Lets Love Our Girls - Love Our Girls

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description:Bring awareness to the injustices women and girls face around the world.
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Bring awareness to the injustices women and girls face around the world.


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Spread awareness on the 14th of every month to your network with information and experiences of girls that this website will function as a hub to provide. #loveourgirls

Reclaim Valentine’s Day every year by making girls and women around the world caught in injustices your Valentine. #reclaimvday

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To provoke real change through awareness
To create a movement of changemakers
To love our girls and women worldwideOUR MISSION

To provoke real change through awareness

To create a movement of changemakers

To love our girls and women worldwide

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Did you know? In many countries, women in paid work earn 10% 30% less than men. Did you know? 2/3 of the 774 million people worldwide who are illiterate are women. Did you know? 40,000 girls under the age of 18 become child brides everyday. Did you know? 62 million girls still dont have access to education. Did you know? 830 women die due to preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth everyday.


of all new hiv infections among adolescents in africa are girls


of the population living in absolute poverty are women and girls
‘I use soft colours people wouldn’t associate with black men’The LA-based painter talks about how her hyper-realistic work reflects and challenges society’s ideas about black lives

“I’ve never walked in the shoes of a black man. I don’t know what it’s like to be a black man. And [despite a love of and relationship with black men] I wanted to start with my experience of not being able to have that fuller understanding.”

It’s a risky and provocative way to begin a body of work. But as 45-year-old Los Angeles-based artist Calida Rawles talks about her work, that poignant awareness of our human inability to truly know anyone else’s experience seems to lie at the centre of her new four-piece exhibition, On the Other Side of Everything.

I spoke to Rawles ahead of the opening of her first solo show in New York, held at Lehmann Maupin. Rawles signed with the gallery in February. In 2019, she painted the cover image for Ta-Nehisi Coates’ first novel, The Water Dancer. Then, in 2020, she had her first solo exhibition, A Dream for My Lilith, at the Los Angeles gallery Various Small Fires. It was a show that, like her new one, used the interplay of water and the human form as a medium to explore identity, race, human relationships and the social politics of blackness in America, with radiating, shimmering and provocative work centered on black bodies.

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When She Leads


You may not be aware of it, but there is a revolution underway. And there will come a time when the revolution will change the world as we know it. It’s the Girl revolution. There are so many amazing girls in the world right now. They are fearless, focused and fully determined to make real and lasting change. October celebrates International Day of the Girl and we here at LOG celebrate girls across the globe who have made and continue to make true change a reality in their communities. These young women are leaders, who embrace their passion and create innovative ways to make the world that much better.

I remember when I created Love Our Girls, it was built on the fact that women and girls are denied their full potential in this world and as a result, the world is missing out, on all it could be and how much further we could go, for justice, equity, balance and care of our societies and for humanity as a whole. Therefore, seeing all these girl leaders, learning of their abilities and breakthrough achievements truly gives me a great sense of hope. If young girls are taking the world by the horns and steering it, despite all the things that try to hold them back, that’s a world I am excited to inhabit.

Take the time this month to get to know some extraordinary young girl leaders. Leaders like sixteen year old Marley Dias, the founder of #1000BlackGirlBooks, whose passion for literature led her to gather a catalogue of books that feature black female protagonists. She is now an author herself and sets a great example at her young age of bringing stories about those often unseen and unheard to the forefront. We focus on women leadership with our featured organization Bossed Up, which seeks to give women the access and guidance they need to step into leadership roles in their field. We are still unfortunately in a world where women in leadership is not anywhere near the norm. Socialized practices still discourage women and girls from garnering leadership positions. It is still almost an act of rebellion for a woman to put herself forward to take the lead. Bossed Up serves as a place where women can be encouraged and empowered to take charge.

We further feature more young girls taking on leadership in their communities, setting themselves on paths to make real impact. Take the time to honor girl leadership this month, we need these young leaders of today, to guide us to a better tomorrow.

Marley Dias is a purpose-driven 16-year-old founder of #1000BlackGirlBooks and author of Marley Dias Gets It Done: And So Can You! The 2021 Ambassador of National Educational Association (NEA) Read Across America. Host and Executive Producer of Netflix’s Bookmarks: Celebrating Black Voices.

Marley launched the #1000BlackGirlBooks drive in November of 2015, leveraging the power of social media to reach a larger audience. The goal was to collect 1,000 books featuring Black female protagonists by February 2016. The story went viral and was picked up by media outlets around the world as well as bloggers, schools, youth-focused organizations and millions of individuals who wanted to participate in the project. Marley has collected over 13,000 books to-date.

Marley has spoken at the White House’s United State of Women alongside Michelle Obama and Oprah, The Forbes Women’s Summit, United Nation’s Girl Up, Inbound, CEO Action for Diversity and Inclusion, the Social Innovation Summit and several others. Marley was recognized by TIME, as one of the 25 most influential teens in 2018.

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Bring awareness to the injustices women and girls face around the world.

Bring awareness to the injustices women and girls face around the world.


In anticipation of Valentine’s Day, I’d like to write a love letter to women. As an actress, I have the good fortune of a being able to play a complex, strong and flawed woman. As a writer, scripting narratives is my act of resistance, my way of bringing that unheard African female voice front and center and allowing it to manifest its astounding value. I have always had a passion for women and girls, a hope to see them function on the same playing field as men and have the same opportunities and appropriate protections. I want to be more than an actress and storyteller but an advocate for women, not only in underdeveloped countries but all over the world.

I was born on February 14th, 1978. My father named me Danai, in commemoration of my birth on the day of love and romance; Danai, in my parent’s native tongue, Shona, means to be in love or to love one another. I always embraced this day of teddy bears and excessive red roses as my day. But I have finally figured out a more purposeful meaning of Valentine’s day. This year, and every year to come, I am seeking to reclaim Valentine’s Day, to make it about loving our girls.

There are too many women and girls out there, caught in fundamental injustices with deep inner wounds. This Valentine’s Day, 62 million girls will still be denied the right to get an education, 14 million girls per year will continue to be married off as child brides without a choice, in Northern Nigeria, our girls will still not be brought back and more girls will continue to be abducted and sold in a sex slave market and gang raped in Syria. Girls and young women even in the wealthiest countries in the world will continue to struggle to step into their own authentic confidence. They still won’t have a seat at many tables of decision making and will remain so hyper-sexualized by the media they will turn into people pleasers and become beauty obsessive, neglecting the development of their true abilities, character and power. How is this still the world we inhabit?

Lets bring about change with love. I want to reclaim Valentine’s Day as a day when we seek to validate our girls and women globally and lessen the gender gap inch by inch. It has to start with love – love being a verb, not a noun. Join me in making women and girls your Valentine, in making the world a better place for just one woman or girl on the globe. Every month, on the 14th, pledge with me to bring awareness to your network of the struggles, experiences or challenges of a girl or woman across the world.

Let’s do this. Let’s love our girls.

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Bring awareness to the injustices women and girls face around the world.

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