence of the inherent difficulty in its acquisition. In fact, ... moreWhere Are Your Treasures: The owner of a treasure (something of great value) stores his or her treasure somewhere.... moreAmerica Burning - Racism In America: O. A. Asemota. ... moreOyemi Sagay: from optometry to music. The music of talented Oyemi Spiritual Angle: The ray of good is usually parallel to the ray of evil. Sometimes, the rays collide. The angle the ray of good makes with the resultant ray after the collision,... moreHumans Versus Viruses: Periodically, microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, etc) remind humans that they do not reign supremely on earth ... moreThe Love Of Money - O. A. Asemota: The story of Saul of Tarsus, and his later conversion to Christianity is familiar to many christians and non-christians...more God And The Homo-Sapiens Series: The word God is a mapping onto the belief in the existence of an Ultimate Being. The philosophical presentation... moreOnset Of Homo (Sapiens)3 :The homo sapiens series was introduced in Homo (Sapiens)n And The End Of Time. The gist... moreGender Math Based On Non-Autosomal Chromosome Pairings: Language is a mapping of symbols into space in order to establish generally accepted meanings for space and its contents.... moreThe Greatest Black History: History is an account of past events. Often, the account is chronological. The veracity of... moreImmigration - Migration Conflicting Rights (2): Two natural rights were highlighted with respect to human migration and immigration in ... moreBy Their Fruits We Know Them - O. A. Asemota: Happy New Year! Recently, some of our visitors wanted to know if I am still here at tectechnics.com since I have been literarily quiet for some time ... more Homo (Sapiens)n And The End Of Time: Homo sapiens (wise man) emerged as a new human species on earth about 400,000 years ago... moreKings And Queens Who Are No Longer Monarchs - I. Adegiga: King, Queen (non-consort) and monarch used to be one and the same in my mind until ... more Immigration - Conflicting Rights Early humans were nomads. They moved from place to place in search of food and sometimes because of disequilibriums in their spaces.. more Crack In The American Democracy: Complex structures are always made up of parts. Humans copied this design template from Nature and have used it extensively to construct various structures (e.g. social systems, political systems, economic systems, machine systems, etc)... morePalace Intrigues: A palace is the residence of a king or queen. An intrigue is a secret plot. Palace intrigues are secret plots that originate in palaces. This meaning has been generalized in this presentation to mean... moreThy Kingdom Come - O. A. Asemota : Jesus Christ, The Messiah, Son of God, King of kings, Lord of lords. These are some of the names Christians use to refer to Jesus of Nazareth ... more The Meaning Of Great: The concepts words describe predate the words that describe them. Consequently, if a word is to be contextually invariant (i.e. absolute in meaning) in all human spaces, the spaces must... more The Risk View Of Loss Risk, the probability or chance of loss is an existential reality. Risk lurks in the existence of all entities. Consequently, its absolute elimination is ... moreRest - I. Adegiga: Rest is simply a break from work and a time to rejuvenate the body, mind and spirit. The duration of rest may... more While Africa Slumbered - O. A. Asemota: The African Story to date, is bittersweet. Volumes have been written about the first continent. Also, there have been many movies (fictions and nonfictions) about Africa. The Black Panther is an example of a recent fictional movie about Africa. I saw the movie, The Black Panther. The cinematography, costumes and cast are excellent. However, after all the pageantry, I was reminded that... more Jealousy The Green-Eyed Monster - Iremisan Adegiga :Human imperfection with respect to existential living is an existential reality. As humans live day by day, they fall short of the marks they set for themselves, or that societies set for them; or that their religion set for them; etc. I am definitely a member of the group of imperfect humans. However, there is .. moreThe Simplicity Of Nature's Infinite Intelligence: Nature has dual meanings in this presentation: (a) the totality of the being of the physical Universe ... more Why Greatness Eludes Nigeria - O.A. Asemota: While contemplating the title of this article, two thoughts came to mind ... moreThe Animal In Humans: the domestication of humans began centuries ago as humans became smarter than their fellow animals in the jungle. Civilization after... moreGreat Concepts From Africa: Africans established human existence on Earth. There is no human accomplishment greater than this. In addition to pioneering human existence on Earth, Africans gave humanity the following great concepts ... more Hi-story - Iremisan Adegiga: I called my parents at the end of my freshman year in college to inform them about my decision to major in history instead of economics as... more Political Thieves Within Nigeria: The Implication - O. A. Asemota: Stealing is the taking of property without permission from the owner of the property. A thief is one who steals... moreGenesis Chapter One (KJV) -Reconciling Creation With Facts: Belief in the creation account in Genesis Chapter one, is mostly faith-based. Nonetheless, there is...more War. Lessons Unlearned: Cognitive beings defend being and space when faced with existential threats ...more Denatured Conquest: The ability to conquer (defeat or overwhelm) was incorporated into the being of cognitive beings at their creation because ...more Many Kingdoms Within Nigeria's Democracy - O. A. Asemota: There were sophisticated political systems in the space now called Nigeria prior to the coming of the white men... more Bloom - Kimberlee June Benart: My momma said to me, “Don’t hide your light under ... more Leaders And Leaders-Makers: Human political systems did not fall from the sky. They are consequences of gradual political evolutions that... morePolicing The Pursuit Of Knowledge : Policing is the enforcement of the system of laws of a space. The police are ... moreSpiritual But Not Religious - Kimberlee J. Benart : I saw the title of the blog and took the time to read it, but how it saddened me to see it full of harsh unkindness ... more Mis-Information As A Weapon - The Larger Issue: Information is shared knowledge. The knowledge shared does not have to be accurate...more I Charlie - A Farmer At Heart: From growing up on a farm in America to pioneering and working in Africa...moreOne Nation Under What?: A nation is a group of individuals with different identities... more Selective Freedom: Freedom is the condition of not being controlled by another. The implication here is not that a person is ... more Ultimate Reality: the awareness of being establishes reality ... moreAll is Mathematics: Nature only speaks mathematics within the context of 7 universal concepts (Pj problems). This language is uniform everywhere in the Universe and is ... moreGood Walls Bad Walls: A wall is a barrier that encloses a space. A wall does not have to be visible to the naked eye. The structure of a wall... moreThe derivatives and anti-derivatives of functions are very important analytical tools. They form the branch of mathematics generally known as calculus. Calculus has been and continue to be an indispensable tool in the analysis of existential problems. The great Isaac Newton (1642-1727 A.D.) formulated the calculus. He called his formulation the method of Fluxions. (a) What work does the derivative do?(b) Use PjProblemStrings Sequencing to broadly describe this work of the derivative.(c) What is the geometric interpretation of the derivative of a single variable function and a multi-variable function.(d) Is the geometric interpretation consistent with PjProblemStrings Sequencing?(e) What are some of the applications of the derivative? Solution: the strings and the math.Timely information (particularly in living organisms) is an existential demand. So, there exist existential information supply chains.(a) What is information?(bi) In what primary forms is information transmitted in the human body?(ii) Identify the information supply chains in the human body.(iii) Indicate the PjProblemStrings Sequences of the information supply chains.(iv) Which of the 7 types of PjProblemStrings Sequences are present in the information supply chains in the human body?(ci) How has the human body secured its information supply chains?(ii) Is the security perfect?(iii) What lessons can humans learn from how information supply chains are secured in the human body?(di) Name some important hormones, the information they contain and the glands that secrete them in the human body.(ii) Name the organs that receive the hormonal information named in (di) and describe how they respond to the information(e) Briefly state the fundamental biologic cycle of information.(fi) How is the information supply chains of the human body similar to the information supply chains called the internet.(fii) How is the information supply chains of the human body dissimilar to the information supply chains called the internet. Solution: the strings and the math.Energy is the basic existential currency especially for living organisms. In other words, existence demand energy. So, there exist existential supply chains.(a) What is Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)?(bi) Where in the human cell is ATP produced?(ii) Identify the supply chains needed to produce ATP in the human body.(iii) Indicate the PjProblemStrings Sequences of the supply chains.(iv) Which of the 7 types of PjProblemStrings sequences are present in ATP supply chains?(ci) How has the human body secured its ATP supply chains?(ii) Is the security perfect?(iii) What lessons can humans learn from how ATP supply chains are secured in the human body?(d) ATP is a single nucleotide. Name two important macromolecules in the human body that also contain nucleotides.(e) How is the energy ATP stores made available in cells?(f) Briefly state the fundamental biologic cycle of energy. Solution: the strings and the math.Any being has at least one basic need at creation. These basic needs are natural demands of the being. Natural demands must be met by supply chains. In other words, natural demands and the supply chains that meet them are existential imperatives necessary for the maintenance of existential equilibrium. Over time, humans have created various demands beyond those incorporated in them at creation. Consequently, there exist various supply chains. However, most human supply chains cater to humans' natural demands and mutants of the demands.Supply chains are at the heart of existence and they are configurations of PjProblemStrings Sequences.(a) Name two primary natural demands required by living things on earth and indicate the supply chains for the demands.(bi) Identify two primary supply chains in the human body and indicate the demands they meet.(ii) Identify the forces and the motions of the PjProblemStrings Sequences of the supply chains.(ci) Land ports, sea ports, air ports (and in the future, space ports) are supply chains. Indicate the demands they meet.(ii) Which of the seven types of PjProblemStrings Sequences are commonly seen at airports? Which types are rarely seen?(di) Figure 177 is a sketch of part of the supply chains of the super market with H as headquarters, D1 and D2 as depot, D11, D12, D13, D21, D22, D23 as individual stores. B is the supermarket's bank that links H to banks network. Why is it easy to see in figure 177 that H is the head office (or headquarters)? (ii) What part of the supply chains is not included in figure 177? (e) Communication with one another was an early human desire. Over the years, humans have created complex communication supply chains. What force is always present in any human communication supply chains?(f) Demand goes to supply or supply goes to demand. Both scenarios are present amongs humans. Indicate scenarios when the former movement is preferable. (gi) Google Search is a variant of the offload scenario. Explain. (ii) What type of PjProblemStrings Sequence are the displayed results of a Google search? Solution: the strings and the math.The PjProblemStrings Sequences examples given previously for each of the seven types of PjProblemStrings Sequences are visible to the unaided eyes. Some PjProblemStrings Sequences are invisible to the unaided eyes. These sequences are electromagnetic waves (excluding the visible light of the electromagnetic spectrum). (a) How are electromagnetic waves formed?(b) How are electromagnetic waves different from other waves (eg. ocean wave)?(c) There are seven types of PjProblemStrings Sequences. Electromagnetic waves are PjProblemStrings Sequences. To what group will you assign them? Solution: the strings and the math.PjProblemStrings Sequences are the work-horses of dynamic spaces. The primary types are as follows: (1) Stand-alone PjProblemStrings Sequences(2) Queueing PjProblemStrings Sequences(3) Colliding PjProblemStrings Sequences(4) Displacement PjProblemStrings Sequences(5) Overlapping PjProblemStrings Sequences(6) Hovering PjProblemStrings Sequences(7) Linked PjProblemStrings Sequences(a) Give at least one example for each of the seven types of PjProblemStrings Sequences.(b) Interprete Newton's first and third laws of motion in the context of PjProblemStrings Sequences. Solution: the strings and the math.The Number Line is a great human invention. Its current state is a consequence of centuries of development of an initial primitive one-one mapping of symbols to the existential awareness of physical quantities in space. The success of the Number Line is due to its explicit and implicit values. The myriad advanced number theories are consequences of its implicit value. The cardinality and ordinality of numbers are consequences of its explicit value. Consider the following scenarios:Scenario I: a crane offloads the containers of an importer from a container ship one container at a time and stores them in an allocated space onshore. The importer's guard who has the identities of the containers ensures that the containers are accurately offloaded.Scenario II: the customers of a service company queue up in front of a service counter. The company's guard ensures an orderly queue. (a) Which of the scenarios involves PjProblemStrings Sequencing?(bi) Which scenario emphasizes the cardinality of numbers?(ii) Which scenario emphasizes the ordinality of numbers? (iii) Explain how the guards' responsibilities are influenced by the cardinality and ordinality of the scenarios.(c) Consider a number line initialized via PjProblemStrings Sequencing:(i) define the 0 (zero) of such a number line.(ii) Interprete the positive whole numbers of such a number line.(iii) Interprete the negative whole numbers of such a number line. (d) The coordinates of the cartesian point A(x, y, z) is derived via PjProblemStrings Sequencing. Explain. Solution: the strings and the math.We are Jacks of all knowledge and we aspire to master all by stringing our brains using the TECians' Tools.

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