Stroke Education

Web Name: Stroke Education






purpose of this website is to explain stroke in easy-to-read practicalexplanations. Stroke is a complex disease and cannot beexplained in just a few pages. We have tried to organize thissite as a common sense approach to stroke so that the stroke caregivercan easily understand. Our websitebegins by providing a link to our stroke awarenesswebsite. Our first goal is to teach you what therisk factors are with having a stroke. We want you to learn how toprevent a stroke from happening in the first place! Next, our websiteprovides you with all of the medical terms that you might need to know,especially as a stroke caregiver. For your convenience, an A - Z Glossaryhas been developed to help you understand those words often used bydoctors. Then, wedefine the various types of stroke,ie Ischemic, Hemorrhagic,Brainstem and TIA. The next section explains how the brainis structured. All of the most important areas of the brainare identified. We give an in-depth explanation of whatfunctions of the body are affected by stroke to the Brainstem,Cerebellum or Cerebrum. We explain these functions anddeficits caused by stroke. Next, weprovide guidance and questions the stroke caregiver might have whenselecting a rehab hospital. Lastly, we discuss how importantit is to starting rehabilitation after a stroke. Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, armor leg, especially on one side of thebody Sudden confusion, trouble speaking orunderstanding Sudden trouble seeing in one or botheyes Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss ofbalance or coordination

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Everything you ever wanted to know about stroke. Topics include an A - Z Glossary of stroke terminology, an explanation of the types of stroke, sleep apnea as a cause of stroke, pseudobulbar affect as a side-effect of stroke, we answer your questions about stroke rehabilitation and explain what is involved with recovering from a stroke.

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