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In (re)Movement ModeHelping you move your body, shift your mindset, and overcome hurdles, not create them.Let’s start moving. // removing pain, injury and psychosocial barriers that inhibit your movements// rewiring non-serving thought and physical patterns that have become habitual// returning you to running, activity or doing LIFE// re-establishing productive movements, by addressing the root cause of the problemthis is Pilates.MovementYou’re here because you want to move better, move more or move without pain in a way that you enjoy and can maintain. MindsetYou’re here because you want to shift your mindset around health, learning how to overcome hurdles that inhibit you from making sustainable changes. a body of work.For the longest time I resisted because of that fear thing; the fear of failing and the fear of it not working out. The question of how to put the pieces together and how to make it into something. More than that though, the question of how I could possibly make this into my job . . .But now, I help people through Pilates to move more and become better at their activity (personally I prefer running) or doing life. I address the mindset hurdles that hold us all back from excelling in those activities or in crafting our desired lifestyle - the foods to eat, the confidence to gain and the mantras to say (or not). And then I learn about it, write about it, talk about it, and share it with the world. this is Laura.With education in psychology, holistic nutrition and clinical Pilates, my own research and experiences have helped me understand the role of mindset and brain behaviour in actions, habits, change and overcoming hurdles. I have worked with clients to improve their nutrition, to facilitate movement, and to help them follow a path towards becoming the healthiest version of themselves.But they didn’t always get there. And I became increasingly frustrated and disheartened by the people I was seeing fail to reach their goals, or end up in a cyclical pattern that didn’t progress them forward. “There is something missing,” I concluded.let’s get moving. Weekly Drop In Need a weekly #youvegotthis reminder? I’ll drop in with a mindset-focused, motivation-driven, real talk email . . . just when you need it!

TAGS:laurapeill com 

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