Living Loving Breathing Boys | I am mom to 6 amazing boys! Together, with my wonderful husband, we

Web Name: Living Loving Breathing Boys | I am mom to 6 amazing boys! Together, with my wonderful husband, we






Living Loving Breathing Boys I am mom to 6 amazing boys! Together, with my wonderful husband, we run a crazy, loving, noisy household. This is a place where I let it all hang out! Come join me as I work it out! Skip to content HomeAboutArchivesContact Older posts John Doe Posted on by Reema

Sanj and I were watching TV last week and as is the case when the remote is in his hand (99% of the time), he channel surfs (THIS IS SO ANNOYING TO ME because I actually like commercials)! ESPN (or some version of that) was on of the channels that he surfs. On the screen was a young man being interviewed by a very empathetic reporter. The man being interviewed was crying as he shared a gut wrenching story. Kyle Beach came out as the John Doe who was sexually abused by a coach. It has taken the hockey world by storm, as it should! Hockey is a sport, well, truthfully, all sports are infected with sex scandals and yet there is the culture of silence. (Toronto Sun)

Sigh. My heart broke for this guy. Kyle Beach, a 20 year old, joined the Chicago Blackhawks. Being a mom of 5 sons who lived hockey, this was equivalent to a lotto win! He was sexually assaulted by one of the coaches. When he reported with assault, the leaders decided (in my words) that winning the Stanley Cup was priority. After they won the Cup the team allowed the perpetrator to-remain on the team and celebrate the win.

The perp was later met with by the head ups and offered the chance to resign without an investigation. He received a severance, a play off bonus and was paid his salary for months to fall. He was even allowed to bring the Stanley Cup to his home town (a big deal) and have his name engraved on the trophy.

This is the gist of the story. As I watched this young man, tears streaming down his face, sharing the story, my heart broke and yet I felt that familiar anger that justice never seems to be served.

Heres the reality WHY WOULD HE LIE!!! Who would want to live through this? I hate that the reality is this man will always be known by this story. He will be known as a survivor. He will use his pain to help others. It is what survivors do.

I think the hardest thing about being a survivor is accepting that it is part of your identity from here on out when you share. Kyle Beach said he shared his story to help others. I applaud him. Hiding from your pain does not facilitate healing. There is never going to be freedom if that pain is not addressed.

I am struggling with the justice system. It sucks. Ok I realize that a lot of good is done. A lot of bad guys are caught and serve time. And yet what about those that are not? It is so maddening to me. A victim can go in and report what happened. Then the perp is charged or arrested and given a day in court. THIS can take a year or longer. Meanwhile a perp is still living his/her life. The victim is surviving. One day at a time. Looking over their shoulder. Locking doors. Wondering when they may come into contact with the perp.

I am glad I shared my story. Sure my rapist is out there. Sadly the statue of limitations in Ohio was only 9 years, so criminal action was taken away as an option. I feel like God led me with baby steps to share and make this part of my ministry. I know it isnt for everyone. I know that my voice is speaking for others. And yet I cant wait to be in heaven where there will be only peace and love.

Im not sure why I am writing this post except that maybe one person needs to hear that you are not alone. Maybe one guy out there needs to know that sadly this happens to men as it does women. I am not saying you need to go to the authorities(only you can make that call) but I am saying that you are not alone. Seek help there is so much to be gained by sharing with someone, preferable a trained professional.

Posted in General | Leave a comment Viagra For Women! Posted on by Reema

I am back! Oh my goodness, how much I have missed writing about nonsensical things! There is so much that I could have written about this incredible journey of being a PUBLISHED AUTHOR and yet I miss just writing for the sake of simply writing!

I havent been on my blog site regularly ( simply because I have written little bits on my Facebook page. Imagine my shock, horror and appalment when I decided to write and opened up my site to a page that was selling VIAGRA- some online pharmacy!!! OMGOODNESS!!!! If I can digress a moment, I will admit it did catch my attention! Did you know there is a VIAGRA for women?!!! The site is called the HappyFamilyMedStore. And the good news is orderswill be packed safe, secure and in a package that does not disclose its contents! Phew! I was worried. It also says that it has other components to help uncover the sensual aspects of the female soul, working to increase libdo, liberating and relieving psychological stress! Wow relieves psychological stress I am mean would chug this down if it added, relieves hot flashes!!!

Bahahahaha! I love the internet! I love science and all the things that keep me as sane as I can possibly be. Seriously, medical peeps. VIAGRA for women thoughts? If Sanj reads this I may know what I may be getting for Christmas!!! LOLOL

Ok enough of the nonsense. But it did make me smile! Life is changed so much since Covid, hasnt it? On one hand, I love having everyone around and my quiver continues to be full. On the other hand, I feel so bad for the life changing pains and hardships that have come with covid. I also feel for my kids who have had online school over the past year and some and really have missed out on the social aspect that comes with this time of life. Balancing partying with exams and assignments and their jobs. Yet all in all everyone is hanging in there.

Then there is the cost of housing how on earth are my babies supposed to get their own places when the prices are astronomical? Oh my goodness!!! Even simple dumpsters, truly homes that can only be demolished are beyond reach! Sigh. We have under 5 acres. We have been joking that the boys may have to get trailers and set up out back. We cant build anything more than a 1010 on our property. As much as I joke, I do think that there is a possibility that this could be some reality. I actually think it would be cool, to some degree. Sanj made a campsite out back when he had his yearly play day with the excavator on Fathers Day. I mean, let’s say 3/4 of the boys get trailers (which are pretty awesome), as long as they have water to accommodate toilette needs it would be so cost effective!

Can you tell I am just rambling? A few of my kids are really into the stock market and crypto-currany. It is certainly a whole different world! And truthfully no matter how many times it is explained, I dont really get it. The reality is as long as there is money in the bank, and it has gotten there legally, I am a happy camper.

I have been laid up the last week (I’m good ) and during this time I found myself glued to TikTok!!! There’s a lot of stuff on there my age group that cracks me up! I was appalled when my phone usage called me out that I had an issue!!! On the flip side, I’m motivated to get back to my yoga.

Boy this felt good to just write! I’m sure the next post I’ll add a book update but for now Happy Monday!

Posted in General | Leave a comment Being Beautifully Held! Posted on by Reema

This last week has been exhausting! I have been up late nights and early mornings like I was nursing a new born baby! I just sent my master manuscript maker (aka my editor) my final draft with my seal of approval! I am hyper active by nature. Life in general can be very exciting for me, even simple things, such as foolishness with my boys. Sanj comes home and I can literally talk his ears off about nothing and do so quite animatedly. I am sure he often wonders if it is too late for me to be given a dose of methylphenidate.

What I mean is that my mind does not know how to stop or even slow down. I have plenty to do during the day, on top of going through the drafts and editing my manuscript. I think I have it memorized!

TAGS:my wonderful Together with run crazy husband we 

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