Net Neutrality | Free Press

Web Name: Net Neutrality | Free Press






This legislation would restore the robust Net Neutrality rules — which have overwhelming support across the political spectrum outside of Washington, D.C. — that the Trump FCC destroyed in 2017. These protections also passed the 115th Senate in a bipartisan vote.Saving Net Neutrality is crucial to preserving civil rights online. The open internet is where movements are born, where communities often ignored or stereotyped by mainstream media can tell their own stories, and where families, friends and people who otherwise would never connect can join together.The House passed this legislation — now the Senate needs to step up and heed constituents’ wishes. Pass the Save the Internet Act. You will receive periodic updates from Free Press and the Free Press Action Fund. You may unsubscribe at any time. Net Neutrality keeps the internet free and open — enabling anyone to share and access information of their choosing without interference from companies like AT T, Comcast and Verizon.Net Neutrality is not negotiable. It’s essential to everything we need in our society and democracy — from educational and economic opportunities to political organizing and dissent. Our Work on Net Neutrality The Trump administration is doing everything it can to lock down free speech and dissent — including attacking the open internet. Here s what you need to know about our fight to stop them. John Lewis: A Fighter for Media Justice, Too Civil-rights icon John Lewis recognized that protecting the open internet is a critical racial-justice issue. Pai s Destroying Internet Adoption, Not Just Net Neutrality During a new COVID surge and amid trauma from environmental disasters and police violence, the Trump FCC is giving away its power to get and keep people connected. Free Press Action Double Header in Congress March 12 was a big day for Free Press Action on Capitol Hill, with our team testifying at hearings on Net Neutrality and the T-Mobile/Sprint merger.This legislation would restore the robust Net Neutrality rules — which have overwhelming support across the political spectrum outside of Washington, D.C. — that the Trump FCC destroyed in 2017. These protections also passed the 115th Senate in a bipartisan vote.Saving Net Neutrality is crucial to preserving civil rights online. The open internet is where movements are born, where communities often ignored or stereotyped by mainstream media can tell their own stories, and where families, friends and people who otherwise would never connect can join together.The House passed this legislation — now the Senate needs to step up and heed constituents’ wishes. Pass the Save the Internet Act. You will receive periodic updates from Free Press and the Free Press Action Fund. You may unsubscribe at any time.

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Net Neutrality keeps the internet free and open — enabling anyone to share and access information of their choosing without interference. Our Save the Internet campaign fights for Net Neutrality.

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